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WOTM 03 First spoiler

Shortest game sofar.

Went polytheism, mining and bronze. Saw the bronze SE, but it was jungled and too close to a persian city to settle on top of it. So researched towards iron.

And then a 3 times promoted Zulu axe walked in and took my tiny empire :cry:
godotnut said:
Godotnut's Top Ten Reasons We Should All Be Thankful to Gyathaar for Kicking Our Asses with This Map

10. It's been a "learning experiece."

13. For people of a superstitious bent and who were therefore worried about the upcoming GOTM13, no need to worry now. You've seen the worst that can happen.

12. We all get some insight into who's really entering the spirit of the GOTMs, by being prepared to submit their entry and tell us on the forums how their game went even when they got crushed.

11. We're now at least a bit prepared for the deity level GOTM that Ainwood has said is going to happen during the current/next cycle.
godotnut said:
Godotnut's Top Ten Reasons We Should All Be Thankful to Gyathaar for Kicking Our Asses with This Map


7. We got rid of Brennus, the putz, with his stupid Gallic Warrior (defensive bonus on hills -- whoopey!)


Hey, I liked Brennus. And my Gallic Warriors rocked, thank you very much. Brennus was not the problem here. The problem was all the other leaders. If not for them, things would have gone much more smoothly.
^^^ Agreed. Brennus good.

I build settler first. I found city 2S of initial spot on blue circle, which prove very good. I got 2nd city NW coast get cows. Techs went with BW and then IW. IW because copper under jungle, makes no sense. Slowed game down. I DOW on Cyrus soon as 6 axes and 2 Gallics. Took five his cities but still at bottom of score, middle of power. Spearman vs Immortals, no contest for him. Had to go zero RR. This game is broke. Bad decsion waste one the best leaders on game not tested properly. I now spam cottage, but still not catch up. At 400 AD Ramses 10 tech lead, Isabella DOW me. Rameses Shaka score over 1200 Brennus 450. Maybe I not finish game or submit.
DynamicSpirit said:
12. We all get some insight into who's really entering the spirit of the GOTMs, by being prepared to submit their entry and tell us on the forums how their game went even when they got crushed.
I don't think I'll even win the Ambulance, so I didn't bother. :D
But I did tell how I got crushed.
I just started this game last weekend, and went to 275 AD all in one play. Wow, I didn't think I was doing all that great, thought I made a lot of dumb decisions/lack of careful playing, but reading the posts here over lunch Monday made me feel a lot better! Sorry to take such pleasure from your collective pain! :) It sounds like the fact I am not in last place is itself an accomplishment, or even that I am just still alive? Monarch has been my upper limit for being able to win, and this was my first game in 2.08 (other than running through the test game posted in the discussion thread a few times to settle my strategy for initial couple dozen turns), so I just figured I was struggling because of that & the crowded board, and everyone else was probably blowing away the AIs in their games. Reinvigorated after reading here, on Monday night I played up to 500 AD & then wrote this up. I am right at 500 AD as I write this, and have no idea what will happen next, not doing great by any means but also not yet resigned to defeat.

I'm not in last place scorewise, but pretty darn close to it, barely ahead of Ragnar & Hannibal. Ramses is leading and has nearly twice my score, and Shaka and Augustus are also way out in front of the pack, lapping at Ramses' heels. But as bad as that sounds, I'm actually ever-so-slowly clawing back, it's actually an improvement over my situation for the first 3000 years, I was dead last the whole time (like I said I made some mistakes, most notablly not really taking advantage of Brennus' special abilities, e.g. lost the race to stonehenge & never built a single momument even though Brennus gets the bonus +1 happiness) Picture worth a thousand words here:

Score graph 500 AD:
Spoiler :

I did not found any religions (or even declared a state religion -- trying to keep AIs from disliking me), and don't have a single wonder (the only one I even took a shot at was Stonehenge, and got beat out when I was about 2/3 done). I went for AH then Ag first, hoped to get one of the other religions later but they were gone before I even started to THINK about taking a shot. At the time I thought not going for a religion was one of my big mistakes, but reading here now maybe it was smart. My military was little more than an archer in each city until around 0 AD. I ended up focusing almost totally on infrastructure: workers, settlers, libraries, granaries, temples, etc., and my tech research was almost totally focused on upper half of chart, other than BW & IW, leaving me in position to get alphabet first & make lots of tech trades, and having techs others would trade for even though my overall tech was WAY behind. I have been trading every new tech immediately, to anyone & everyone who will take it (as long as I can trade with more than one civ -- but I try to pick the techs I research to maximize trading partners so that's worked out so far). This included even alphabet -- something I normally never trade until someone else gets it -- but I was so far behind in almost everything else that it was the only tech that anyone else even wanted at the time; I ended up getting a hanful of techs in trade for it, to anyone who would take it (then a tech or two more from what I got from the first trade). This was around 100BC, if you look at my score graph above you'll see I was in last place continuously up to that point, but a big jump from these trades is what got me back in the trailing pack. Desperate measures for desperate times). To get a multiplier "effect" (research a tech, then trade it immediately a few times over to get a couple more and/or cash), I have been choosing techs not based on whether I need them, but if others still need them. I am ending up making weird choices, e.g. drama when I really needed vassalage, but I'm hoping multiply my efforts 1-3x via trades to close the tech gap little by little will leave me better off for the long run.

