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Why include Portugal???

OK, lets try and close this thread and move to something more interesting like strategies, etc.

1st- I'm Portuguese
2nd- Portugal (like Spain and many others) was a worldpower in the past.
3rd-Is the 6th largest spoken language in the world (and that is not due to the 10 million inhabitants in Portugal)
4th-Until the 18th Century the destinies of Europe were often played in the new World controlled by the Portuguese and Spanish and not in Europe. We saw that recently during the cold war
5th-One thing that fsume93 should have learned in his "...skewed American education" is that Empires are not eternal. Currently, it seems America is the one - have fun while it lasts
6th- Alexander the great was not Greek, he was Macedonian. Go and find Macedonia in the map
7th-Firaxis decided that the Portuguese, Spanish, Macedonians
and many others should not appear in CIVIII. So what? LETS
Originally posted by fsume93

You believe that Portugal has more reason to be in than USA, Germany, and Britain. Interesting. Give reasons Please.

I cant think of one...

Perhaps they have more reason than Zulu or Iroquois. I could buy that if someone could prove it.
By the time Portugal was a superpower, the US didn't even exist. By the time they discovered the route to India, the current US wasn't even discovered! By the time Portugal was a superpower, Germany was a loose confederation of small duchies. By the same time, Great Britain was still occupied by Normans.

Sid Meyer set a trend, which was fully developed in Civ2, by placing the oldest superpowers as tribes. Thus, you have the Egyptians and Persian (both would disqualify according to your criteria), Romans, Greeks (by the way, Alexander is Macedonian, not Greek), Zulus, Indians, Chinese, etc... In Civ2, you've had other great ancient powers - Kelts, Vikings, etc. The logical thing to do in Civ3 would be to keep these ancient tribes, and give the player the choice to chose from a list of nationalities when reaching a new age. Saxons, for example, would have the choice to become Germans, English or Normans. But I'm repeating myself here...

What's bugging me is why are you set so much against a particular nation? This is a free world (at least I hope so), and nobody is requiring you to play as the Portugese. Let people who want them download the proper mod, and let people who don't want them ignore that mod. And you are always free to create the Redneck tribe if you want :p.
This is a free world (at least I hope so),

Parts of it are. Other parts are distressingly not. I think this is one thing that many people of the world have forgotten. We all thought that once the Soviet Union fell the world would all of a sudden become the wonderful place we always hoped it would be. Unfortunately this is still the same cold hard world we have always lived in.

Sorry to rant. Let's drop the Portugal thing. We've hashed it over quite a bit, discussed the relative merrits of Portugal and the U.S. and neither side is overly convinced. Apparently there is a Mod for those who want to play as Portugal, and If you don't think they should have been included, well, they weren't, you win.
Originally posted by fsume93
OK, so we agree that they do have some accomplishments.

I think they would be Expansionist but not sure of what else. I would argue not commercial because they ended up in financial ruin (as well as other types) based on their self reliant economic decisions. Perhaps military, but again no wealth of info on that.

Expansionist yes, and I would add religious also. They're catholic like their spanish neighbours.
Originally posted by NetDanzr

And you are always free to create the Redneck tribe if you want :p.

A redneck tribe? That would be interesting. You could come up with some interesting stuff for that. A special unit could be a type of mech infantry: drunken hillbillies in the back of a pick-up truck with deer huntin' rifles.
Although some of you want to end this Portugal-talk, I do think there's a point. Many of us would like to see the Portuguese, the Dutch, the Vikings, the Polynesians and perhaps the Aboriginals. Think about it and you could conclude that Firaxis just didn't make enough different civ's!

Then again you could say that we should create mods for this, but these are rarely good enough to compete with the quality of the real game. You won't have good animated faces of the leaders and stuff unless it is made by a true artist.

I think Firaxis should make a free expansion with the 'lost civs'.

Mmm...And someone must make this redneck civ! I guess It'll be the most popular civ ever :)
For city names on the redneck civ you could just use the track names on the Winston Cup series. The leader is of course Dale Earnhart. We'll need to add the tobacco strategic resource to build the hillbilly unit. They would have a bonus to building collesiums.

Well, there's a start.
hehe its gotta be an expansionist Civ, they gotta fit in Bill, Ted, Clyde, Seth, Chuck, Cletus, Marley, Brandon, Chip, Woody, Homer, Lewis, Mary, Mary-Jane, Mary-Sue,Mary-Lou, Mary-Mary, Sally, Aprill, Bernadette, Shimmy and the rest of the family.
Oh oh, wouldnt it be great to be able to modify the city image too! you could turn it into a trailer park! :lol: :goodjob:
If your going to have a trailer park, you have to borrow from Sim City and have a tornado.
I think that the bottom line to this whole portugese thing is - who cares about the portugese? Maybe they did run a large portion of the world at one time, but they didn't do a whole lot with it. Other than their language, what part of portugese culture is prevelant today?
The arrogance of this....

