Worker build orders options


Aug 5, 2007
San Jose, CA
We all know that workers can do multiple orders per tile by simply pushing the shift key. But is there a way to make the workers do a specific build order for a tile then move on to the next one?

An example would be build mine/road and then have them move one tile NW then build a road and a plantation/road then NW again build road etc.

If there is not is there something I could do in the cities governer options? Say the city is going to be a cottage city with nothing but cottages. Can I select emphasis on commerce button and automate the worker for nearest city automation and it will only do cottages/roads?

Any help or thoughts would be appreciated.
I'd love this to be possible. I'm going to have a load of Fort building coming, so it would be good to set my workers going and concentrate on something else.
If I'm correct, holding shift button also works for doing multiple tasks on the same tile and on other tiles. Juste use the road-to button.

As for the interaction between automated workers and the gouvernors, it has been enhanced in BTS it I'm correct. So if you select emphasize commerce, workers will have a tendency to build cottages.

But to be honest, you sould not automate your workers ;)
Umm...what can I say I did not think of that. Thanks a ton guys this is certainly going to make things easier.
Perhaps they build good *enough* things for your level of play. If you want to improve I think this is one of the first things you will have to lay aside ;)
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