YnAMP sub-project: True location corresponding city names


Sep 20, 2009
Does the following sound familiar to you?

You play one of YnAMP real world maps and then found your second city of Hamburg just to be automatically named it "Munich". So you open up the city screen and change the name yourself. And then, you found an other city somewhere inlands, but you're not sure what real city is there. So you open up Google Maps and check. And then, you open up the city screen and change the name yourself.

Your empire thrives and since you think that attacking the northern cities of Italy might help you in your expansion, you launch your troops over the alps and into the rich cities of Napels and Palermo that cleary lie along the eastern italian coast of the adria... Wait what? Yeah, the random city naming struck again! So, after you beaten those snobbish Romans and take those cities -- well, you go into city screen and rename Naples to "Venice" cause it's obviously the perfect place for the city and you rename Palermo to... yeah, you also might end up looking up Google Maps.

Wouldn't it be great, if the cities were named from the beginning just by their real world counterparts? Wouldn't it be great that "Milan" would be named "Milano" if you play the game in Italian or "Mailand" if you play it in German? Or that you could just choose to have them all displayed in their native language and even by the civ that is founding them, so if the Romans found a city on the tile where real world's Rhine river and Main river converge, they would call it "Moguntiacum". And if the Germans would found a city on the same tile, they would call it "Mainz"?

I have good news for you: This project makes it happen!
Now the not so good news: It's not done yet. But it has started already!

Check these screenshots from a game with working code

Now I need to tell you one important thing: This is a SH*TLOAD of work! I started with the Europe map and only did a few countries so far. It really takes a while to get a part of the map done. But to me, it's worth the effort :smoke: -- However, if I would work on this alone, it will take very long time to finish all the maps. And I don't even touched the native and civ-specific namings yet! The more people help, the easier and faster it will be done.

If you don't know how to mod, this just might be the project for you!

To make it clear: As long as you know how to use a web browser and how to use a text editor, you can contribute to this project. No coding skills needed beyond the point that you can distinguish between letters and the symbols = and " .

Also, you don't have to commit yourself on -- say -- doing Africa alone (you can, if you want to :mischief: ). Even if you just do one country (especially if you live in this country), it will help us a lot.

Want to be part of the Story? Read the next post.

Just want to play? Check YnAMP mod.
The Ultimate "How to add city names to YnAMP mod" Guide

Get started: All you need to start hammering in city names

You need: YnAMP source code
First of all, please create an account on gitHub. (If you just want to download the source code for now, you don't need an account) Don't worry if you have no experience in gitHub, this manual will cover all steps you need. You can take the tour when you log-in thou, if you want to.

Fork the project to your own account and download the zip file. See the picture in the spoiler:
Spoiler :

Extract the zip file into your civ6 mods directory, which should be here: "Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods\"

You need: A text editor
Basically every text editor will do, but you might wanna get something that is capable of showing you XML data in a easy to read manner. I use Notepad++, it's freeware and has some nice easy-to-use features like tabs, that come in very handy. The picture in the spoiler shows you the difference in using a plain text editor vs. Notepad++

Spoiler :

You need: The map and the text file
Open the xml file that contains the map you want to add cities to (for example: "Maps\PlayEuropeAgain\CityMap.xml"). Also, open the file "GamePlay\GamePlayText.xml". The first one is where your map coordinates will go to specify a location for a city name. The later one is the file that contains the actual name itself. Don't worry, you will get the whole picture soon, just keep reading.

You need: Ingame display of map coords and reveal the whole map (if you don't use Worldbuilder)
Open the file "AppOptions.txt", you can find it in the civ6 main directory. Edit the lines "EnableDebugMenu 1" and "EnableDebugPlotInfo 1". Save the file. See the image in the spoiler for clarification.

Spoiler :

Start Civ6 and activate the mod
Start your civ6 game (if it was running while you were editing the AppOptions, you have to restart the game). Activate the "Yet not Another Map Pack" mod (and also I advise you to deactivate any other mods!). Start a game with the YnAMP-map you want to add cities to or alternatively use the Worldbuilder to load the map.

Reading coordinates and reveal whole map
To read the coordinates of a tile, hover over the tile and check the tooltip. In the bottom you will see the coords something like "Plot #:1234 @(25,94), vis:1" (see spoiler pic below). The relevant part are the red digits in the brackets. These are the X and Y coords of the map. For your orientation: The grid starts in the bottom left corner with (0,0). Be aware, the X-axis is not a straigt line, the coords are moving up in a zick-zag. Check the X-coords of a few tiles above and below each other to get the idea.

