[Warlords] WOTM 75 - Final Spoiler


Lentils have feelings too
GOTM Staff
May 4, 2007
So, did you manage to win ;)

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Yeah, but I did not acheive my goal of a sub-1700AD space race victory. Not goal-oriented enough in mid-game, as usual.
Space in 1502AD, not quite optimal planning of where to build the parts cost me a 15th century win, but of course still a date I'd never have reached without such a generous start, to put it mildly. ;) Thanks for the game, neil.
No, I had the protected assets bug in the early hundreds AD. Since I can't play from the latest save I won't be allowed to participate. Of course this had to happen on the only great start likely to occur in the Gotm/Wotm/Botm in the next decade. Either mapmakers are :evil: or Windows certainly is.
I should have known not to even try a Gotm anymore.
My crowning acheivement in this game was using Liberalism to gain Fusion as my free tech. I think that's why I mesed up the spaceship tech order - unecesarily because nobody else had even gotten Education by that point.
That map made for quite a lot of fun!

At first, I thought that we were on a hub, as I'd managed to locate Mehmed and then my exploring Warrior died, with the roughly layout of our area and his area appearing to be two different hubs, or perhaps we were at the middle. I was later surprised to see Wang Kon's Cultural Borders close to where I'd marked a "Settle here" sign on the map.

Wang took Buddhism and Taoism, while I founded the other Religions, more by accident than by actually trying. I ended up with 4 Holy Shrines.

I left the AIs alone for a while while I REXed and then Wonder-spammed.

Washington scored The Great Wall and only then did I belatedly realise that it wasn't going to give him Great Spy Points but that he'd be able to build a World Wonder 50 turns later. So, I rushed to complete some of the World Wonders, only then to think... hmmm, it's actually Epic, so 150 GPP would be needed, and he'd only get 1 GPP per turn in Warlords. Ah well, at least I had some nice Wonders behind my belt.

I did get a few nice tech trades--Philosophy, Feudalism, could have had Guilds but was too impatient by 1 turn, and Drama, but the AIs weren't of much help after that point.

I took control of our continent and then went overseas. Julius lost most of his empire and then so did Alex. Washington lost it all, but then I decided to go for Space instead of Domination, since we had such a nice capital and I didn't feel like ending the game just yet. So, I gave most of 'Mericuh to Alex and played my typical over-conquest-then-gift-a-ton-of-Cities-to-the-AIs approach, giving back a large number of Cities and newly-settled Cities.

All of the Spaceship Parts were built on our original continent.

:lol: at Fusion from Liberalism. I scored Education from The Oracle, but then I had to whip my empire to the ground in order to get those Universities built--Education felt like it came too early, or perhaps I just hadn't prepared enough Chops or population points, as I wasn't really planning on Oracling it until I was already close to that tech and just decided to go for it, while fully expecting to simply miss getting it.

Great People generation didn't work in my favour and my last 2 Great People matched with the 3 Great People that I'd saved, leaving me unable to run a 4-Great-Person Golden Age for the final push.

Still, it was an incredibly fun game! I do like the variances that we've been seeing in games--giving us an advanced tech, giving us interesting Resources, and other creative ideas to keep the game fresh. Thanks once again to the staff! :)
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