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Xenophobia, "the Cricketers" Point of View


Veteran QB
Nov 6, 2005
Cheering For Mr Sanchez
Playing game atm as Japan, I've a continent Island to myself (16 cities) only other nation I've ever met was US , who I destroyed nearly 2000 Years ago (its 1200 AD).

The point of the post:-

Imagine the only nation you've really ever known is your own. Suddenly you meet these "other" people who don't really see things as your nation does. To steal a comparison from the late and great Douglas Adams , I feel like "The Cricketers". Its the only time in playing Civ , in which I've unequivocaly said to myself " They have to go". "All of them".

I'm winning in score by miles, but still, "They all must go".

Anyone else ever felt like this , or is it just the many beers I've been drinking?
I normally play a builder type game, so I usually use force when absolutely necessary. Usually I maintain enough relations to avoid having the need to fight a war, and I try to grab enough land so that I'd have more chances to have resources I need.
Use a K at the start of Kricket otherwise you will confuse it with the second best gamer ever invented (football best). I kinda see where you're coming from as well but conquest is the object of the game.
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