WTP 4.0.2 Published - Community Feedback

Baked goods. If you hover your mouse over "baked goods" you can see the other professions that need them.
Thank you so much! Also is it intended that colony growth now gives you a petty criminal instead of a free colonist? Seems a bit of a strange choice.
Alright I would like to give some feedback as well...

It feels quite different, this is the first time for me, following since TAC, that the mod causes me to think that it is a different game.
So many features... Biggest change for me ist the whole atmosphere, especially colors, land and water as well. The beautiful shallow waters, icey lakes, new terrain and bonus resources makes everything very colorful. Almost too much (Heavy saturated like Civ 6 is not nice too look at, for my taste) but it is still OK. Every tile is well thought and made, on Faire weather maps it is the mixture of every tile that confuses my eye a little. Also the fog and storm pieces are cool, but I need to get used to it.
So optically there is a huge difference, so many improved icons as well.
Although the heaviest change for me, when it comes to atmosphere is (cant believe it myself) the music.
The new pieces are absolutely great, every single one of them.
But also the epicness and power of some titles frame the game with a very different vibe and pace, but I love it.

New Ressource and goods look confusing at first, but I already love it.
So much possibilities.
The different event and founding father system force me to develop new strategies. I have had a very well thought out strategy to advance as fast as possible with George Washington.
Immigration is still my main strategy in early game, but there are different things to consider now. I love the variety of new strategies here.

Love the new ships, terrain improvements, law and order system, health overhaul, brave lieutenants, barracks and harbor limit.
At one point I tried to steamroll a native tribe in early game, like I usually do, they got troops from the French unexpectedly and it got ugly, such a cool small feature.
Love the new units, master professions.
Haven't seen a lot of the mod yet, but everything feels richer and more challenging. I doubt that I can beat the game on revolutionary difficulty, like before. Need to learn the new ways first.

Congratulations dear modding team, this is a whole new level, it is so damn good. Love the sheer possibilities.
You did a great job and I am more than satisfied.
Best greets.
Happy to see the new version out, and it looks and plays very nice. I will have to play some more before giving any real feedback. I tried it a bit before release, with the new movement system - a change I thought I would dislike, but I came to love it. I can see in the changelog, that it defaults to "off". How do I turn it on?
... , when it comes to atmosphere is (cant believe it myself) the music.
I was originally planning to add music like this already in RaR. :)

But I did restrain myself heavily from adding my personal soundtrack.
(I know that not everybody likes that "epic stuff" as much as I do ...)

But the stuff I play (and mod) with sounds like this:
(It is the music where I can concentrate best.)

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First of all, awesome work guys.

However I am having an issue with household goods. The Colopedia doesn't specify what raw resources are required. By trial and error I figured out that one resource is exotic wood, not sure what the other resource is. I have exotic wood in my city, yet it tells me I don't have any at the beginning of the turn and says the worker can't continue working.

What is the other resource for making household goods? Why is it telling me that I don't have exotic wood when I do? Should it not be telling me I don't have the other resource to produce?

Anyways, not a big deal, just wondering.

Also, everything works fine. Will get the odd shut down every now and then. Can play for two hours and the game just shuts down and back to windows. Should WTP4 be played on release version or updated steam version?
When you go into the Colopedia look at the building you're using. Up the top you'll see the items it makes, and if you click on them it'll take you to a related professional and tell you what items it consumes to create it.

Absolutely awesome work on this Mod. I've been playing this since TAC, then R&R and then the first release of WTP. And I am just awe struck by the work put into it. Thank you for the hundreds of hours I'll get to spend playing it.
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I was originally planning to add music like this already in RaR. :)

But I did restrain myself heavily from adding my personal soundtrack.
(I know that not everybody likes that "epic stuff" as much as I do ...)

But the stuff I play (and mod) with sounds like this:
(It is the music where I can concentrate best.)

Yes, I can relate closely, will check the music out after work today, thanks...

Hopefully this will stop people from experiencing crashes.

Spoiler Changelog :
Version 4.0.2

- Loading We The People from the ingame menu now configures Colonization to start We The People by default (no more config setup to avoid starting in vanilla)
- Added setup file to simplify installing the mod (install step 5 only)

- Fixed seemingly random crash when the game tries to display the scattering birds animation on terrain features other than forests (such as storms)
- Fixed transports not being able to unload cargo when barracks are full


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Yes, I can relate closely, will check the music out after work today, thanks...
Yesterday I was driving home from work, 30 Minutes from Klagenfurt to Villach on the Austrian Autobahn, it was 22:30, hardly any traffic (that is almost always the case in Austria compared to German freeways) so I put on your songs, Ray.
Liked the 3rd one best, but all were nice, being a fan of orchestral tunes.