I've managed to keep with the main of the pack in raw score the last few hundred years by doing that, even though I'm down in commerce generation & being bled of most of my production capability by an unwanted war with Cyrus which caught me with my pants down, cost me a lot of improvements & 3 workers, and forced a sitch to military from infrastructure. He is pillaging like mad but other than losing a city foolishly for one turn by leaving only one archer in, I'm holding together for now, playing uber-defense: choosing my battles and my battlefields when I can, sacrificing improvements to pillaging if I must; picking off units only as Cyrus moves deep into my southern grasslands and/or taking defensive entrenched positons on border hills (especially the copper square, which he controls) with guerilla-skilled archers, etc. I've slowly built my military this way in the face of his onslaught of Immortals, and may even be able to go on offensive soon -- just got my first cat right before 500ad & started to stock oup un gallic warriors.

Re relations, here is my at-a-glance chart as of 500AD:
Spoiler :

I got writing early, in a push to alphabet, and immediately got open borders with almost everyone in order to build good relations (as well as not declaring a state religion). For the longest time in the BC I was +1 or +2 across the board. Hopefully that paid off in keeping me form being taken out early like it sounds like a lot of other people were; no one declared war on me until Cyrus did in the early AD, and I kind of brought that on myself (see below).

My best relations are with Isabel and Hannibal, who are about as strong as me. I'm thinking I'll eventually have to team up with Isabel against Ramses, attacking from both sides, that may be the only way I'll stop him from beating me. That means eventually declaring hinduism as my religion. But for now I am cozying up to Ramses as much as possible (even switched to organized religion when he asked me to, even though I have no state religion -- anything to make him happy); any move against him will have to wait, he could crush me like a peanut shell right now if he wanted. He and Cyrus account for 80% of my total borders, otherwise just small borders with ragnar to west (on island) and zulu to east (along ring of mountains east of ivory cluster).

Until about 200 AD I didn't even have any copper or iron -- I just got iron by going over to the island, Ragnar beat me to it, building a city there two turns before i got my first galley, but it was clear that was my only likely option to get gallic warriors & other military better than chariots that I was forced by desperation to attack Ragnar to get it (which alas brought Cyrus to attack me almost immediately). But, like I said, I was desperate to get SOME kind of metal, otherwise I figured I'd eventuall be crushed like a styrofoam cup, BC was over but I could still build only archers, warriors, and chariots!!! :eek:

But I'm still alive, and I think I actually have an outside shot at winning (however remote), so I guess I should not complain. One thing that I have going for me is that have six cities, all in halfway decent locations (probably the reason I am so far behind in tech, maintennace is killing me, but as I described I am using indescriminate trading to try to not fall too far off the pace. Land % is by far my highest demographic, I'm #3 there, and I think I control more than Ramses. Maybe a picture is worth a thousand words here too:

Map of empire 500 AD:
Spoiler :

Note my second city was WAY over east just across the river where all the ivory are clustered. I figure if I can hang on & develop these six, plus maybe bite off 1 or more of the three cities cyrus put south of my capital, maybe I can eventually catch up based on having 2x the cities of Ramses.

FYI getting Yaryai (the city NW of capital on coast) may turn out getting this city may be the turning point of my game (if I can pull through!). Notice it is my only coastal city on mainland. I didn't found it but captured it from barbs, and that was due to pure serendipity. It was way more heavily defended than I could hope to take, it had two archers and a warrior in it & my military at the time had exactly one more archer than I had cities, and I couldn't build anything else but warriors. I had that extra archer sitting on top of the cows to defend the resource in case a unit came out on a raid, but no way was I going to take the city. But I had open borders with everyone I could at that time to try to keep them friendly & Cyrus apparenlty decided to attack it, he moved up an immortal & two archers (I think) on my road system, passing through the cow square where my archer was fortified. On a lark I moved my archer up to adjacent to the barb city to see what would happen, maybe the barbs would unload on him (I figure I was unlikely to be attacked by barbs I figured, I had no promotions for my archer & cyrus's did & so were stronger). Well I don't know what happened exactly, but I think the barbs did attack, and my next turn all Cyrus had left stacked with me was one healthy archer and all that was in the city was one barb archer, strength 2.0/3. I checked the odds for attacking with my archer: ~42%. After considering my prospects -- I think I was in last place, no way to get copper or iron anytime soon, and although the spot with the iron was still unclaimed on the island to the west, I had no way to build ships since all coastal locations around me were already grabbed by cyrus, ramses, or the barbs (in this spot) -- I decided it was a make or break moment in the game, and went for it, striking while the barb archer was still wounded. The random number generator gods smiled upon my efforts, and (thank god) cyrus did not attack me (... yet ...) as my victorious archer was almost dead.

If you look at the map, you'll notice that I have not chopped many of the forests around my capital yet -- I'm thinking that's my ace in the whole, I'm researching CS right now & with that will switch to bureaucracy before chopping, so I have a LOT of stored producton potential there just about ready to be tapped. I might even build heroic epic there too, if I decide to use the chops to build military to try to take out Cyrus, to really pump out the production. Not sure yet what my plan will be, but at the moment that is what I am leaning towards, to give me my best shot. Persia has the Pyramids, which might make a tempting remedy to some of my tech problems if I can get the upper hand against him.

Anyway, I'll mostly likely lose yet, but I still have hope -- which is all I can ask for. Actually it's the most I can ask for, this could end up to be a game that is a nail-biter all the way to the finish line, IMO that is the definiton of the perfect game. If so it would be the most exciting one I ever played (usually by about this time it's starting to become a foregone conclusion if I win or lose). I'm not that experienced a player -- especially in a situation like this, I'm a builder & usually setting the pace in tech -- though so maybe I'm naive & it's false hope.

