hows this?
not as pretty as the matrix-style long black leathercoat of the SS panzer (i own one of those myself), but alot warmer
submarines, russia had a few, but understandably, they had to concentrate on their land forces, germans made great ones though, and used them right, sure
bombers, soviets made really great tactical bombers, called i think IL-7, as far as i remember, theyre better than stukas
i dont think they had any (or not many) heavy bombers, but germans didnt have too many of those either
interceptors, russians made really great migs, the problem was althought the planes were very agile anmd good dog fighters, they didnt have enough firepower for the green russians pilots to hit something, but they had good low altitude perfomance, all in id say german one were better, specially the focke wolf
cunning, well thats were the germans lucked out, they had some good generals, and occasionaly they could do their work (despite of hitler )
stalin on the other hand, being the utter paranoid that he was had killed something like 20 outta 22 red army generals, and huge numbers of educated officers, but again, thats not about equipment