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Worker Actions

So were stuck in a decision between doing something useless (right now) or rish losing our worker? Sounds fun to me.

IMHO, mining would be a waste, but we do need to road it.
You can't mine the cow in the plains, since it's already making 2spt. There's a resource value cap where any value 3 and over gets knocked down by one. The cattle CAN be irragated however.
Originally posted by Chieftess
You can't mine the cow in the plains, since it's already making 2spt. There's a resource value cap where any value 3 and over gets knocked down by one. The cattle CAN be irragated however.

Technically CT, it CAN be mined also, but it prolly won't help any.
Yes it can, but it'll still be 2 shields until we get out of despotism. You know what I mean. :p
Let's get those Dyes hooked up with a road from DR. We can then send a Settler down there to the #2 location.
If we can hook up the dyes, then we can forget about the temples, and expand at our lesiure. (using the lux slider as a temporary measure if needed).
If we hook up the dyes, with the wine and 2 military police I think that means we can get to size 5 without unhappiness. That would allow us to build a Granary in Deux Rivieres and churn out Settlers without having to resort to the slider.

Yes - hook up the dyes in preparation for the next Settler to go that way. The workers may need one of the Warriors as escort though just in case.

edit: If we start roading on the grassland south of the Deux Rivieres to head towards the city site for the dyes it will also give us a start on the way to a road for a city to stop the Babs expanding North.
It is 1025 BC. The current worker plan is to finish roading the dye next to Huntington. Then to clear some jungle around Huntington.

Are there suggestions as to: which tiles to clear, how many to clear, not to clear any, or other actions that should be performed?
Originally posted by zorven
It is 1025 BC. The current worker plan is to finish roading the dye next to Huntington. Then to clear some jungle around Huntington.

Are there suggestions as to: which tiles to clear, how many to clear, not to clear any, or other actions that should be performed?
It is a tremedeous waste of very valuable resources to use 3 workers to clear the jungle near Huntington. Huntington should build a warrior (or spear vs. barbs?) and afterwards its own workers.
Vandelay and Veaux Mimbre urgently need their tiles improved. Give 1 worker to each.

If we clear jungle, we clear the tile next to the river, because that gives +1 commerce.

PS: Why didn't we built the road via the grasland? It would have been much easier plus prepare for expanding SSE
tao, I thought that the route I took did not have a river crossing on the trip from Deux Rivières to Huntington. If that was the case it would have decreased travel time as opposed to the route using the grassland.
Good grieve: we are mining the hills NE of Deux Riviers!? :cry:

This takes 3 turns to road plus 6 turns to mine.
Just slabbing a road on the forrest in 3 turns would have given also 1 food plus 2 shields plus 1 commerce!

At the same time, we could/should have mined plains for Vandelay and Vo Mimbre.:goodjob:

Just look at the extremely poor production of our cities because we have no mines. We need workers ASAP everywere! Only then can we strengthen our military and income!

For this we need granaries!!!
Thank you for your comments tao. I am mining a hill SE of Deux Rivières for the use of Vo Mimbre. At least that was the intention.

I do value specific advice given by citizens, that is why I keep requesting it here. I agree that Vandelay needs to be improved. However, I was hesitant to send workers up there unescorted in light of the barbarians that seem to frequent the area.

So, please continue to provide specific advice for our workers and I will take all ideas into consideration.
For those who aren't always sure, here is a table giving worker turns required for specific actions:

Don't work in vain!:goodjob:
Great chart tao. Now a question: are the modifieres applied in succesion? For example, to clean a grassland is 12. If we are industrious and have replaceable parts, would that be 12 / 2 = 6 / 2 = 3?
Originally posted by zorven
Great chart tao. Now a question: are the modifieres applied in succesion? For example, to clean a grassland is 12. If we are industrious and have replaceable parts, would that be 12 / 2 = 6 / 2 = 3?
The chart was not done by me, but posted some months ago in the forums.

Yes you are correct: factors acumulate. And in democracy it would be only 2 turns. But 24 in anarchy.
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