Spoiler :

To reveal the whole map, activate the debug console by pressing ` (tilde) on an english keyboard. It might be a different key on other languages. For german keyboard, press "ö". Type "reveal all" command into the console. Press enter, the map will be revealed. You can close the console if you like by pressing the console key again.

We are ready to go: Adding city names to a specific map tile
If you found a spot on the map where you say it's a good place for a specific city, write down the coords.

In the map xml file, dublicate the "Replace" line (see the spoiler pic) and change the X, Y and "CityLocaleName" values to the city that you want to add. There is no mandatory order, but you might find it handy to order it by the Y-axis.

Spoiler :

As you can see, you don't write in the city name directly, instead you use a tag, here for example "LOC_CITY_NAME_PARIS". Please use always this naming and do not use special characters in this tag. Also do not use "-", make it a "_" instead (also for spaces!). Example: "New Döuble-Näme" --> "LOC_CITY_NAME_NEW_DOEUBLE_NAEME"

Now go to the "GamePlayText.xml" file. Here scroll down the "<en_US>" section. You will find lots of city names here and suddenly a </LocalizedText> tag. Add your city names before this tag. Just dublicate a line above and replace the "Tag" with the tag you already wrote in the map file and the "Text" with the accurate city name ("-" and special characters are allowed in the "Text" attribute). See the spoiler pic for clarification:

Spoiler :

Check changes
If you want to check your changes, restart the game. The files won't be updated neither real-time nor if you just reload the map. Restart the game.

Give it a try
You can already go and try this stuff. However, if you want to participate further, please read the other chapters of this manual, as there are some things to be aware of that gives you a good understanding of how the naming works and how you prevent two Parises for example, or how you place your cities along rivers.

Become an expert: Mindful name placing, advanced placing techniques and troubleshooting

To make it clear from the beginning: There is no ultimate "right" way of deciding where to place a city name and where to place a different city name in relation to the first one. But there are rule of thumbs that I would like to emphesize on. Those are open for discussion and may change at some point. In the end, it all comes down to your own judgement. For now, those rule of thumbs gave me a good approach to specifiy tiles.

A tile can spread its name to adjacent tiles
There are basically two types of naming tiles. Those, which will give the city name only when you found the city EXACTLY on this tile (called "0 range tiles"), and those, which will give the city name even if they are only adjacent to the tile (called "1 range tiles"). See the pic in the spoiler. The red tile is a "0 range tile", you will get the city name only, if you found the citiy there. The blue tile spreads its name to every tile around it. No matter where in the blue dotted area you found the city, it will get the name of the blue tile.

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1 range tiles are useful for bigger cities or for areas with much space. That gives the player more possible tiles to found a specific city and gives you as modder a quicker way of "floating" an area with one name.

In the code, 0 range tiles have a Area="0" attribute at the end of their tag, while 1 range tiles have no such attribute, as it is the default value for name tiles. Check the map xmls and you will find both of these types.

0 range tiles have the highest priority. Means that when you have a 0 range tile and an overlapping 1 range tile to its right, the founding city will get the 0 range name, even though there is also a 1 range name available. This is especially handy when you have 2 overlapping 1 range tiles, or if you want to have all tiles around a 1 range to be "Big City" but then there is a river for example and you want to be sure that "Big City" is not on the other side of this river (because it isn't there in real life aswell). Check the following spoiler pic:

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The 1 range tiles give you (and the player) comfort for placing big cities and the 0 range tile gives you the detailed specification you need to, to make city placements as close to the real world as possible.

Which cities should be placed on the map?
As you can imagine, one civ map tile may correspond to a huge real world area with several cities in it. So how to decide which city to go for? Quick answer: Go with your guts. Long answer: You might want to align your guts by thinking about the following (i warned you, now comes a long answer!) :

Is this city of any importance? Lets say Dunquerke (Dünkirchen). Pretty small town at the french coast, right? But... wasn't there something about WWII... you may want to do some research or just rely on your history knowledge. And so you might wanna give this city a tile. However, giving it a 1 range tile might be overkill, because then the player will found a Dunquerke that is completly not on the coast. So a 0 range tile (Area="0") is most likely sufficient here. By the way, the "guts" stuff is pretty important here. We do not expect a history degree or a deep cultural knowledge or perfect cartography skills. If it doesn't please the community, it will let us know. So don't agonize too much over a tile ;)

Take landscape into consideration. This is especially true for islands and coasts. See the following spoiler pic of Sicily.
Spoiler :

I gave Palermo two 0 range tiles so a player may found the city west or east to the river. However, I kinda don't think that Palermo should also be on the southern coast of Sicily. About the cyan tile to the left: Well, as I said, just go with your guts.

