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Which leaders do you love/hate?

New like: Montezuma!

No threat to the player. Will suicide his weak stacks on moderately well-defended cities in the classic age. Jaguars are easy lunch for axemen.
He is likely to lose spectacularly to the player and then gift a tech in peace treaty.
Better yet, Monty is usually willing to be bribed into a war against another AI and will actually make a (poor) effort, unlike other some AIs who will sit at home and make peace after 10 turns.

He usually ends up as my vassal. As a vassal Monty can contribute well in wars when you give him techs to cover his patheticly low research.

New hate: Napoleon
As a creative AI he does only too well. Often ends up near the top of the scoreboard in the early game and commands dangerous stacks.

Almost as agressive as Monty, but without any of monty's good qualities. Unreliable as an ally. Dangerous as an enemy. Expands too fast while at peace.
Love: Isabella!

Hate: All protective leaders, Darius, Suleiman, Suryavarman, Mansa Musa
Nappy is not creative , Louis is
but yes all the French are not truthworthy
not like i have anything against the french . Lots of the girls are very beautiful :D
Playing Earth18Civ, I prefer to play as Freddy and take Paris. An early warrior-rush really comes in handy. Then, swap to the religion of Isabella and (usually) Caesar... to prevent them from declaring wars on me. I learned the hard way with that--Caesar had iron and so he had Praets. I was fodder for him, until I made peace and made him my buffer.
Nappy is not creative , Louis is
but yes all the French are not truthworthy
not like i have anything against the french . Lots of the girls are very beautiful :D
I'm French, and I wouldn't trust any of the French in that game. :D

Louis seems to be the less dangerous or encline to wage wars, but his creative borders and his wonderhogness makes him a pain to have around. Napoleon and De Gaulle are a downright threat, and need to be dealed with asap before they become too powerful and have too many vassals.
Louis is a surprisingly good warmonger. In my current game with him he vassalized Monty after about 3 wars. First war Monty declared on him and he ended up losing 2 cities. 2nd time i bribed monty to attack him and he ended up losing a few more. 3rd time I bribed Louis to attack Monty and Louis ended up taking over the small continent they shared entirely, and monty was relegated to a couple of crappy cities he had set up on another continent.

In my last game he vassalized Boudica, then Pericles, and was beating up Monty again before Monty vassalized to Kublai.
Favourite: Elizabeth (pulls her weight in war, pulls her weight in research, first rate vassal, excellent ally, hates most of the people I hate, likes most of the civs I like). I almost never say no when Lizzy asks for something (about the only exception is if she asks for literature before I have finished the Great Library). And, when I give her rifling I don't see Aztecs, Zulus and Mongols with rifles shortly afterwards.

Very good: Frederick, Hatshepsut and Victoria (but I probably wouldn't like Victoria if she were far more powerful than my civ). I seldom refuse requests.

Good: all 3 American leaders (but not definitely not as good as Freddy and Hatty)

Benevolent indifference: Pacal, Ghandi, Tokaguwa (Toky won't let anyone through his territory and he very rarely troubles me so I see him as a secure border, sometimes I give a a few techs or a resource to help him keep people out of his territory)

Negative: Montezuma, Shaka and Genghis (but they do make the game more interesting)

Annoying: Mansa Musa and Zara Yocob (I just get sick of them constantly asking for things, it gets too repetitive). Also they have no hesitation dishing techs out to anyone including their own enemies. (To give rifling to Mansa means you may as well cut out the middleman and give it straight to Monty)

Must be completely destroyed: Hannibal, snivelling sycophant or arrogant monster depending on relative power but always a treacherous backstabber, can't be trusted even at Friendly. (Catherine is almost as bad). Both pop up asking for things with an irritating frequency. I wish there was an "ignore this pest option" in diplomacy.
Yeah, I don't get this bad reputation for Hannibal. I have him in near every game, and he never backstabbed me. I find him to be totally reliable.
Louis is a surprisingly good warmonger. In my current game with him he vassalized Monty after about 3 wars. First war Monty declared on him and he ended up losing 2 cities. 2nd time i bribed monty to attack him and he ended up losing a few more. 3rd time I bribed Louis to attack Monty and Louis ended up taking over the small continent they shared entirely, and monty was relegated to a couple of crappy cities he had set up on another continent.

In my last game he vassalized Boudica, then Pericles, and was beating up Monty again before Monty vassalized to Kublai.
He's not bad at war, he just doesn't base his whole game on agression like the two others. Nappy and De Gaulle will dow on their closest neighbour the first chance they get, Louis usually don't unless the neighbour is pissing him off. He's mostly a builder, while the two others are warmongers. He's a litlle bit of a religion freak too, so he can declare on a heaten.
I had Hannibal and Justinian at Cautious for most of my game. They never DoW'd on me, probably because of my massive defending force and navy. Any invasion was quickly stopped by battleships, supplemented by a massive economy to BUY techs with cash. Usually it was beakers * 0.8 = gold cost. It was seriously awesome to be able to buy any tech you want. Doubly so when you have such a surplus turn after turn that you cannot help but spend that money somewhere. I couldn't run US most of the game, I was on HR because I didn't build the Globe Theatre.

