Alright I would like to give some feedback as well...
It feels quite different, this is the first time for me, following since TAC, that the mod causes me to think that it is a different game.
So many features... Biggest change for me ist the whole atmosphere, especially colors, land and water as well. The beautiful shallow waters, icey lakes, new terrain and bonus resources makes everything very colorful. Almost too much (Heavy saturated like Civ 6 is not nice too look at, for my taste) but it is still OK. Every tile is well thought and made, on Faire weather maps it is the mixture of every tile that confuses my eye a little. Also the fog and storm pieces are cool, but I need to get used to it.
So optically there is a huge difference, so many improved icons as well.
Although the heaviest change for me, when it comes to atmosphere is (cant believe it myself) the music.
The new pieces are absolutely great, every single one of them.
But also the epicness and power of some titles frame the game with a very different vibe and pace, but I love it.
New Ressource and goods look confusing at first, but I already love it.
So much possibilities.
The different event and founding father system force me to develop new strategies. I have had a very well thought out strategy to advance as fast as possible with George Washington.
Immigration is still my main strategy in early game, but there are different things to consider now. I love the variety of new strategies here.
Love the new ships, terrain improvements, law and order system, health overhaul, brave lieutenants, barracks and harbor limit.
At one point I tried to steamroll a native tribe in early game, like I usually do, they got troops from the French unexpectedly and it got ugly, such a cool small feature.
Love the new units, master professions.
Haven't seen a lot of the mod yet, but everything feels richer and more challenging. I doubt that I can beat the game on revolutionary difficulty, like before. Need to learn the new ways first.
Congratulations dear modding team, this is a whole new level, it is so damn good. Love the sheer possibilities.
You did a great job and I am more than satisfied.
Best greets.