I'm curious, most people posting here sound like they already lost, even though this is the first spoiler & isn't supposed to talk about events after 500 AD. Does that mean you all lost before 500 AD? I'm just wondering how much I can read into where I am right now, compared to what you all had to deal with ...
well, its nice for me to see that I'm not the only one having issues, in fact, I'd be surprised now if I DIDN'T have issues with the game.

If i have time, I'll take up godonut's challenge, because I think there's many ways I could have done better(NOT going for a slingshot, for instance)

I settled in place and decided to go for Buddhism and build a scout.

I tried to set some goals for myself before I started for once:
Goal 1: Found Buddhism(failed)
Goal 2: Oracle slingshot for Feudalism(got one for monarchy instead, which was a stupid thing to do, but I hadn't gotten pottery yet and couldn't do MC...should have done IW but I hadn't yet realized that the copper was under jungle!)
Goal 3: Settle a large enough area to be competitive for the long run(succeeded in getting a decent amount of space, but didn't administrate it well enough to keep Shaka from taking it)

I started out by exploring S then E. Almost immediately upon seeing Cyrus I turned E and within 5 turns had seen the huge herd of Ivory. I then saw the rice and cows in that same area and decided that you could fit two nice cities right there. I had hoped to settle there and use the Ivory to get an Elephant/Cat/Gallic Swordsman army to take out Cyrus.

My second scout was finished and explored N, meeting Ramesses on the 14th turn. I then realized I could get boxed in quickly if I wasn't careful.

I learned Meditation in 3580BC, unfortunately, I hadn't seen the news that Buddhism was founded in 3680BC!! I started AH to find horses and to be able to improve the cows once my worker finishes(I started it a turn after Bibracte hit size 2)

My exploring was pretty fast, I met Izzy in 3340BC and was surprised that she hadn't founded Buddhism. Somehow I managed to meet her before I met Shaka, in 3160BC.

I learned AH in 3010BC, the same turn Hinduism was finally founded by Izzy, if I'd got for that like I always do in vanilla I would have founded it.

Egypt adopted Salvery in 2980BC, before I've even researched Mining.

Tech path: Meditation>AH>Mining>Priesthood>BW>Agri

Hannibal is met in 2560BC and I've explored over 75% of the continent already, I can't imagine there's anyone else on the continent.

I saw the copper near Cyrus, but I saw the copper near Cyrus, but he had already founded a city near it when I got my settler finished in 2140BC. I saw no reason to build a 'useless' city that would share its best squares with the capital, so I went to the best city site I could, on the river between with Rice, Horses, and 5 Ivories in its fat cross. Vienne was founded there in 1870BC. I made my first mistake at that point...I saw that two of the civs on the continent were industrious(fast settlers), and that it would be a tight fit for every civ on the continent. So...being the great and intelligent person I am(well, sometimes) I started chopping the Oracle, rather than immediately continuing to build settlers.

Judaism wasn't founded until 1390BC, and two turns later, Hinduism spreads to me. I convert to it, putting me in a hindu bloc with Izzy, Ramesses, and SHaka already.

In 1150BC I saw my first barb axeman, which is bad cause I still don't even have IW researched, aside from the fact that I don't have any strategic resources yet.

Oracle is finished in 1090BC, same turn I finish researching Writing. Rather than being smart and getting IW or Alphabet, I go for Monarchy, still hoping for an early Feudalism for quick vassalage of Cyrus.

My tech is ridiculously slow, and I finally realize I should have gotten writing sooner so I could get a library and some specs going. However, following up my silly decision making, I start a library and two turns later switch it out for a settler(building my second settler in 970BC!!!) Pottery isn't learned until 700BC. Tolosa is founded in 685BC in the spot near the copper that I scorned last time simply because I decided I really needed it.

Bibracte's library is finished in 625BC and IW is started in 550BC. In 475BC I realize that TWO AI have already researched alphabet! I then use Monarchy as trade bait with both of them to get IW, Fishing, Polytheism, and Archery.

In 370BC I realize that there's Iron off the coast, so I start researching Sailing and begin another settler in Bibracte. Gergovia is also founded as a fairly useless city on the coast where a border expansion would put the iron in its borders. I begin a galley in it immediately upon learning how to build them and camp out my settler in it.

40BC I meet the Vikings and Romans using my galley...unfortunately the Vikings are already on the island with the iron...Amazingly, it is a city of size 5, with one archer defending it...and it is the Confuscian holy city!! I decide right then that once I have an army, I'll declare on the Vikings to take that city from them. Gergovia's borders popped a hut on that island, giving me Horseback Riding!

Tarsus is culture flipped by Vienne, it was founded in the area that DynamicSpirit founded his second city. and Bibracte's culture mixed with Tolosa's have given me access to the copper and I immediately begin building Gallic Warriors.

I learn alphabet in 50AD...latest i think I've ever learned it. Literature learned in 155AD, unfortunately that is far too late to get the Great Library.

325AD: I declare on the Vikings with a galley full of UUs. Unfortunately, Ragnar learned Feudalism while I was gone and upgraded the archer to a LB. However, there was still just one of them. Even more unfortunately, despite the LB being unupgraded, I lose my first two battles. I return in 8 turns with 4 more UUs, and lose all of them to the same LB on the same turn! At this point, I realize I am in very dire straits...I had expected to fairly easily take the city, control the island, get peace, and then shuttle back the upgraded UUs to my lands and take down Cyrus.

In 500AD: I've popped 2 GPs and settled them both in Bibracte, I've got 5 cities, I'm at war with Ragnar, and have a small army amassing on Cyrus' borders. Hannibal is a christian, Cyrus rotates between Confuscian and Hindu, and Shaka, Ramesses, myself and Izzy are all Hindu. Ragnar is Confuscian, as is Caesar.

