ww2 sen,


May 29, 2003
while bombing pearl, a ROCKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! came from the city and shot down my really cool bomber!! i lost 3 air craft to this!!! AND Y CAN THAY BOMB AND JUST TAKE DAMAG NOT BE LOST?? it realy piss me off, really cool rockets?! thats really cool ! thay didnt even have sams back then!! and if thay did i greatly dobt thay acaly work

Moderator Action: Watch your language!
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
if your looking for historical accruacy then you need to rid yourself of the bomber and take up the zero...equiped with modified torpedo's.... :)
I take that back thats not the only thing the Japanese took to Hawaii....they also took topedo and dive bombers (which were modified off the "zero")
It was a "fleet" of small aircraft (hitting near 300+). They hit in two "waves", they had a 3rd but did not "launch" it. These small aircraft were flown from carrier's. They did not have "heavy bombers".
Because the bomber had not yet made it off the carriers no "heavy bomber's" were used. Up until "Doolittle's Raid" bombers were not flown off carriers. Even "Doolittle's Raiders" had an interesting time trying to get them off the "boat" with such a small "run way" (The Flight Deck Launching Officer had to time each takeoff to coincide with the rise and fall of the bow to give the planes as much of a boost as possible when they left the fight deck)
There were no "heavy" bomber's on the raid of Pearl. So if you're looking for accuracy maybe you should be without the bomber :)
Always remember though....if you had SAM or FLAK and if the situation were reversed, wouldn't you use the tech?
As for damage vs. "killed"....well I would have to guess that MOST (note: not all) bomber's "hit" in WWII were lost.
That is not actually a SAM missle launching at your plane. Its the animation for AA. So no matter if you are using ships, flak cannons or SAM missiles, the animation stays the same. Although the attack you are seeing is from the flak cannons or ships docked at Pearl and not a SAM launcher. So its strictly a visual representation.

This is one of my only complaints about C3C and like I said its only visual. So I think they should make a seperate AA defense animation for WW2 era flak units and ships. This is something I can probably do myself in like 5 minutes (i can easily make flak smoke) if I knew what files to change. Until then though, I guess we have to see false missiles firing off from WW2 units :lol:

I love the whole AA defense idea though, its great and works good. I just want it to be more visually satisfying.
thats dumb..... another thing about this sen, is the chines cant make more gerilluas!!! and plus, compear the cost of a gerillu to an infantryman.... gerilluas 100 while infanty is 70!... i might mod this tho..

thats about it for my comlants,

plz fix in patch,
aa animation
gurillas in ww2 sen.(dosnt mater i can mod my self)
air craft allwasy being shot down by aa, y cant thay just take damage??
:D Hey Viet. N.L.F. was the political wing. N.L.A. National Liberation Army is closer to Vietcong.

Heh :p it's relevant :love:
And speaking of the WW2 scenario, is it only in that scenario (and not the epic game) where aircraft can bomb and sink naval units in a city? My first dose of C3C is playing as America in that scenario, and aside from the Pearl Harbor attack at the beginning, I've got a crowd of Japanese aircraft out of Saigon/Hanoi making life for my units in the Phillipines miserable. Fortunately I just wiped out the Home Islands with nukes, and in about three turns the Chinese are going to be seeing the sun rise to their south. :saiyan:

Sorry bout that, VietCong... ;)
Originally posted by IglooDude
And speaking of the WW2 scenario, is it only in that scenario (and not the epic game) where aircraft can bomb and sink naval units in a city?

