Word (or Phrase) Assocation on these Leaders


Mar 22, 2006
I am talking about Civ 4's portrayal. When you see these leaders as part of your game, your first thought is....

Abe Lincoln
Augustus Caesar
Cyrus the Great
Darius I
Qin Shi Huang
Huayna Capac
Kublai Khan
Sitting Bull
Joao II

I'd contribute but I am unfamiliar with most of these....
Abe Lincoln - Terrific headache
Mehmet - Want to buy a second hand car?
Suleiman Want to buy a third hand car?
Augustus Caesar - looks like my son
Cyrus the Great - My my, thats a little hat
Darius I - donsent look persian
Qin Shi Huang - Nice eyebrows
Bismarck - roundy little man like my Da
Frederick - big nostrils
Huayna Capac - Tintin, the 7 crystal balls
Kublai Khan - thats Qin, yeah?
Shaka - oh . .. .. .. .
Sitting Bull - litter, tears
Gilgamesh - alien
Joao II - smug little bollix
Boudica - Grunge
Pericles - Now heres a man i can do business with
Abe Lincoln - Terrific headache
Mehmet - Want to buy a second hand car?
Suleiman Want to buy a third hand car?
Augustus Caesar - looks like my son
Cyrus the Great - My my, thats a little hat
Darius I - donsent look persian
Qin Shi Huang - Nice eyebrows
Bismarck - roundy little man like my Da
Frederick - big nostrils
Huayna Capac - Tintin, the 7 crystal balls
Kublai Khan - thats Qin, yeah?
Shaka - oh . .. .. .. .
Sitting Bull - litter, tears
Gilgamesh - alien
Joao II - smug little bollix
Boudica - Grunge
Pericles - Now heres a man i can do business with

I was thinking personality more then looks, but this works too!
Abe Lincoln - splitting headache
Mehmet - nice beard
Suleiman - nice turban
Augustus Caesar - oh I'm f***ed
Cyrus the Great - I hope he doesn't have horses
Darius I - might have to early war
Qin Shi Huang - didn't you used to look different (referring to the switched art)
Bismarck - dammit, he's gonna take all the useful wonders
Frederick - gonna be hard to outtech him
Huayna Capac - I still can't pronouce that name
Kublai Khan - I can reason you a bit
Shaka - I hope he wars with me way later
Sitting Bull - so much for early war
Gilgamesh - friend or foe? (he seems to make a good friend in my games)
Joao II - hmmm, fresh meat
Boudica - if I can get a lead on her tech-wise, it's over
Pericles - easy to backstab
I kind of made the fusion of the two ways of describing them:

Abe Lincoln = Do you hate me? Or is it just a headache? Whatever. Weak.

Mehmet = In which carton did you get the character of a villain? I know you... Anyway, I never see you in CIV4, now do I?

Suleiman = Nice clothes. Why you never like me?

Augustus Caesar = Wanna surf? No? What..? War dude?? Hell.

Cyrus the Great = You look...fake, false. Oh, that is because you are.

Darius I = Oh my, go back to school! Nobody is scared of you.

Qin Shi Huang = Hum...You are so ugly that i always take you off early! :crazyeye: Nothing personal..

Bismarck = Don't try to look mean on me with that face!

Frederick = Did we ever met...?

Huayna Capac
= Uh -oh. Whatever.

Kublai Khan
= Thanks for being here! You saved me a lot of trouble just by not being someone else. Ps: You are ugly.

Shaka = :help:

Sitting Bull = [pimp]

Gilgamesh = Now...What do you remember me of? An animal for sure...An what? I offend you? An? War? Argh, why don't I shut up.

Joao II = Nice hat. Style. Now you better be my ally, because if not I will try to take you off early because you are a pain in ....

Boudica = :drool: May I touch them?? Calm down, I said it without thinking! War?!? gaellic warriors with 20 promotions?!?!?!! Me and my mouth! :sad:

Pericles = Hey man, I like you, ally? Sure :)
Abe Lincoln - Someone get this man some Tylenol

Mehmet - Nice hat.

Suleiman - What is with those EYES. CREEEEEEEEPY.

Augustus Caesar - Pound that heart!

Cyrus the Great - Chess (because of that old Chess program, Cyrus).

Darius I - Fond memories

Qin Shi Huang - Its Kublai Khan! (don't ask me what I think when I see the spearman icon :p).

Bismarck - My dad and his old songs

Frederick - Nice hat.

Huayna Capac - Johnny Quest (one of the newer episodes).

Kublai Khan - thats Qin Shi Huang!

Shaka - Suicide (both for historical reasons, and because he always commits suicide by declaring war on me).

Sitting Bull - Pow Wow. Teepee.

Gilgamesh - Nibiru

Joao II - Nail clippers.

Boudica - Boobica... I'm sorry, I know its crass, but you asked :p.

Pericles - Is it just me or does it look like he's flailing around because his helmet is obscuring his vision?

And even though she wasn't in the list:

Hatshepsut - HAT shepsut
Abe Lincoln - America... phuck yeah.... now whip some slaves.
Mehmet - Meh...med.
Suleiman - Solimon? SuuulEEMan? How the F do you say it?
Augustus Caesar - dont drop the soap...
Cyrus the Great - Aren't you the lead singer of a shiddy band?
Darius I - I wish I was playing you!
Qin Shi Huang - Didn't you used to be Kublai Khan?
Bismarck - muddy helmet.
Frederick - hes my boy.
Huayna Capac - is he the Chilean pope?
Kublai Khan - Didn't you used to be the Qin?
Shaka - again? how annoying...
Sitting Bull - well, rushing is out of the question
Gilgamesh - there aren't already enough ancient mesopatemia civs...?
Joao II - if i'm playing diety, hes the tech club all on his own. nice hat, btw.
Boudica - MILF
Pericles - permanent roid rage?
Survaryarman - Survivorman? I love that show.
Abe Lincoln - Why am I philosophic?
Mehmet - Wallah my cousin
Suleiman - Wallah my brotha
Augustus Caesar - I'm always in the lead
Cyrus the Great - My clothing is boring.
Darius I - Monkey business
Qin Shi Huang - Who said Kublai?
Bismarck - I'm just cool. I look like a nice ol' fellah.
Frederick - Rincles are good to absorb spilled juice.
Huayna Capac - I'm not skinny, my head is just the drop-offs of a Mammoth.
Kublai Khan - Who said Qin?
Shaka - Mbabwe miwalla, want to be good friends w/o vassalizing?
Sitting Bull - How.
Gilgamesh - 2 COOL TO BE SANE!!!
Joao II - what's with the beard? :confused:
Boudica - Never met her...
Pericles - easy winning bait = me!!!
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