Future looks: I ended up losing in 1196AD when Shaka conquested me, I'll not mention anything else until next spoiler unless Gyathaar or Ainwood say I can...I doubt it is spoilerish, as I research maybe 4 more techs in the intervening 600 years(lots of bad stuff happen)
I'm still around at 500AD, but I'm way behind everyone else in techs, size, units, etc. I've even have Ramesses gift me techs! I've never had that happen to me before. I have no doubts as to how it will end... it's simply a matter of time before a superior force will walk through my lands.

The game was pretty discouraging at first, but now reading through the other accounts here... perhaps I'm not doing so badly.

I settled in place and researched Poly first to get an early religion. The thought was that on a tight map, any and all cultural boost is welcome. The mistake of course is that everyone who does not share your belief comes after you with a vengeance.

I was able to get Ramesses and Cyrus to convert to Hinduism by flooding their cities with missionaries. I really had no issues with either nation at any time. However, Shaka, Ragnar, and Izzy (and eventually another unnamed civ) were not the least bit friendly, and it seemed I was always at war with at least one or more of these civs. I have had Ramesses declare war on my attackers a few times; that's offered some relief for sure. Cyrus, however, maintains open borders with my enemies.

I was able to place a city on the iron island to the west, and I had a city SW of the capital, another due S at the mouth of the river, and also N-NE to get the stone. That was the extent of the empire, unfortunately.

Regarding my southern city, I was under constant cultural pressure with Cyrus; we went back and forth on the possession of the copper tile. I was trying to place as much culture in that city as possible, but it eventually fell behind the Persion culture push.

Any attempt to get wonders built (be it Stonehenge, Oracle, Pyramids etc.) was unsuccessful; all were completed elsewhere when I was in the early stages of building.

In retrospect, I'd like to try this again (no submit, of course) with a few different strategies (e.g. no religion, move capital, beeline iron, etc.). I wonder how things would go if I had immediately moved the capital to the south coast at the mouth of the river? Of course, this is taking advantage of foreknowledge, but it would be interesting to find out if I could even compete with this advantage...

In any case, this is a brutal test, and ya, I did enjoy it. Don't know if I'd want to subject myself to this every month, but I'm OK with it occasionally.
Oh. My. God. What a nightmare! I started the game in good spirit, aiming for an early conquest. I did not envisage a 5000 year period of struggle for survival, where every move seamed like critical. Where do I start? Map: nice start, but where build second city? AI: research speed is staggering, and in my wargame it was even more noticeable compared to those who did not shut down research :mischief:. Settings: aggressive AI – why do they hate me? And why do they declare when they are pleased?

To sum up: aggressive and patched up AI, crowded like h**l, and a map from hades. How to proceed? Kill them. KILL THEM ALL!

First years (4000 BC – 700 BC)
Spoiler :

Turn 0 (4000 BC)
Bibracte build order: Scout, Worker, Settler, Archer, Archer, Archer, Worker, Archer, Library, Barracks, Archer
Research order: Polytheism, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Archery, The Wheel, Writing, Alphabet, Literature

Turn 11 (3670 BC)
Contact made: Egyptian Empire
Buddhism founded in a distant land

Turn 12 (3640 BC)
Contact made: Persian Empire

Turn 13 (3610 BC)
Bibracte grows: 2 - scout complete, start with worker; nice timing :)

Turn 15 (3550 BC)
Scout loses to: Barbarian Bear (2.46/3) – I was careful to move my scout in hills/forests but that didn’t help when those d**n bear show up…

Turn 17 (3490 BC)
Hinduism founded in Bibracte – one good thing with founding a religion was that the copper came into my border without having to settle there :D

Turn 29 (3130 BC)
Tech learned: Agriculture – worker not ready, but the alternative would be to start with A.H. Then the worker would have to wait instead, which is worse I think. The farmed corn will provide 5 food which should be compared to the cow, which provides 6 food+prod. On the other hand, the worker would have to wait for agriculture to start working the corn. The way I choose, I could spend a turn or two farming the spice south of capital. (Side note: does anyone know if jungle can grow on partially improved tiles? A way to prevent jungle from growing would then to spend one turn for each flat terrain and “mark” them.)

Turn 32 (3040 BC)
Contact made: Zulu Empire
Bibracte begins: Settler – worker moves to corn.
Bibracte's borders expand

Turn 53 (2410 BC)
Contact made: Spanish Empire
Bibracte finishes: Settler, begins: Archer – So, where settle second city? I would prefer a spot to the east, but that area is occupied by the Egyptians. Since I will not have Iron Working for a long while, there is no point of settling in the jungle. And the hills just north is fine for production, but a city there would be stuck at size two or three. So, the only alternative left is the horse/corn/silk site eight tiles to the north.

While browsing the map I notice that Thebes is size 6!!! And the Largest City List show that all AI are size 4 or more. At this time my initial suspicion was confirmed (again) – this game will be difficult to win…

Turn 62 (2140 BC)
Bibracte finishes: Archer – my test games indicated that there will be plenty of barbarians. I had limited trouble with them, but I thought that archers will be useful later on when I have started capturing cities :)
Scout defeats (0.78/1): Barbarian Warrior – This is one of the crucial moments in the game. I was planning to plant my second city when I detected a barbarian warrior next to the site. Defending my second city with a scout and a worker against a warrior is not very clever. So I lure the barbarian into attacking me in the woods. I was lucky. Should I have lost that fight, I would have to wait for the archer…

Turn 63 (2110 BC)
Vienne founded
Vienne build order: Monument, Barracks, Scout, Archer, Archer, Archer, Chariot

Turn 74 (1780 BC)
Bibracte grows: 5
Bibracte finishes: Archer – three archers is enough to defend my little empire, so I start a second worker.

