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Which leaders do you love/hate?

Love -

Hatty (Best trader IMO, easy to take over if needed)

Saladin (Only if I adopt his religion, I killed off all of our "Brothers and sisters in faith" once, and he still loved me)

Augustus (Solid ally/trading partner, don't know if I've ever had a war with him)

Ghandi (Of course, good ally, never back stabs, well never has for me)

Tokugawa (Easy Civ to gang up and pick on, no one likes him)

Boudica (Don't know how, she's only been in one of my games, but became my vassal willingly even though she had a decent chance to take out our enemies on her own, either way, she traded before vassalage, and continued way beyond to be a good trader and military partner)

Hate - Pretty much all of the tech fiends, Zara has been a real nuisance in games of late, always seems to pop up in every game.

Stalin - Played against him for the first time, also shared a continent with him and Tokugawa...that was tough. I thought since Toku was so annoying that I could team up with Stalin and have a strong partner, we took over Toku, though he beat me to Vassaling him which was my first mistake. I had Pleased and Friendly most of the game with him, yet he completely refused to trade with me, even cheap techs. I had to build one hell of an army to take him on, I thought I was doing well, took his three best cities, which were the top 3 in the world. All of a sudden Napoleon says hello from another continent...5 turns later, invades my land with Battleships, Fighters, and Marines. I wasn't anywhere near Rocketry and was only close to Assembly Line, needless to say, I resigned after a few turns of being slaughtered. Long story short, Stalin made the worst ally I've ever had, not quite sure what I expected honestly, just not this, and figured he was the lesser of two evils, but at least, now I know.
Best friends :goodjob::king:
Mansa Musa
Cyrus- Poor guy always gets annhiliated if i don't protect him, useful ally if you protect him
All of the Americans
All of the English except for Churchill sometimes
Both of the Ottomans
can't think of any others for friends
Enemies :nuke::D
Shaka- HUGE empires for me to take
PacalII- he hates my friends, i hate him
Isabella- a crusader, always on the other side of my wars
Julius Caesar- WHY WON'T YOU LIKE ME!!!?:(
Wang Kon- WHY WON'T YOU LIKE ME!!!??:cry:
Russia- they try to take my holy city at the beginning of the game
can't think of others right now
I can't remember a game where I was completely outmatched militarily. OK yes I have, the first few times I played CIV 4 on Noble and the the first five times I played BTS on Prince. With that said, I don't think there is an AI leader who is, by themselves, a true threat.

Joao is the one who has caused me the most problems. Every time I share a continent with him he seems to budy up the other civs on the continent better than me, and not offer me any half way decent trades. Plus his leader traits make him gulf up a lot of land. He has never defeated me outright militarily but in one game on noble he was enough of a pain in the ass to not allow my dominance (I was playing on a crowded world without cultural or space victories.)

I give Peter 2nd place for formidable adversary. He usually plays a lot smarter and more balanced than your average AI.

Hannibal and Charlimagne play smarter than your average AI, but have never given me a true run for my money.

Shaka - Warmonger with poor stratagey. I have a love/hate relationship with him when he borders me. Hate him because he declares war on me 4 or 5 times. Love him because every time it means more territory for me. He just comes at you with 36 tribuckets, but I am usually significantly ahead in techs so it's not much of a problem.

The Kahns - Similiar to Shaka, but don't use as much bombardment. Kubla caused me a few problems in my current game on Prince, but nothing too major.

Monty - Complete warmonger who brings no game to the table.

Ragnar - Complete warmonger who usually doesn't bring any game to the table, he did in one game though, he was a decent power, but nothing I was afraid of.

Ghandi - good tech trading partner, sneaky resource trading partner. Can be an asset, just have to be careful and watch his cultural progress on the victory screen, if it starts getting too high, it's time to invade.

Wilhem VO - Also a good tech trading partner.

Fredrick - Good tech partner.

Hatty - Good tech partner and usually easy to take over.

Isabella - annoying. Especially when there is war weariness and it's an intra-continental phony war and she refuses to talk. Had one game after I was free religion and on a different continent that we traded some techs.

OK this post is probably too long, it is my first.

In conclusion, Joao has been the only one who has really caused me problems. So I hate him the most, naturally. Favorites? There can be only one winner.
One interesting thing I noticed...some people listed the American leaders as favorites, but no one on this thread listed any of the 3 American leaders as annoying. And really, I don't ever remember getting annoyed with any of them either. I tend to use the American leaders a lot when I play a game too. Maybe they should have put Nixon in as a leader! just as a change of pace.
Which of the leaders is like a total rip-off tech trader? Which leader is the most backstabbing one?

Any civ which has a 100% peaceweighting at pleased.


All other civs, but esp Shaka, Mansa.
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