• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


Oh the Axis is strong in this one, dont worry about that!

Nothing new to report. 1941 is here. gps to Hitler

Would their strength suffice to withstand Soviet attack? It feels that USSR decided to pick on the underdog, or perhaps Churchill could not win Stalin over via secret diplomacy, which is strange given your very famous talent of persuasion :cooool:
Would their strength suffice to withstand Soviet attack? It feels that USSR decided to pick on the underdog, or perhaps Churchill could not win Stalin over via secret diplomacy, which is strange given your very famous talent of persuasion :cooool:

It would be quite a battle if the Axis elected to fight the USSR right now. Honestly its my only hope to get back in the game. USA is powerful but the Commonwealth is just trying to maintain the few areas we do have left at this point (Africa/Cairo, Australia, Ireland). Luckily there's only 1 winner, so at some point they do have to fight, right?!!!?

As for my powers of diplomacy... I originally only started as USA, allied myself with the Commonwealth, and the former Commonwealth leader caused problems with the USSR... when I took over Commonwealth I wasn't able to get myself allied with USSR, and then, yes, he decided to kick a wounded dog and go to war with me himself. It's definitely an "alternate history" worth exploring. Ultimately the commies and fascists are going to need to fight, democracy is only an american concept, even some of south america is turning fascist. We will see what happens.
1941 has arrived!

The first years of the war have been extremely favourable to the Axis and slightly favourable to the communists. The once powerfull Commonwealth seems to have a grim future ahead.

But 1941 has arrived and the US Congress has given President Roosevelt a free hand regarding the war on Europe and Asia... what changes will occur? Will this change anything or nothing at all?

The USSR Government would like to make a strong formal complaint against the fact that the Japanese Empire is harbouring criminals! These are criminals of the most dangerous sort, that carry holy books, say that Allah exists and deny that religion is the opium of the people!!!

In September 1939, the rich Commonwealth, convinced of the capitalism superiority, refused all trades with the poor URSS... even a simple treaty of Open Borders was refused! As USSR needed to follow it's quest to control the so called holy cities, it had to remove the British forces that were in the way!

USSR now controls Jerusalem and Mecca and is starting a prolongued educational project to educate the people of those cities and to erradicate all bourgeoisie traits, making them understand that religion is not a good thing and that they should worship Marx and not some corrupt priests!

Well, US did not step into the war until the END of 1941, so you still have some historical justifications when you try to convince yourself to help yourself :)
USSR is now consolidated the new territories, giving them all the benefits of communism.
Oddly, the Japanese have offered the Commonwwealth a no strings attached peace treaty, which we have gladly accepted. Anything to guarantee more peaceful nations will not be invaded, at least on one front.

On the other hand, we have rejected the terms of peace offered from the USSR, which simply thinks they can stomp all over us. The Allies will not pay for peace, peace should come for free!

As the dangerous Japanese Empire has made peace with the Commonwealth so must the Soviets in order to prepare for the nasty wave of Imperialism coming from the East...
And peace with Russia is signed.

Dublin is now under seige from the Germans. The British Navy and most of their men abandon their position, since holding Dublin is hopeless. We retreat back to Canada, hoping to win back the homeland one day. The remaining infantry in Dublin have no choice but to try to hold their position as long as they can until reinforcements can arrive...

What a strange and hostile statement coming from the Soviets with respect to Japan.

It seems that, as usual, the propaganda machine of the dangerous and very powerful Soviet Empire is already distorting the reality of the facts with this kind of announcements. It seems that Stalin is already trying to invent reasons to take agressive actions against his neighbours...

Japan doesn't want problems with the most powerful nation in the world. Japan defying the mighty Russia, was like an ant defying an elephant. Japan is not a kamikase nation, but we know how to defend ourselves.
In Europe, the retreating British navy was spotted by a routine flyover, and the German navy quickly changed course to intercept. Following heavy air bombardment the fleet has been annihilated.

GPS to Hirohito
What about Patton? That's a relevant news, I assume!

Off course I'm assuming that Patton is American... which is not necessarly the case!

Patton was part of a small-ish American force who went to Dublin a few months back (before 1941), put on some British gear and attempted to supplement the British re-invasion of London. The invasion failed and with German naval superiority, he was stranded in Ireland. All remaining transports were loaded and Patton went with the disguised American forces in a sneaky attempt to get back home... which was of course quickly discovered and the entire transport and defending fleet was sunk by the Nazis.

Now of course America is free to declare war on anyone, including the other way around, so the sneakiness is not necessary and Patton's true identity and death can be publicized. Since this supplement the American's have done little to take part in the war... for now.
GPS on

The German invasion of Ireland has begun, with heavy air and naval support allowing the German forces to retreat into the hills nearby. Both forces are well dug in, but the constant shelling is likely to wear down the plucky Irish forces.
GPS on

The German invasion of Ireland has begun, with heavy air and naval support allowing the German forces to retreat into the hills nearby. Both forces are well dug in, but the constant shelling is likely to wear down the plucky Irish forces.

The Irish surely know how to hang in there... they hope to hold out for reinforcements from the Americas!

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