Turn 82 (1540 BC)
Judaism founded in a distant land

Turn 87 (1390 BC)
Tech learned: Writing, begin Alphabet
Bibracte begins: Library – again, nice timing.

Turn 97 (1090 BC)
Contact made: Viking Empire

Turn 100 (1000 BC)
Contact made: Carthaginian Empire

Turn 116 (760 BC)
Bibracte's borders expand – This is a key moment since the gems and copper (not revealed yet) are now within cultural boundary.
Hinduism has spread: Haithabu (Viking Empire) – The spread of my religion to the various AI cities proved to be very useful. I could learn what tech they had, and more important, I could spy on their military composition and troop movements.

Turn 117 (745 BC)
Confucianism founded in a distant land

Turn 119 (715 BC)
Tech learned: Alphabet – I was first to alphabet and I had to plan my trade since the final goal was to get iron working. To do that, I had to split up the trade in three phases: first mining, then bronze working and then I.W. I also had to plan very carefully whom to trade with. I prefer those who are not that advanced, and also those who I think I can become friendly with. On the other hand, I want to save tech to trade for them to start wars…

It’s a horrible start. Two cities! At least I’m first to alphabet, but there ends the list of good things. The AI is ahead in tech, score, military, and whatnot. At this point I had given up hope of winning the game. Still, I had to give it a try. There is no way to peace. War is the way.

3490 BC – Polytheism
3130 BC – Agriculture
2710 BC – Animal Husbandry
2410 BC – Archery
2050 BC – The Wheel
1390 BC – Writing
715 BC – Alphabet

Technology trade (685 BC – 295 BC)
Spoiler :

The diplomatic relationship with the AI is defined in this phase. I now choose which of the AI that will get a boost compared to the other AI. Also, I build/plan for war.

Turn 121 (685 BC)
Tech learned: Mining – I trade away writing since I want to be able to trade alphabet to as many as possible.

Turn 122 (670 BC)
Tech learned: Meditation
Tech learned: Fishing
Tech learned: Pottery
Tech learned: Bronze Working

Turn 123 (655 BC)
Tech learned: Sailing
Tech learned: Iron Working

Turn 125 (625 BC)
Tech learned: Priesthood

Turn 130 (550 BC)
James Clerk Maxwell (Great Scientist) born in Bibracte – I have been running two scientists in my capital and I plan to burn him on technology.

Turn 135 (475 BC)
Tech learned: Literature – This is one of the few remaining techs that I research “properly”.

Turn 142 (370 BC)
Tech learned: Masonry
Tech learned: Mathematics – from Greater Scientist
Research begun: Construction – finally! The most important war-tech of all(?) within reach.

Production (both cities)
1 x Worker
4 x Chariot
3 x Gallic Warrior
2 x Axeman

685 BC – Mining (trade)
670 BC - Meditation (trade)
670 BC - Fishing (trade)
670 BC - Pottery (trade)
670 BC - Bronze Working (trade)
655 BC - Sailing (trade)
655 BC - Iron Working (trade)
625 BC - Priesthood (trade)
475 BC - Literature
370 BC – Masonry (trade)
370 BC – Mathematics (Greater Scientist)

First Egyptian War(280 BC – 275 AD)
Spoiler :

Time has come to teach the score leader a lesson. He will regret stealing my city site until the end of his days. Seriously, I had nowhere to expand and his cities are sooo juicy!

Turn 148 (280 BC)

War declared: Egyptian Empire – My units have assembled two tiles from Thebes and pass the border. Charge!!!

Turn 150 (250 BC)
Gallic Warrior loses to: Egyptian Axeman (5.00/5)
Gallic Warrior loses to: Egyptian Axeman (2.90/5)
Gallic Warrior loses to: Egyptian Swordsman (1.20/6)
Axeman loses to: Egyptian Archer (2.52/3)
Chariot loses to: Egyptian Archer (2.58/3)
Chariot loses to: Egyptian Archer (0.78/3)
Chariot loses to: Egyptian Archer (2.07/3)
Chariot loses to: Egyptian Archer (0.63/3)
Chariot defeats (3.28/4): Egyptian Axeman
Archer defeats (2.25/3): Egyptian Archer
Archer defeats (1.32/3): Egyptian Swordsman
Archer defeats (3.00/3): Egyptian Archer
Captured Thebes (Ramesses II)

I had twelve units and Ramesses had four. I lost eight. My last archer killed his last archer. This is the second crucial moment in the game. I was very worried that he would counter attack but he didn’t send any units to defend his capital. Strange.