I actually like Sury--he sometimes makes an empire for us to rule. Last game I won with him in a PA, my score turned out to be 12000 or so. He was willing to liberate most cities that weren't on his continent. Good thing too--it was so late-game that I could afford to sustain the maintenance costs.
Friends: Zara, Pacal, Liz, Vicky, Cyrus, Mansa, Gandhi, Asoka

Meh: Gil, Stalin, Pete, both Romans, Darius, both Ottomans, Kublai, Wang, Churchill, HC, both Greeks, both Germans, both Egyptians, Willem, both Chinese, Brennus, Hannibal, Justinian, Hammurabi, Sal, all three Americans

At least they're predictable; or just keep them busy: Monty, Shaka, Rags, Cathy, Boudica, Tokugawa, Genghis

The annoying ones: Izzy, Joao, Suryavarman, Charlie, all three Frenchies

and the one I hate above all: Sitting Bull. Someone's getting bribed to attack him until I get rifles, after that I'm gonna take all his cities except one crappy tundra city.

And of course, like everything else in this game we love, nothing is certain. Just for writing this I'm going to get backstabbed by Zara and Liz, and Joao is going to join in to help me. But I'll still hate sitting bull.
I used to really dislike Charlemagne because of his missionary spamming. I finally gave up and let him convert me to his religion and convert most of my cities for me. Just because I tend to found Confucianism or Christianity doesn't mean I have to be that religion. Since he'll often convert another couple of players, you have a good chance for an alliance.

I think Justinian is another missionary spammer.
It depends on the game really... The exception would be my natural hatred towards Tokugawa who is just a waste of space and messes up world diplomacy all the time by being a jerk if he's not taken care of.

But usually, I only really consider someone trustworthy if they are friendly towards me. Sometimes some of the obvious peace lovers I trust at lower (Hatty and Ghandi..) Exception to my general rule is Catherine who is just never trustworthy but it's part of her charm I guess.
I used to really dislike Charlemagne because of his missionary spamming. I finally gave up and let him convert me to his religion and convert most of my cities for me. Just because I tend to found Confucianism or Christianity doesn't mean I have to be that religion. Since he'll often convert another couple of players, you have a good chance for an alliance.

I think Justinian is another missionary spammer.
The trick with missionaries spammers is to let them convert the whole continent, and then declare war on them to take the holy city. Nobody will hold it against you, since you're all big religious buddies.
In my games playing as Churchill or Alexander.
Friends- Ceasor, ragnar, the 3 french leaders, Gandhi, the american leaders.
Enemys-shaka,monty,wang khan, and the 2 Germans
the rest are mostly neutral.
Hannibal doesn't dow at pleased or friendly. He's one of the few trustworthy warmongers, actually.

Thanks. I didn't know that. The only time I have had him at pleased or friendly was when we had same religion. I wiped him out anyway. I get sick him constantly popping up asking for this, that and everything else. :D (Some of the AI's just get too repetitive. I don't want to see Hanny or Cathy every 5 minutes asking for things.)
Actually, for me, I don't have much experiance. However, in my little experiance:

* Pacal: I hate this tech-whoring, tech-hoarding space-race winning person. He steals MY victory condition, and ALWAYS is miles ahead of the tech race. I am laughing at him now, however, as he is the colony vassal of the second most technologically backward civilisation on the planet, so he doesn't stand a CHANCE of getting a decent tech lead

* Monty: Hate. This guy, in every war I have faced, refused to stop war unless I had given him a CITY, despite the fact that I defended some 10 waves of 10+ troops (which, incedentally, gave him a grand total of 2 War Wariness in his size 10 cities. I have 2 or 3 base War Weariness in my size 8 cities, and 5 or 6 in my size 18, and I lost 2 units (~10 if you include "Part-units" units that were damaged)

* William Van Oranje. I mean, who hates this guy? I LOVE him. He is the only person I know that I can rely on the fact that

A) He will found a religion
B) He will spread it to every city I have, regardless of whether it already has a religion
C) He will not hate me TONS, like other religious nuts (Isabella etc.) if I choose not to convert.

And he will sacrifice his OWN production, and economy, just to make sure his state religion is in my cities, as long as he isn't too pissed off to cancel Open Borders.

I would LOVE to meet the Indian civs... but I never do!! I do, however, need to make more friends. I am usually opertunistic, but I would like to have someone I say "I will always be your friend, forever", as I normally PLAY as William Van Oranje!!

Oh, and Suliman I don't like, as he all too often back-stabs me. He did it once, at CAUTIOUS, and I had a decent army too... So I normally don't make friends with him. Now, with a FRIGGIN OCEAN between us, I think I will be safe...
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