I care about the Portuguese and the Portuguese care about the Portuguese. And It's not 'maybe'. The Portuguese where once the mightiest country in the world, along with the Dutch and the British.

Now you could consider this a personal attack on zeeter, well... It is. For my opinion on the matter, just check something like 4 messages be4 this one.
First of all, I can't believe that the country of portugal has enough clout to warrent a thread this long. I mention the name portugal and my care-'o'-meter doesn't even register a reading. Its like Greenland. Who cares about Greenland?
well I dont imagine you would care about the Persians or any of those nower days lesser powerful or now non-existant civs either.
I think portugal deserves to appear in Civ 3 no doubt about it, they were a significant nation on this planet as was some of the Civ's in the prime of their time.
Who knows, maybe years from now people will be like

"First of all, I can't believe that America has enough clout to warrent a thread this long. I mention the name United States of America and my care-'o'-meter doesn't even register a reading. Its like England. Who cares about England?" :D
Now you know as well as I do that the Americans will never go out of power. We Rock and or Roll! In a few years when we're all speaking Arabic maybe we can talk about keeping the Americans out of Civ4, but for now we need not speak such things.
But lets give a bunch more reasons to add more deserving nations to Civ3 -
Iceland - was prominent in the book Red Storm Rising. In the late eighties they had the first armed robbery in the nation's history.
Mayans - Had one of the greatest civilizations in the history of the world.
Canadians - Brought us Hockey and Molson Golden.
Mexicans - Have a great drug trade.
Cuba - Cigars + Rum = 1 great partay!
Jamaica - Bob Marley
Finland - they had the olympics there one year, didn't they?
Austria - Hitler was raised there. A dubious destinction, but one nonetheless. Changed the whole 20th century.
Vatican City - one word - Pope
Poland - where would our culture be without all of those polish jokes?
Australia - I love their Coconut Shrimp.
Scotland - wouldn't it be great to have a bunch of guys on the map running around in dresses?

Yes, I am a typical arrogant American running his mouth. Please don't take me too seriously.
Originally posted by zeeter

Yes, I am a typical arrogant American running his mouth. Please don't take me too seriously.

Don't worry about that, we don't.
speaker of the free tribes

bom dia amigos,

this topic isnt over yet
Portugal was the first nation who build up a navigators academy and gave the idea to develop instruments to navigate on sea, they brought the compass over from china and becouse of the portuguise the roman church killed copernikus, couse the potuguise where the first who determinate that our world is round and not flat. because of the portuguise support the british could drive out napoleon from south europe (methuen-treaty) the reason why whole south america is not portuguise is that the pope of rome parts the world in two parts and everything but brazil was given to the spanish. the portuguise brought the first pepper vanille and stuff from india and revolute the european kitchens. the portuguise adventures made it posible for the spanish to conquest america (kolumbus first asked the PORTUGUISE king to help him, then the spanish)

US- Americans should say muito obrigado to the portuguise people
in fact the BOOM-Goa-Festival takes place in portugal (herade de zambuzal/Aquas de moura-Station/near lisbon) so only this is a reason they should apear in CIV3

portugal is a part of the European Union, the most powerfull liga in this world, the most demokratic liga in this world and i think the first mission to land on the moon will take of from courou/france/guyana and there is the tiny possibility that the first human on the moon could be a portuguise cosmonaut raising the star banner of the European Union

so this for arrogant americans and liyng NASA
Yes, America. The only nation smart enough to fake a moon landing and hide it for over thirty years. Of course you portugese only recently got electricity in you country, not to mention TV's so you probably didn't get to see it. Do you have indoor plumbing yet or do you still have to go to the outhouse?
Its too bad that you're country is so backward that you need to become part of a greater community to even feel good about yourselves. Seriously, where would you be without the EU? Probably still wishing that you were a part of Spain. Has any prominent Portugesian been born in the last four hundred years or so? Maybe this cosmonaut is your ticket back into world recognitian. Maybe we should have a benefit concert in America for Portugal. We'll call it "USA for Portugal". Maybe some of these people from south america that you're so proud of can come and sing there to help you. It's amazing that the culture of a South American country that you started has more influence in the world than you do.
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