Turn 159 (115 BC)
Razed Giza

Turn 162 (70 BC)
Razed Pi-Ramesses

Turn 167 (5 AD)
Christianity founded in a distant land

Turn 168 (20 AD)
Razed Byblos

Turn 170 (50 AD)
Tech learned: Construction

Turn 171 (65 AD)
Tech learned: Monarchy - trade

Turn 181 (215 AD)
Catapult loses to: Egyptian War Elephant (6.72/8)
Catapult loses to: Egyptian Swordsman (4.98/6)
Catapult loses to: Egyptian War Elephant (0.96/8)
Catapult defeats (0.80/5): Egyptian Axeman
Gallic Warrior loses to: Egyptian Axeman (4.50/5)
Gustavus II Adolphus (Great General) born in Bibracte – Yippie, a Swede!
Gallic Warrior defeats (1.20/6): Egyptian Axeman
Gallic Warrior defeats (2.58/6): Egyptian War Elephant
Gallic Warrior loses to: Egyptian Archer (0.21/3)
Gallic Warrior defeats (1.92/6): Egyptian Archer
Gallic Warrior defeats (4.08/6): Egyptian Swordsman
Gallic Warrior defeats (3.72/6): Egyptian War Elephant
Axeman defeats (2.60/5): Egyptian Archer
Axeman loses to: Egyptian War Chariot (3.50/5)
Catapult defeats (3.30/5): Egyptian War Chariot
Catapult defeats (4.15/5): Egyptian Archer
Spearman defeats (4.00/4): Egyptian War Chariot
Spearman defeats (4.00/4): Egyptian War Elephant
Archer defeats (3.00/3): Egyptian Archer
Captured Memphis (Ramesses II)
War ends: Egyptian Empire
Tech learned: Calendar – from peace
Tolosa founded – up in the north, to get fur and eventually silver.

Attack executed well, probably because I expected stronger resistance. I was very vulnerable several times, but the AI did not utilize that. The log does not mention the general that popped up in Memphis during the assault. I slaughtered him on the town square and put up his head above the city gates.

Turn 183 (245 AD)
Gustavus II Adolphus (Archer) promoted: Lead by Warlord
Gustavus II Adolphus (Archer) promoted: Medic II
Gustavus II Adolphus (Archer) promoted: Medic III - Nice healer unit :)
Gustavus II Adolphus (Archer) promoted: Morale – extra movement.

Production (total)
5 x Axeman
4 x Spearman
7 x Gallic Warrior
1 x Chariot
10 x Catapult
Library, Barracks, Settler (Thebes)

50 AD - Construction
65 AD - Monarchy (trade)
215 AD - Calendar (from peace)

First Persian War(290 AD – 500 AD)
Spoiler :

Cyrus is advancing very quickly in technology, and I can’t let him have the Ivory City any longer. So, time for another war.

Turn 186 (290 AD)
War declared: Persian Empire

Turn 187 (305 AD)
Gallic Warrior defeats (4.20/6): Persian Archer
Gallic Warrior defeats (5.10/6): Persian Archer
Captured Susa (Cyrus)

Turn 189 (335 AD)
Gallic Warrior defeats (2.40/6): Persian Archer
Gallic Warrior defeats (4.32/6): Persian Spearman
Razed Bactra

Turn 191 (365 AD)
Razed Ergili

Turn 192 (380 AD)
Captured Pasargadae (Cyrus)

Turn 193 (395 AD)
Thebes grows: 9 – I plan to make Thebes a Great People Farm. Eventually I got a lot of GPs from the city. The food production is extraordinary, and with two mined hills, I can build stuff too. Did some whipping as well :)

Turn 196 (440 AD)
Tech learned: Metal Casting
Christianity has spread: Tolosa – This is nice since it enables me to build one more temple in Thebes. I want a prophet to build the shrine in my Hindu holy city.

Turn 197 (455 AD)
Captured Persepolis (Cyrus) - the Persian capital :)
Oliver Cromwell (Great General) born in Thebes – I seed him in my capital for +2 XP.

Turn 198 (470 AD)
Razed Sardis
War ends: Persian Empire
Tech learned: Monotheism
Tech learned: Currency
Contact made: Roman Empire

The other Persian cities are not worth to capture, so I make peace. I will raze them later but it’s more important to improve my much neglected cites.

It’s very discouraging to meet the Romans. I could not understand how the Vikings could keep up their tech pace. Probably they were trading with the Romans.

Turn 200 (500 AD)
Spanish Empire declares war[/u] – why? WHY? WHY???

Production (total)
6 x Axeman
2 x Gallic Warrior
1 x War Elephant
Library (Memphis)
Trireme (Tolosa)

440 AD - Metal Casting
470 AD – Monotheism (peace)
470 AD – Currency (peace)

Final notes: very nice game, lots of thanks to Gyathaar and the G/WOTM team.
The AI is now less competent at fighting wars due to the patch, since they will keep more units in their cities. They can easily be destroyed by trebuchets. It’s much worse to face a lot of surplus units that are not tied to the cities.
And if it was not obvious, I consider myself *very* lucky to have done well so far into the game (i.e. I'm still alive). The map suited my conquest play style, which I have learnt from those of you who have posted spoilers from previous games (shut down research, burn Great People on tech and funding research through city conquests).
This was my first Wotm or Gotm, and I had a blast. I really love the monarch setting, and I hope you'll at least use that difficulty rating for the next Wotm (which I hope we'll see more frequently during the holidays, as we have more free time). As I understand it, Monarch is the first difficulty level where the AI is fully enabled as far as strategy is concerned.
I thought having a nearly unwinnable Wotm was fine... I don't think it'd be so much fun just seeing who could whip the AI the fastest... I'll be replaying this probably several times... IN my opinion the best games are the nailbiters where you have to pick your poison.
I also disagree with the post which said that they'd suspect cheating if anyone settled the copper. In my first attempt Cyrus had allready founded Pasagardae 2S of the copper, but I settled a city NW of the copper in the jungle and got stonehenge.. my culture border expanded well enough and I had no trouble at all keeping the copper.
I researched Hindu with the spice, and most of the civs on the continent converted to me. After teching to utilize nearby resources and then BW/IW I chop rushed an army of about a dozen Gallic warriors, and made 4 catapults and a spearman and headed into battle with Cyrus. I had a blast fighting with the Gallic warriors in the hills, but he made a couple of crossbowmen which cut through my army like a knife through butter. I had conquered Persepolis and 1 other city before my army faded. Some of my units were highly promoted. I may have been able to sustain the war, but Egypt switched to Judaism halfway through it and declared war on me along with Isabella.. I guess the rest is beyond 500 AD and I'll have to shoot you if I say more... but... my techs were still 500 AD era and you can imagine what happened to me when 2 medievil era teched civs attacked me.. lol... The fat lady was singing.
But I'm going to replay with a different strategy and see what happens... I failed to use my spiritual trait effectively to manipulate relations. I think stonehenge was too costly... I think I needed to spam out settlers/workers sooner, because even though jungle starts are difficult starts, I think this area has a good upside in the long run. The only problem is that once you fall behind in the tech race, it's game over... the Ai will just keep swapping techs and without anything to trade, you'll become nothing more than a band of indigents awaiting colonization.
One final comment... about the combat odds... I think on Monarch the barbs get a 20% combat bonus, which is apparantly not figured into quoted odds. However, I did not observe this being the case with the AI civs. Someone could test this easily enough with some data...