Take rivers into consideration. Here an example of Frankfurt/Germany and the area around it. Since I am a german myself and lived in several citites along the Rhine river, I claim myself of having some understanding of this area. In the spoiler pic below you see the Rhine river/Main river convergence on the civ map, as well as a Google Map of this area (i emphesized the important stuff on it):

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Converting this into name tiles, I ended up with the following spoiler pic:

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As you can see, a player will have PLENTY of tiles where he can found "Frankfurt", he is not tied to one or two specific tiles, but to also adress some of the realism and local importance of cities there is no Frankfurt on the west side of the Rhine river (this is where "Mainz" is, a city that goes back to the Romans). Also, at the exact convergense of the two rivers, this is where Mainz and Wiesbaden are. Wiesbaden is a provice capital of the provice Frankfurt is part of actually :crazyeye: ). And to the north, it would be very weird to found a city adjacent to the Rhine river that would be called "Frankfurt" because Frankfurt ist definetly not near it. Also, if you look closely at the former picture with Google Maps, you will see that there is als "Hanau" ... well, it's a really small city. Yes, I could place it, but then it would be 1 less tile for Frankfurt. And my guts tell me to give it to Frankfurt, so a player have 4 places along the Main river, where he can found Frankfurt and even a 5th one on the hills (if they really want to...)

Take Gameplay into consideration. The detailed approach shown above might work for the "Play Europe Again" map, but on a world map, the landscape might be less detailed. And so, you might want to go for more "known" and "important" cities. On an other map, there might be no "Wiesbaden" (because it takes away a valuable "Frankfurt" tile) and no "Mainz" because Cologne and Strasbourg might be the only cities that have space.

Keeping track of your work
Mapping all the names of a country (or even a continent) can get messy very fast. You have to deal with a lot of tiles. When you only have ingame view and a mere endless amount of code rows, you might gonna lose yourself. So think about something to help you dealing with coords and namings. How you want to do this is really up to you. In the spoiler pic is an example of what I did in the first days of my work. You might not see or understand much of the pic, and I won't go into detail for it. But for me, it was sufficent to keep tracking of my progress and to check placings later ingame during tests.

Spoiler :

That being said, depends on how this project evolve, we might gonna get special maps in this manual for people to download and point out which part of a map they want to name.

Also, announce your work, so we are not ending up having four people working on Egypt simlutaneously. See the next chapter "Be part of the party" for more details.

You might encounter some weird things when you test your code ingame. Here are some issues I ran into during test and how to deal with them.

City name ingame is "LOC_CITY_NAME_XY": If you end up having cities being founded with names for example "LOC_CITY_NAME_PARIS" instead of just "Paris", there are two possibilies for that.

First, you might have not added the real name into the GamePlayText.xml. For every city that you declare in your map xml, there has to be a corresponding entry with the real name in the GamePlayText.xml. Check this example:

Code in your map xml:
<Replace MapName="PlayEuropeAgain" X="47" Y="24" CityLocaleName="LOC_CITY_NAME_PARIS" Area="0" />

Than this code MUST BE in your GamePlayText.xml:
<Replace Tag="LOC_CITY_NAME_PARIS" Text="Paris" Language="en_US" />

If you miss on the second part, your city will be founded as "LOC_CITY_NAME_PARIS".

An other reason for the game not resolving the name tag is that there is a typo in your GamePlayText.xml code. Now the tricky thing about it is that the typo might not be in the line with the city. See the following spoiler pic where there is a typo several lines ahead of Paris.

Spoiler :

Searching for those typos can take a while. Just stay focused and you will find it eventually.