It is a very nice contrast, because at work I am kind of forced to listen to my clients music, who are teenage boys. Social sciences, you know.
They usually listen to German rap, Which is not music for me, rather an annoying noise, with dumb sounding wanna be gangster voices, that all sound alike.

In contrast after a 12h work shift, some real, breathing music was uplifting to listen to. Thank you.
I was originally planning to add music like this already in RaR. :)

But I did restrain myself heavily from adding my personal soundtrack.
(I know that not everybody likes that "epic stuff" as much as I do ...)
Don't get me wrong, I love the music.. But I had to get rid of "Old_RaR_Main_Theme". Which is actually Clint Mansell's "Summer Overture" from Requiem For a Dream. Every time I hear it I get disturbing images of Jennifer Connelly :twitch:
Regarding the crash to desktop and hotfix - how`s the stability for everybody?
I experienced those crashes from time to time - game freezes at random points and exits to desktop, without any error messages. At the time I was testing out those new Gigantic maps and I thought maybe my computer was to be blamed (16 Gb of ram though), and it was the 4.0 version, I was too lazy to install the new version immediately.
I have the new 4.0.2 version now and it still crashes, feels like even more frequently.. I have since uninstalled and reinstalled everything and it still crashes, even on smaller maps. I`m a long time player of the mod and had no similar problems with the older release..
I have the GOG version (which as I understand is already patched to 1.01f)?
Regarding the crash to desktop and hotfix - how`s the stability for everybody?
I experienced those crashes from time to time - game freezes at random points and exits to desktop, without any error messages. At the time I was testing out those new Gigantic maps and I thought maybe my computer was to be blamed (16 Gb of ram though), and it was the 4.0 version, I was too lazy to install the new version immediately.
I have the new 4.0.2 version now and it still crashes, feels like even more frequently.. I have since uninstalled and reinstalled everything and it still crashes, even on smaller maps. I`m a long time player of the mod and had no similar problems with the older release..
I have the GOG version (which as I understand is already patched to 1.01f)?
I get a few crashes now and then. Usually when I play for a while or leave the game running while I'm afk.
My biggest concern is the way ships are not avoiding storms when auto pathing. Mostly because I worry about how the AI might be losing ships early in the game. But also late game, when I have to many to micro manage, I might lose track of some.
Mostly because I worry about how the AI might be losing ships early in the game.
They don`t. You can trust on that. :)
Storms may damage but not completey destroy ships.

Also the absolutely only thing that was changed related to Storms in WTP 4.0.x is the graphics.
We have had Storms in the mod since 13 years - trust me there is no problem with them.
I have the GOG version (which as I understand is already patched to 1.01f)?
The gog version is perfectly fine and yes it is patched. :)
I have since uninstalled and reinstalled everything ...
If the mod is running at all, you installed everything correctly - no need to reinstall anything.

... game freezes at random points and exits to desktop, without any error messages.
Does reloading then work? Because if it is random there is little we can do.

I have had a crash once when generating a map with MapScript. But nothing serious that I did not also have in the past with other versions - however did not play much yet.
We also have had reports of random crashes here and there and once could trace it to a graphical effect of a Terrain Feature which we then fixed.

In most cases random crashes happened after players had been playing really long already - so it could be a memory issue (since Civ4Col is just a 32Bit game).
But also it usually was nothing serious - since a reload of a savegame worked and the player could continue to play.


For me personally the mod works actually quite fine.
I currently however also test / play internal development branch.

I have had a crash once when generating a map with MapScript (FaireWeatherTweakEx) but could not reproduce it again.
But I also have not really played long games yet myself - so I can not really speak for general performance or stability right now.
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everything and it still crashes, even on smaller maps.
Well that's not good. The only report of crashing so far have been suspected of being out of 32 bit memory addresses, but that's not the case when playing on smaller maps.

In order to do anything about this, I will ideally need a savegame, which is likely to crash once loaded and hitting end turn (or similar to reproduce). Second best is if somebody notices some pattern. Without that I have no chance of figuring out crashes. This is particularly true when I haven't encountered them myself and it should be fairly obvious that we wouldn't be releasing if the modders encountered crashes.

I don't really know what to do about this because I have no clue to where to look for such a crash.
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