Thanks, I'll be taking part in the 'Rerun of the Month'

Familiar story by now.

I guessed in the pre-game discussions that land grab was going to be the big issue and therefore went for growth at all costs.

Settled in place and worked corn and cows, AG in 3640, AH 2830 with Mining somewhere in between.

My intiial thoughts on expansion were to go north as I didn't want to clear jungle. - Found Ramesses in 3880. Realised I had to block to the NE to keep a decent amount of territory. - Scout then went clockwise discovering the single Elephant and finally the Persians and the excellent fish/gems/ bananas (and copper) site to the south at the mouth of the river. - Based on how juicy this location looked I changed my mind and tried to send my first settler down there. - As elsewhere - It was already occupied by the time my settler was ready. - OK so I settled in the jungle to try and hold the copper.

Settled the hills in the north to block Ramesses and grab the stone, making a production city which would be handy with the guerilla bonus.

Much to my surprise I nabbed Stonehenge in 1330. Cool - my celts will love those monuments. - This was handy as the world was filling up. - I rushed another settler to the single elephant/rice and managed to use culture to muscle Cyrus off the horses. - At this point I'm starting to think I'm doing OK.

Quick check of relations. - Cyrus and Ramesses are cautious towards me. - Shaka is annoyed?? - But I dont even know where you live yet Shaka.

Then Shaka invites me to join Judaism. - OK. - Shaka becomes pleased. - Strangely Ramesses is also pleased. - I start tech trading to keep up with the pack.

At this point Cyrus settles the corner to the SW of Bibracte on the coast. - No worries thinks I. - You'll soon flip. - Nope. Didn't happen.

Game proceeds I'm concerned about the growth of Ramesses. - Isabella has vassalised to him. (the hussy), so I'm thinking a war with Ramesses is needed. - Elephants and Cats my best hope. - Then the iron resource pops up and I realise I dont have a port city yet. - quick settler out to the last remaining piece of coastline to the NW of Bibracte and research seafaring which I had missed. - Got a galley and a settler to the island. - Popped the hut and a Barb killed my settler. F***!!!

Quickly, quickly another settler. - This time I managed to get the iron in my borders, only to find that Ragnar was at the other end of the island.

Mmmm. I dont want to loose my iron resource to Ragnars berserkers. (Which he's just about to get judging by the tech he has.) - Lets be as friendly as possible. - I adopt Confusianism (Ragnars religion). - He's pleased. Shaka is no longer pleased, but he's getting kicked by Ramesses.

By this point I'm behind in tech, but not too much, I'm still trading with Ragnar/Wang and Hannibal. - Then Hannibal attacks (for no reason.) - He's only got 4 cities to my 6 (Woohoo) so I think I can hold him off. - The Nuimdian Cavalry try for my Elephant city. - What a mistake. War Elephant fortified in the jungle (that I hadn't cleared yet.)---No chance. - I held of Hannibal for ages. - But I just wasn't focussed on the war and Hannibal took the city and raised it. - The horses that I needed for later in the game got swallowed up by Cyrus' border. - Luckilly the Elephants stayed on my side of the border of the copper city. - Eventually I marched Elephants into Carthaginian territory and Hannibal went for peace.

Time for a plan. Egyptians are too big so how about taking on Ragnar. He's only got 4 cities and he's got logistical problems, so I'll have a go. But before you know it....wtf.... Hannibals back again. - This time he takes my copper city and I'm not enjoying this any more.

The war continued for hundreds of years. - Celtic guerrilla crossbowmen fighting off Carthaginian knights in the jungle/hills. - Quite enjoyed this bit.

But it was never going to end in glory. - (By now I'm way ahead of the year 500 by the way.)

- To cut a long story short, the Celtic Tiger was hunted to extinction in the year 1595ad by the combined enemies forces of Hannibal, Wang, Isabella and Ramesses. - It wasn't pretty.

In summary - I really enjoyed this game because it was hard. (I'm not one of the better players out there). - So much so that I'm going to try it again just for fun.

Looking forward to WOTM4 - If this game is anything to go by then that one is going to be a *****.
So many people posted interesting things resulting from this game that I have to say: Yeah, it was an experience. Thanks to the author (but lets wait a while with an encore).
What did we learn?
I would like to attempt to summarize what I have learned after a few restarts and will invite other people to comment:

1. Worker steal does not work (or at least is much harder) in 2.08. The "victim" goes after you with a vengeance (I lost after ca 20 turns to Rameses that way)
2. AI goes for a "land grab" much more so than it did in CIV IV "vanilla version" (not Warlords that is)
3. Both the barbs and other civs are way smarter in attacking you (less across the river attacs, sending stacks early as opposed to attacking piecemeal, etc.)
4. AI goes after the Oracle faster (earlier) making the usual slingshot much harder (this observation supported by other games using v. 2.08 as well)
5. The same is true of Hanging Gardens
5. AI still does not favor Stonehenge much

Back to Prince for me.
ainwood said:
OK - here goes from memory, as this is at work, on my lunch break (not at home with notes).