I think this is in the epic game also but I am not sure.
Originally posted by Vietcong
while bombing pearl, a ROCKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! came from the city and shot down my really cool bomber!! i lost 3 air craft to this!!! AND Y CAN THAY BOMB AND JUST TAKE DAMAG NOT BE LOST?? it realy piss me off, really cool rockets?! thats really cool ! thay didnt even have sams back then!! and if thay did i greatly dobt thay acaly work

Moderator Action: Watch your language!
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889

sorry,... and its not that cool, u chold have changets to stupid or something :p
This is something I can probably do myself in like 5 minutes (i can easily make flak smoke) if I knew what files to change.

have a look in the Art-Animations-Sam folder, it contains the animation used and also the ini
@Vietcong: Quit complaining and do something about stuff. Xen complains about the Dromon but then he has Utahjazz make the Cataphract unit, so he is a doer-complainer. You are a lazy-complainer. Also the Tojos lost some Zeros in the fight, so you are gonna lose some. Maybe the American player should complain when San Francisco is bombed. :p
Originally posted by Vietcong

sorry,... and its not that cool, u chold have changets to stupid or something :p

some food for thought- dont mock the mods
Originally posted by Packer-Backer
@Vietcong: Quit complaining and do something about stuff. Xen complains about the Dromon but then he has Utahjazz make the Cataphract unit, so he is a doer-complainer. You are a lazy-complainer. Also the Tojos lost some Zeros in the fight, so you are gonna lose some. Maybe the American player should complain when San Francisco is bombed. :p

you called that complaining?

it wouldnt be complaining unless I was still doing it, but I'm not am I?, yes I will occasionally point out that the cataphract would have been a better UU, but you dont see anything like the various arguments I had going before do you?
I didn't mean complaining, sorry. You know a lot more about Roman-Byzantine history and I knew as much I would be more sick at the sight of the Dromon. And I also agree that the Rider graphics for the Medieval Conq Cataphract is an embarrasment.

BTW: Do you find my sig trolling or just annoying.

@Vietcong again: Xen's right, don't mock the mods. They just came up with those two words because if somebody was in an argument with another user would they change bleeping moron to idiot and call it moderated?
just slightlly annoying ;), dont worry abou it really ;)
Call me silly here, BUT if you want things to go exactly as the "real world events" happened then you need to grab a history book instead of Civ, the game really wouldn't be that fun without the little "twists". You'd know just where to go with what units, and who would "win"...not much fun in that! I think that's why a lot people like to play the "conquests" its a bit of "real life" with "new" twists (Japan: "hmmm, lets see if I can bomb the US before they bomb me"). Yes, we are taking "actual" battles from history here, but 99% of what YOU do with it is probably going to be different than "real" history. I presonally wouldn't have it any other way. When I'm in the mood to "re-live real history" I'll turn on the History Channel instead of Civ.
that snot it at all, I , belive it or not, know where he is coming from with this one *shudder*, its not that we want to recreate history (usually), but rather take an event, with all factors the same at the begginign as they would have been in real life, and then play, and attempt to change history- to find out exactel how a "what if" scenario migth have unfolded in real life
JUST sligthly annoying?! I thought you would be p*ssed off? I wonder if anybody will make a diplomacy text of you :lol:, and don't get started on me with the commies and um, moslems. (Sorry, mods.) Would the first meeting with you be: "I, the mighty Xen, sinker of Dromons and general of Cataphracts, greets you. Are you on the side of the civilized or do you deal with the numberless barbarians?" A quote from Theodora's text and I think I got it almost right. I haven't paid any attention to what the new civs say, only their city names, leaderheads by era, and UUs.
Originally posted by Packer-Backer
@Vietcong: Quit complaining and do something about stuff. Xen complains about the Dromon but then he has Utahjazz make the Cataphract unit, so he is a doer-complainer. You are a lazy-complainer. Also the Tojos lost some Zeros in the fight, so you are gonna lose some. Maybe the American player should complain when San Francisco is bombed. :p

but thay didnt lose an inteir squadrean?? :rolleyes:
Come on, Vietcong. Very few squads, battalions, whatever are actual completely destroyed. PLANES WERE SHOT DOWN! Deal with it. You still bombed Pearl Harbor. Would you like it better if your entire army was half a-bombs and all allied cities have no defenders? If you want Honolulu to be a sitting duck edit it.
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