Why no fundamentalism?

Sargon of Akkad

Mar 2, 2002
Hi, I just recently bought Civ 3 and haveplayed a few games. My only major complaint so far is that there is no fundamentalist system of governement. I never usually use fundamentalism in any of my games untill I finsish researching everything. By then I have a large empire and switching to religeous system of governement is the practical thing to do to keep the populace happy while you ignore and concentrate on building armies. The best part is that the negative side of fundamentalism is ignored cause there is nothing important to research anymore.
A guess: Firaxis removed fundamentalism after September 11.

I think it should be in the game (nazi too).
I'm a stereotyping, racist little snot and upon repeating such a comment will be banned permanantly. Good day :)
Regarding sept. 11, it is my opinion that they should've put fundamentalism into the game purely for strategic purposes. After all, they do have Panzers in the game.
Fundamentalism was probably removed because it made so much money it was too easy just to bribe all your foes cities, and it isn't a type of government in real life, it's an idea about religion. Originaly it had no negative connatation until fools began to whine about it and change the meaning.
Actually there are fundamentalist governments in real life basically they are governments ruled by religion the religous leaders. Not too many examples now only in the middle eastern countries like Iran, Afganistan well at least it was there probally more countires too.

Europe was more or less fundamentalist during the middle ages that was when they had the inquistion. Relgion more or less ruled back then the relgious leaders and the king who they would say is appointed by god.

So there were fundimlist goverments though I don`t think they really need to put it in the game. Despotism would be pretty similar.

If it was in the game though there would have to be 0% scientic progess while you have that government. Back in europe they wanted to kill galieo for his scientic research well not kill I forget the exact details but I know they didn`t like him, and since anything that undermines the authority of the church would bad aganist god or whatever, science shows alot of what relgion says to be nosense so a government ruled by relgion could not have science.
Communism became the fundamentalism of civIII because cities bigger than 12 can support 8 units just like fundamentalism could in civII. But Fundamentlism is indeed a type of goverment in the real world.
Fundamentalism is not a direct type of government. In Europe they first used militaristic dictatorships, then monarchies, then they started trying republics. All of the alleged fundamentalisms are really either some sorf of representative government, a monarchy, an olicharcy, or despotism. Fundamentalism is an approach to a religion.

If it was a governemnt then the welfare state could technically count as one too.
Actually Galileo wrote a letter explaining why his discoveries were consisent with the Roman Church. Someone found out and delivered the letter to the Inquistion and they still did not belive him. There was nothing incompatible with what the Church thought with Galileo's ideas.
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