Founded city has a city name from the "name pool" instead of the specific name of this tile: All cities founded on tiles that haven't being named will get their name from the civilizations name pool (the names that you get in standard games when founding citites). So you either just founded a city on a tile you didn't code at all or you might have declare the wrong coordinates for this tile. Check the X/Y-coords of the city with the ingame tooltip and then check your code if this tile was really declared correctly (also check for typos).

Now you should have a good idea of what to be aware of when you code your city names. If you have any questions or something is still unclear to you, feel free to post in this thread. I will answer you asap. Read the final chapter of this manual to know how to get your work into the mod.

Be part of the party: Announcing your task, discussing and providing your changes to the mod

Spread the work and define the scope
Be reassured that mapping all those tiles of a huge map (even if you can count out water and mountains) is still a lot and lot of work! So noone expects you to sit down and work through the whole map. Best way to cut down the effort is to work on a special part of the map. Like for example the iberian peninsula, the british isles, the Balkans etc.

Do the part you want to do. Just make sure that it hasn't been coded already (we don't need 5 people working on France over and over again). If your part of the map has already been coded, join the conversation and discuss the changes you feel more suitable. Then you can go to code an update instead of a complete new naming set. Especially if you are from the area of the world you want to code/discuss let us know, an insight from a local is better then just looking up Google Maps and hoping for the best when placing the names :lol:

Announce your work before starting it. Just give us a short post in the forum on what part you are working on. Check the "Project status" post (next after this) to see which parts are being worked on and which parts you can contribute to.

A small scale update is totally ok. Again, it's not about doing the most codelines. It's more about giving an enrichment to the mod. So you are from Denmark and there are only 20 tiles where you can place city names on? No problem -- let your danish way of life inspire you and give the map the best city name allocation for denmark as possible (this is hard, you really have to think about EVERY tile). Quality is definetly over quantity!

Less Caesar, more Plato. No one of us is without error and no one of us holds the ultimate truth (there is no such thing). Let people know why you think this and that is a more fitting approach than the current one. Take their thoughts into consideration for your work aswell. This might require some more talk in the beginning, but in the end, we will end up with a way more interesting map then when we just follow one strict dogma. Like giving total geographical correctness over gameplay issues. That might just end in people disliking our placements becase they can't found the cities they know and end up with weird names they never heard of and that wasn't their intention at all when founding the city.

Commit your changes on gitHub
Yes, it's finally there: The part where you get your changes into the mod! (In case they please Gedemon :lol: )

I assume that you did a smoke test on your code? Means that you at least started one game after coding and just spammed out cities to check if you get the city names you decleared. If not, please do it first. But after that, it's time for your code to get on the journey into the mod.

Upload your code changes on gitHub: Make sure that you open YOUR OWN repository on gitHub. Check the following spoiler pic to see when you have the correct repository open. If you need to find your repository on gitHub, go to your gitHub account. You will find a link there.

Spoiler :

You can easily drag&drop your changed files into the repository, but beware that you put it into the right directory! See the spoiler pic, it shows you the exact location your files has to go to.

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Write a comment about your changes. Don't leave this part empty please. The more people are working on a project, the more important it is that some can see directly what this change is about. So please fill in some bulletpoints. See the spoiler pic for an example.

Spoiler :

Create a pull request to Gedemons source code. After uploading the files and commenting the changes, your gitHub repository will show an entry, something like "xy commited on gitHub xyz". Check the spoiler pic, its marked as the underlined passage there. When you see this, click on "New pull request" (the framed button in the same pic).

Spoiler :

The following page should look something like the the next spoiler pic. Click on "Create pull request".

Spoiler :

The pull request will be commented with the same text that you used earlier to comment your file changes.

You will be notified. When your changes have been merged into the master repository, you will get a notification via mail. From this moment on, your changes are in the code available to everyone to download it from gitHub and with the next mod release, to everyone who is using the mod!

Delete YOUR repository before working further on the mod
Now, if you want to work on the mod again, like doing an other country, please wait first to get the notification about your merge. Delete YOUR repository on gitHub (see the following spoiler pic) and then start from the beginning of this tutorial again, where it tells you to fork the source code.

Spoiler :

(yes, there are other ways dear gitHub experts, but for this manual and for this special usage, i'd like to make it easier for people not getting their code base messy, ok? :mischief: )

That's all folks!
If you have any further questions, suggestions, discussions etc. feel free to post your thoughts in this thread. Also check the next post about project status to get an overview on this project.