Boy am I disillusioned. :(

There was me thinking that you were dedicating your life to organising GOTMs for us. What nobler calling could there be?

First, I discover that you are frittering away time playing WOTM2. However, I decide to cut you a bit of slack because I´m sure that it was for "research purposes".

And now? You´ve got a job? :eek: Are there enough hours in the day?

Is there anything else we should know? Wife, girlfriends, kids? Anyone else who will be making unwarranted calls on your time? That´s what we are here for. ;)
Gyathaar said:
Posting Restrictions
  1. Please do not discuss events past 500 AD.

At 500 AD:-

  1. I am down to my last city.
  2. I am down to my last archer defender.
  3. The archer is down to 0.2/3.
  4. Cyrus has pillaged everything in the city radius.
  5. Cyrus has posted a veritable horde of Immortals on my doorstep...and at the back door...and at all the windows... and on the roof.

But it is not all bad news:-

  1. I did manage to build a dun.
  2. My valiant archer is hunkering down behind it.
  3. One of Cyrus´s Immortals is down to 3.9/4. (My last three archers didn´t go down without a fight).


  1. The approbation being heaped upon the moral delinquents who have the temerity to suggest that they might submit a reload.
  2. Gyathaar´s quite clear posting restrictions.

I can´t reveal what happened next.

What I can reveal, however, is how I came to this sorry pass:-

  1. Settled in place. (Hardly an unreasonable thing to do).
  2. Went for BW earlyish to help chop out a few settlers to grab some land on what was obviously going to be a crowded map (Hardly an unreasonable thing to do).
  3. Failed to get to the copper - Cyrus beat me too it. (Not that it would have done me any good without IW to chop the jungle).
  4. Founded three more cities in rather uninspiring locations.
  5. Never adopted a religion. (Didn´t found one, and none spread).
  6. Cyrus declared war in 630BC completely out of the blue.
  7. Cyrus immediately pillaged my territory - every last pasture, farm and mine. I lost all my archers, and two cities in a vain attempt to stop him.
  8. I built last ditch Duns and as many archers as I could muster.
  9. Cyrus never let up. He was ugly, brutal, ruthless, efficient, relentless, and merciless. There are some other words I could use; but I expect more approbation to come my way were I to do so.

I think most of you can fill out the other details based on your own experiences.
Pious_Pete said:
But it is not all bad news:-

  1. I did manage to build a dun.
  2. My valiant archer is hunkering down behind it.
  3. One of Cyrus´s Immortals is down to 3.9/4. (My last three archers didn´t go down without a fight).


I can´t reveal what happened next.

This has got to get an award for the best game description! I love it!
DynamicSpirit said:
13. For people of a superstitious bent and who were therefore worried about the upcoming GOTM13, no need to worry now. You've seen the worst that can happen.

12. We all get some insight into who's really entering the spirit of the GOTMs, by being prepared to submit their entry and tell us on the forums how their game went even when they got crushed.

11. We're now at least a bit prepared for the deity level GOTM that Ainwood has said is going to happen during the current/next cycle.

14. When we are in our dotage and discussing WOTM157 and some newbie says "Boy, that Diety level game was tough", we´ll be able to go "Tough? Eee bye gum lad, thou duns´t know the meaning o´t word. Monarch games wer´tough when I were´t lad. I remember WOTM3. It´d make yer weep, you young´uns art that soft. That Gyathaar knew ´ow t´make em. ´Ow we cursed ´im. But I´ll tell y´what - it made a man out of me"
ainwood said:
I wouldn't like to play a game like this every month, but I did really enjoy this.

Well, I wouldn´t quite go as far as saying as I enjoyed it; but it was interesting, it was different, and the post-mortems are entertaining.

The pre-game discussion for GOTM14 (or whatever number we are up to now) will start in a few days, so it´s not as though an early loss means that we´ll be twiddling our thumbs for too long.
DynamicSpirit said:
If you still have the save file from your first attempt, my own view is it'd be nice if you did submit - and certainly no shame in doing so - especially as I think this Wotm is going to have a very high proportion of losses (As of 500AD I'd give it a 50/50 chance that'll include me too). If players only submit victories that means we don't get such a good picture of what happened to everyone in the results.

And submitting a loss does still score more than not submitting at all!

I agree with this.

I wrote a more detailed explanation of why, and found that I´d repeated DynamicSpirit´s post almost word for word. (So I´ve simply deleted it, and point you to re-read the above).

One thing I´m not sure about though is how it will affect the fastest finisher overall rankings. (I prefer to look at the time-based analysis rather than the score based analysis - largely, though not entirely, because I rate 14 in one, and 258 in the other :) ).

Surely my 530AD loss - damn it :mad: I let the cat out of the bag - can´t improve my time based ranking?
Gyathaar said:
At least there is a good chance the game next month will be much easier... :)


Couldn´t you delete "At least there is a good chance" from the above. I´d find that much more reassuring.
Pious_Pete said:
One thing I´m not sure about though is how it will affect the fastest finisher overall rankings.
I've also been wondering how the WOTM will be included in the Global Rankings. With Civ III I believe it is the best of the GOTM and COTM in the month. Will it be this way also with Civ IV GOTM and WOTM?
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