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Why do so-called feminists sexually assault women so much?

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Metatron, your OP came across as you trying too hard to line up too many ducks and shoot them all with one bullet. Its kind of incoherent and even JR's posts read straight don't make much less sense.

Maybe you could pick one subject area for a tighter focus because connecting predatory celebrities and feminism is a bit of a stretch.

Based on recurrent experience, the OP seems to be on a crusade against feminism, SJW-ism and maybe all of 'cultural Marxism'. That he expresses this with an eclectic English-as-a-second-European-language charm hardly makes it unique in that regard.

And oh, the poster seems to have a confused relationship with pop culture - obviously loathing it but insisting on speaking its language constantly and expecting people to 'get it', which only adds to the lack of pull the content exhibits.

3/10 would not bother thinking too hard about it.
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I am really unsure how my believing you have an obligation to intervene to stop sexual assault and harassment that happens in front of you has anything whatever to do with primordial sin. It would appear to be quite different since guilt in one case hinges on things you do (or don't do) while guilt in the other case hinges on what you are.
I think the question of whether to intervene has to extend beyond what happens right in front of us. Part of the problem we face with many of these social issues today is that most straight, white, cis-gendered men actually can go their entire lives without witnessing a distressing amount of racism, sexism, or homophobia. That audio recording of Harvey Weinstein and the young model was really disturbing to me. I've never in my life heard a man talk to a woman like that. I mean, sure, I could say "if I'd been there..." but it was no accident that I wasn't, predators like that don't want anyone else around, so the real question is, "What can I do about these things that I'm not there to interrupt as they happen?."

I keep going back-and-forth on whether members of any group have an obligation to stand up against their group's misbehavior, even if they, individually, don't perpetrate or perpetuate the misdeeds. (I don't just mean right now, I've been wavering on where to stand on this topic for decades.) This applies to a bewildering array of issues. For myself, I've kind of adopted a policy of sticking my nose in from time to time, but not demanding that others do the same. That is, I won't tell a member of another group to "come collect your people", even if I think that I would if I were in their shoes. It's a little self-serving, but I haven't come up with a better guiding principle yet. In my defense, I have done things to help groups of people other than mine. I'm not all talk and no action. But still, part of my privilege is that I'm kind of free to pick & choose my battles. I mean, yes, choosing your battles is how you preserve your sanity, but women and people of color and LGBTQ people can't always choose to take a break from those concerns (or not easily, at any rate). So, yeah, back-and-forth I go. I can't even say "like a metronome" 'cause I'm not even predictable about it. A black woman on a radio show was talking about the alt-right and neo-nazis and how White folk "need to come collect [our] people", and I was like, hey, those aren't my people, I have nothing to do with those tools. I know, that's very convenient (for me). If I wasn't just talking back to the radio, if she'd been in the room with me, I'd have probably kept my mouth shut, because I know that's not a good answer. I'd like a better answer, but I haven't found one.
I think the question of whether to intervene has to extend beyond what happens right in front of us. Part of the problem we face with many of these social issues today is that most straight, white, cis-gendered men actually can go their entire lives without witnessing a distressing amount of racism, sexism, or homophobia. That audio recording of Harvey Weinstein and the young model was really disturbing to me. I've never in my life heard a man talk to a woman like that. I mean, sure, I could say "if I'd been there..." but it was no accident that I wasn't, predators like that don't want anyone else around, so the real question is, "What can I do about these things that I'm not there to interrupt as they happen?."

I keep going back-and-forth on whether members of any group have an obligation to stand up against their group's misbehavior, even if they, individually, don't perpetrate or perpetuate the misdeeds. (I don't just mean right now, I've been wavering on where to stand on this topic for decades.) This applies to a bewildering array of issues. For myself, I've kind of adopted a policy of sticking my nose in from time to time, but not demanding that others do the same. That is, I won't tell a member of another group to "come collect your people", even if I think that I would if I were in their shoes. It's a little self-serving, but I haven't come up with a better guiding principle yet. In my defense, I have done things to help groups of people other than mine. I'm not all talk and no action. But still, part of my privilege is that I'm kind of free to pick & choose my battles. I mean, yes, choosing your battles is how you preserve your sanity, but women and people of color and LGBTQ people can't always choose to take a break from those concerns (or not easily, at any rate). So, yeah, back-and-forth I go. I can't even say "like a metronome" 'cause I'm not even predictable about it. A black woman on a radio show was talking about the alt-right and neo-nazis and how White folk "need to come collect [our] people", and I was like, hey, those aren't my people, I have nothing to do with those tools. I know, that's very convenient (for me). If I wasn't just talking back to the radio, if she'd been in the room with me, I'd have probably kept my mouth shut, because I know that's not a good answer. I'd like a better answer, but I haven't found one.

I really like the point @Arwon made earlier:

You can participate in countless little atmosphere-altering moments like laughing at or making sexist and exclusionary jokes, or not. In different social and professional settings responsibility means many things.

This is the kind of thing where if you (general you) say it doesn't happen around you I'll just call you a liar. It's relevant to your (specific you) conundrum here and I think it helps insofar as this low-stakes stuff does feed into the larger stuff like what Weinstein was apparently getting up to.
I really like the point @Arwon made earlier:
So basically, be a killjoy and nag your friends about the microaggressions and microtransgressions that don't mean anything if you don't have any sexual assaults to be vigilant about.
There are lots of explicitly racist and sexist things that get said on a day-to-day basis in schools and in workplaces and in gatherings whose critical responses to aren't just people being melodramatic or snowflakes or whatever, and I am pretty sure there are some things you would never joke about, so making that comparison in this thread is just a intellectually dishonest point.
I am pretty sure there are some things you would never joke about
Pffffft, you haven't been paying attention if you think this accurately describes me.
Pffffft, you haven't been paying attention if you think this accurately describes me.

I mean, even the most ardent "I'd say anything" people usually draw the line on say, direct threats of violence that might bring legal trouble. If not even that perturbs you, then I'd just say you're probably a jerk.
I mean, even the most ardent "I'd say anything" people usually draw the line on say, direct threats of violence that might bring legal trouble. If not even that perturbs you, then I'd just say you're probably a jerk.
I'll assume good faith, so I'll just point out that "saying anything" was not the topic, the topic was...

things you would never joke about

I don't think there's anything that I would not joke about in the right group of people.
Moderator Action: After several mod notes, it should not come as a surprise that this thread is being locked. Please do a better job of interacting respectfully with your fellow forum-goers in the future, and in making concise and coherent points to support one's arguments.
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