Moderator Action: Edited by Gedemon
Added link to a few useful functions to use with the Firetuner in Worldbuilder mode:

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Project status from 2016/12/12

Spoiler :
- "Play Europe Again": In Progress
- "Giant Earh": Open
- "Largest Earth": Open
- "Greates Earh Map": Open

"Play Europe Again" Map

Default Names Mapping (modern world city names)

Feel free to grab an uncovered area (see spoiler pic) or discuss a done area.

Uncovered areas: OPEN, Bright areas: IN PROGRESS, Dark areas: DONE
Spoiler :

Civ-specific Names Mapping

If not on the following list, the civ is OPEN. Feel free to work on one of them.
- Greeks: In Progress
- Romans: In Progress
- Sumer: In Progress

Ingame Language (for default and civ-specific names)

So far, there are only a couple of city names translated into game languages. Feel free to work on a full list for a language, but you might want to wait until at least the default set is done, so we won't end up with a partial list.

Moderator Action: Edited by Gedemon

Project status from 2017/03/16

Spoiler :

Play Europe Again - Near Completion

All complete, except for final southern Middle East section.

Greatest Earth - Commenced

Australasia and France sections completed.

Giant Earth (GEM) - In Progress

Only Africa from Y=30 north, Siberia east of X=51, and Central Eurasia still to do.

Largest Earth - To Be Begun

Not yet started.

Project status from 2020/04/29


Play Europe Again - Complete

Thanks everyone ! :goodjob:

Greatest Earth - Commenced

Australasia and France sections completed.

Giant Earth (GEM) - Complete


Largest Earth - To Be Begun

Not yet started. (can use the Giant Earth Database and specific entries for some reworked regions)


  • Play Europe Again merged.png
    Play Europe Again merged.png
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Here's a picture of the changes to northern Italy:
Spoiler :

@rock_and_ride Thoughts? If you wanted I could change the lower Mantua to Bologna?

@Gedemon ZIP file attached. Note I have used the ISO 639-1 two letter language codes, so Latin is LA and Greek is EL, for example. If you would rather I use something else I can.


  • Italia.zip
    6.4 KB · Views: 335
@Gedemon ZIP file attached. Note I have used the ISO 639-1 two letter language codes, so Latin is LA and Greek is EL, for example. If you would rather I use something else I can.
Thank you :)

And yes, the naming convention is something we should set ASAP, the easier way may be to simply use the Civilizations name as suffix, what do you think ?
Thank you :)

And yes, the naming convention is something we should set ASAP, the easier way may be to simply use the Civilizations name as suffix, what do you think ?

That's fine. How about RM for Rome? I would rather not use RO as that is Romania, and unlikely as it is that we will ever need to add Romania I still would prefer to avoid confusion between the two. What about Greece? GR, then? That lines up with the ISO 3166-1 standard, which we can use as a base for the naming convention. We will have to improvise in sone places though—there is no standard country code for Sumeria, for example!
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Thoughts? If you wanted I could change the lower Mantua to Bologna?
It doesn't matter what I want. To me it's about providing value to the community. So people can enjoy this mod on a higher level than before the true city namings. So I am driven not only by carthographical correctness but also with the player in mind. My Italy namings are a litte bit less detailed than yours here. In the northern Italy, my main drive was to arrange Genoa, Milan, Bologna, Florence and Venice in a way that a player will be able to found all these cities. This resulted in some leniency towards carthographical correctness. I also gave Pisa three tiles to give the player a greater chance to found this city. Btw, the pic of northern Italy was a little bit outdated, Gedemon already added the Arno. Here is what it looks like right now: http://imgur.com/a/3SVRb

As you can see, if you want to found Venice, Bologna and Florence you would need to found Florence on the lower site of Arno on an Iron resource (kinda meh...). But if you found it on the upper tiles to the pin (more likely i guess), you definetly won't get Bologna and you would need to name the Treviso tile "Venice" and even might want to add a river delta so Venice would start with fresh water. In my current name mapping, Pisa has tree tiles along the coast. So if you found Florence above Arno, you still get a chance for Pisa. But I am also not so convinced about that. Perhaps Livorno is the better tile here. That would boil down to the following: If you found along the Arno river, you get either Pisa (at the coast), Bologna (adjacent to Arno :crazyeye:) or Florence inlands. But you can't have all of them. Since the tile east to Florence pin is Arezzo. And i think Arezzo is a good choise here, kinda "too far" for being Florence.

