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Wiz01- My first SG (Regent)

Jap sounds cool.... GK and I are kicking ass in another SG with the Land of the Rising Sun.
Originally posted by Wizard
PS. I've never posted a thread that gets so many replies so fast!

I hate myself for saying this Wizard, but I told you so. :)
Originally posted by Wizard
Yes, non.modded plain civ 3.

Player roster:

Gengis Khan

So, settings for now, if not altered:

Civ: Japan
Map size: Standard
Temperature: Warm
Moisture(whatever): Normal
Age: 4 or 5 billion
Winning conditions: All on

If these settings are ok, I'll try to post a save tomorrow. Thanks for your attention.


Looks good, lets do this. Is that the player order or just the player list. It seems like it is standard to have an experienced player play the first set of turns. Not that I have a problem with Evie starting, but she is just learning Regent. Also, are there any exploits that we are avoiding, such as the RBCiv set or what LKendter uses?
:confused: No, I don't think we are avoiding any exploits... If you don't wanna...

No, It isn't the player order. Who would then be the most experienced player to be the starter?

And what style are we playing? RCP or ICS? OCP? I like RCP, but it might be difficult for players new to it...
Exploits - I tend to avoid them. What do the rest of you think?

Player order, not sure. Myself, I pretty much always win Regent. However, I am not a technical player, I play more by "feel" and whim. But I am starting to pay more attention to details lately :)

As far as city placement, I tend to place my cities based on the terrain, but like to get OCP.
My humble 2c.

I'm not a big fan of RCP, scout/worker parking, any big picture/wealth/sharing tiles or any of the other between turn loopholes, fake peace treaties, worker buying to cripple the AI, palace jumping without a build, ect.

However I have no problem with pre-builds or ship chaining(after all the ships run out of gas, while the units didn't move at all).

It's up to the crowd what we go with. Also I wouldn't be completly against switching turns with Evie;)
I think GK to start is a good idea.
Am I going first? :eek: Alright, but I'll just say that you come in fully knowing I'm new at regent.
It's up to you. I'd be willing to switch with you(or even go ahead of you), so everyone can blame me if we get off to a bad start. :D
Those exploits are Ok, that are allowed in the GOTMs. The other ones are not allowed in this game.

What do you think of this player order?

Gengis Khan

I'll try to get a decent starting spot, and then I'll post it. I hope Netscape allows me to attach the save...
Oh yeah, would you want a Archipelago, Continents or Pangaea map? How much water? I think continents would be good, max land amount also...
I don't want to butt in, but if you like I could tweak a map for you so that you know you will get a fair and interesting position without having to look at the map yourself. It's only a suggestion. :)
go for it bax.
Playable Civ - Japan
Difficulty - regent
Landform - Mystery :eek:
Barbs - Roaming
Opponents - 8 preset
Sofware - Vanilla CIV III 1.29f

Your start looks like this

And your save is <<here>>.

I would be careful about the first coupla turns if I were you ;)

Have fun :D

EDIT: First player up usually plays 20 turns. Normally that would be the thread owner, though I always go last in mine out of courtesy.
I'm out of here now. But I'll watch to see how you all do.
Originally posted by Wizard
Those exploits are Ok, that are allowed in the GOTMs. The other ones are not allowed in this game.

What do you think of this player order?

Gengis Khan
me (Wizard)

I'll try to get a decent starting spot, and then I'll post it. I hope Netscape allows me to attach the save...

Do you mean we are following the GOTM exploit list? I liked what Ghengis suggested, but this is your game. Could you update your first post with all of this?

Ok, I guess I am last to fix all of you mistakes, right ;)
I don't even know of all those other exploit bans.:confused: I am a total newbie to SGs... Please inform me, quick!
One of the important rule of SG is to pay your previous player $100 if this is your first SG game. WHAHAHAHAHAHA
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