As I said, I am driven by several thoughts while placing names. Check in my post above in the "Manual" the part with the headline "Which cities should be placed on the map?", that explains it in detail and also has examples.

Btw, Italy is definetly one of the more difficult terrains to place namings :lol: -- So, what are your thoughts?

The zip is not working btw, might wanna attach it again to a new post?
And yes, the naming convention is something we should set ASAP, the easier way may be to simply use the Civilizations name as suffix, what do you think ?
How would that work? We keep "LOC_CITY_NAME_X" in the map xml but would add "LOC_CITY_NAME_X_Y" (Y = civ) in the text xml? With "LOC_CITY_NAME_X" as english default?
It doesn't matter what I want. To me it's about providing value to the community. So people can enjoy this mod on a higher level than before the true city namings. So I am driven not only by carthographical correctness but also with the player in mind. My Italy namings are a litte bit less detailed than yours here. In the northern Italy, my main drive was to arrange Genoa, Milan, Bologna, Florence and Venice in a way that a player will be able to found all these cities. This resulted in some leniency towards carthographical correctness. I also gave Pisa three tiles to give the player a greater chance to found this city. Btw, the pic of northern Italy was a little bit outdated, Gedemon already added the Arno. Here is what it looks like right now: http://imgur.com/a/3SVRb

As you can see, if you want to found Venice, Bologna and Florence you would need to found Florence on the lower site of Arno on an Iron resource (kinda meh...). But if you found it on the upper tiles to the pin (more likely i guess), you definetly won't get Bologna and you would need to name the Treviso tile "Venice" and even might want to add a river delta so Venice would start with fresh water. In my current name mapping, Pisa has tree tiles along the coast. So if you found Florence above Arno, you still get a chance for Pisa. But I am also not so convinced about that. Perhaps Livorno is the better tile here. That would boil down to the following: If you found along the Arno river, you get either Pisa (at the coast), Bologna (adjacent to Arno :crazyeye:) or Florence inlands. But you can't have all of them. Since the tile east to Florence pin is Arezzo. And i think Arezzo is a good choise here, kinda "too far" for being Florence.

As I said, I am driven by several thoughts while placing names. Check in my post above in the "Manual" the part with the headline "Which cities should be placed on the map?", that explains it in detail and also has examples.

Btw, Italy is definetly one of the more difficult terrains to place namings :lol: -- So, what are your thoughts?

The zip is not working btw, might wanna attach it again to a new post?

I have been turning this over in my mind, and I think I will remove Massa and change it to a second Pisa tile, and change the left Bologna tile to Lucca. Then where I currently have Lucca can become another Florence tile. I don't think I will move Bologna north though—as it is Bologna is off the Po (as per geography), but still close enough to reach fresh water with an Aqueduct. I'll upload an edited ZIP with changes.

How would that work? We keep "LOC_CITY_NAME_X" in the map xml but would add "LOC_CITY_NAME_X_Y" (Y = civ) in the text xml? With "LOC_CITY_NAME_X" as english default?

Have a look in my ZIP and see. It looks a little odd at times when the ancient Roman location is only nearby the modern town, but works fine for different translations of the same city.


  • ItalySicilySardiniaCorsica.zip
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I don't think I will move Bologna north though—as it is Bologna is off the Po (as per geography), but still close enough to reach fresh water with an Aqueduct. I'll upload an edited ZIP with changes.
you know the longer I think abou it, the very north Bologna might not be a good choice after all. let's go for some more geography here.

Have a look in my ZIP and see. It looks a little odd at times when the ancient Roman location is only nearby the modern town, but works fine for different translations of the same city.
I strongly adivce that we do not add a layer about changed positions over time... might be an overkill :lol: Also it is not that common I guess.

I am a little worried about the many doublications in the xmls. It makes the code hard to read and may be error prone.

@Gedemon What do you think of following implenetation: In the map xml, the tile is declared by only the tag without suffix (aka modern world city name). the text xml contains the suffix-less tag as well as all names with appropriate civ suffixes. Code is checking the founding civ and if there is a tag for this tile that also has the founding civ, it takes the suffixed tag for city name. Would keep the code dublication out of map xml.

edit: btw, stuff like that: <Replace Tag="LOC_CITY_NAME_CALTANISSETTA_AR" Text="Qal'at al-Nisā'" Language="en_US" /> <---- :smoke: AWESOME!
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I am a little worried about the many doublications in the xmls. It makes the code hard to read and may be error prone.

@Gedemon What do you think of following implenetation: In the map xml, the tile is declared by only the tag without suffix (aka modern world city name). the text xml contains the suffix-less tag as well as all names with appropriate civ suffixes. Code is checking the founding civ and if there is a tag for this tile that also has the founding civ, it takes the suffixed tag for city name. Would keep the code dublication out of map xml.

That sounds like a pain to change... But I do see your point.
edit: btw, stuff like that: <Replace Tag="LOC_CITY_NAME_CALTANISSETTA_AR" Text="Qal'at al-Nisā'" Language="en_US" /> <---- :smoke: AWESOME!

Some of the alternate names are pretty fun! However, researching for Sicily (and now southern Iberia) makes me realize how much Civ VI needs Carthage...

Also, I've only just now realized your screenshots have a much better minimap than mine. Which mod is that?
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What about for Polish cities, once the Poland DLC is released?

Gdansk and Gdynia are close to each other, which means that founding one of them would mean that the other cannot be founded (unless the first city were razed).
you know the longer I think abou it, the very north Bologna might not be a good choice after all. let's go for some more geography here.

I strongly adivce that we do not add a layer about changed positions over time... might be an overkill :lol: Also it is not that common I guess.

I am a little worried about the many doublications in the xmls. It makes the code hard to read and may be error prone.

@Gedemon What do you think of following implenetation: In the map xml, the tile is declared by only the tag without suffix (aka modern world city name). the text xml contains the suffix-less tag as well as all names with appropriate civ suffixes. Code is checking the founding civ and if there is a tag for this tile that also has the founding civ, it takes the suffixed tag for city name. Would keep the code dublication out of map xml.

edit: btw, stuff like that: <Replace Tag="LOC_CITY_NAME_CALTANISSETTA_AR" Text="Qal'at al-Nisā'" Language="en_US" /> <---- :smoke: AWESOME!

We can have multiple XML for the same map if it's easier to manage.

I can't use the Localization table for data in an easy way, I think I can check it by replacing
local CivilizationTypeName = PlayerConfigurations[ownerPlayerID]:GetCivilizationTypeName()
for row in GameInfo.CityMap() do
if CivilizationTypeName == row.Civilization then

by this
local CivilizationTypeName = PlayerConfigurations[ownerPlayerID]:GetCivilizationTypeName()
for row in GameInfo.CityMap() do
local startPos, endPos = string.find(CivilizationTypeName, "CIVILIZATION_")
local sCivString = string.sub(CivilizationTypeName, endPos)
local sCityNameForCiv = "LOC_CITY_NAME_".. sCivString
if Locale.Lookup(sCityNameForCiv) ~= sCityNameForCiv then -- means this civ has a specific name for a city

but it's a bit dirty and not really intuitive

And even for the tables, imagine we have a Phoenician Civilization and want to verify Carthage positioning after editing the map, I think it would be simpler to read/understand this in a table (when I say we can have multiple files, they'll all fill one single table "MapName" accessible in the debug database using sqlite) :

       <Replace MapName="PlayEuropeAgain" X="38" Y="23" CityLocaleName="LOC_CITY_NAME_TUNIS" />
       <Replace MapName="PlayEuropeAgain" X="38" Y="23" Civilization="CIVILIZATION_PHOENICIA" CityLocaleName="LOC_CITY_NAME_CARTHAGE" />

than having this

       <Replace MapName="PlayEuropeAgain" X="38" Y="23" CityLocaleName="LOC_CITY_NAME_TUNIS" />

and then having to check the translation table (which we, in fact, can't check using sqlite) if this exist:

    <Replace Tag="LOC_CITY_NAME_TUNIS_PHOENICIA" Text="Carthage" Language="en_US"/>

That would also complicate the future code for settlers map and a Phoenician AI Settler looking for the x,y position of it's next city.

What about for Polish cities, once the Poland DLC is released?

Gdansk and Gdynia are close to each other, which means that founding one of them would mean that the other cannot be founded (unless the first city were razed).
Why wait for a DLC, the default mapping doesn't require a Civilization to be in the game, we just need city names and positions.
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Don't get me wrong, it can be done but I'll have to think a bit more on it.
What about for Polish cities, once the Poland DLC is released?
The city placement is in its basic form totally civ-unspecific. The only reason there are no polish cities right now is that I didn't code them in yet. That said, you are welcome to add them if you want to. I'm writing the manual how do to it right now. Check the opening posts in this thread, there you already see how to make the cities appear ingame on a specific map. I'll add the part about keeping track of work and how to upload it on gitHub next. Let us know if you want to participate, I'll provide as many support as possible.

Gdansk and Gdynia are close to each other, which means that founding one of them would mean that the other cannot be founded (unless the first city were razed).
Yes, this applies to every name tile that is within a range of 2 tiles (with ruleset "Small scale" for city range 2). Since you can't spam cities next to each other, there always will be a tradeoff about which cities you can found based on the already foundet cities in close proximity. For example we are gonna rework the Italy city map a little bit which will lead to the fact that you can found either Florence or Bologna but not both (they are too close together in real world).[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
That sounds like a pain to change... But I do see your point.
Don't rush it, we are still figuring out what's the best approach to this layer ;)

Also, I've only just now realized your screenshots have a much better minimap than mine. Which mod is that?
Huh? None, this is how the original minimap looks like... Does yours look differently?

Don't get me wrong, it can be done but I'll have to think a bit more on it.
Yeah I can imagine. That's why I do not want to rush it. My biggest concern is to keep the code readable. For starters, I'd suggest to switch the civ-attribute behind the name.

So instead of:
        <Replace MapName="PlayEuropeAgain" X="50" Y="31" CityLocaleName="LOC_CITY_NAME_BARI" Area="0"/>
        <Replace MapName="PlayEuropeAgain" X="50" Y="31" Civilization="CIVILIZATION_GREECE" CityLocaleName="LOC_CITY_NAME_BARI_GR" Area="0" />
        <Replace MapName="PlayEuropeAgain" X="50" Y="31" Civilization="CIVILIZATION_ROME" CityLocaleName="LOC_CITY_NAME_BARI_RM" Area="0" />

write it down this way:

        <Replace MapName="PlayEuropeAgain" X="50" Y="31" CityLocaleName="LOC_CITY_NAME_BARI" Area="0"/>
        <Replace MapName="PlayEuropeAgain" X="50" Y="31" CityLocaleName="LOC_CITY_NAME_BARI_GR" Area="0" Civilization="CIVILIZATION_GREECE" />
        <Replace MapName="PlayEuropeAgain" X="50" Y="31" CityLocaleName="LOC_CITY_NAME_BARI_RM" Area="0" Civilization="CIVILIZATION_ROME" />

Also, you said something about splitting it up in different files. Like making a city map xml for every civ? so instead of having the three lines above in the map.xml, we would end up with the default mapping in the map xml and the _GR and _RM mappings in seperate files?
Hi All

Happy to contribute in any way I can. Love these accurate place name maps, they make Civ feel much more like a simulator than a game. Thanks to Gedemon and others for all the hard work :goodjob:

I have very limited modding skills but know how to use notepad++, google earth, and simple XML logic. I know that an enormous amount of work goes into these place name mods, having edited the Civ 5 Accurate Earth map for personal use. The more people working on this the easier it will be.

Assign an area to me (so we don't duplicate work) and I'll start data crunching.
Assign an area to me (so we don't duplicate work) and I'll start data crunching.
Welcome aboard :thumbsup:

I will add a project status post soon (its already reserved on the top of this post). For now, here a quick overview:

The only map that has been partially coded yet is "Play Europe Again". You can start on one of the world maps if you want (no one can stop you from doing so anyway :lol: ) but to me it would be great if we manage to finish one map first before going for other maps aswell. So if you are willing to make a part of the "Play Europe Again" map, be my guest!

There are part of the maps already done. That said, it doesn't mean that they are written in stone. If you want, you can either check the placements (and suggest changes) or mapping a complete virgin part of the map (go for the virgin, go for the virgin!!!!).

Done parts (open for discussion):
- British Isles with Ireland and Faroer
- Iberian Peninsula
- France
- Germany with Benelux and Helvetia (without todays Poland and Checz Rep)
- Scandinavia (with russian Murmansk area and the rus-fin border)
- Italy

Parts to do:
- Egypt
- Middle East
- Caucasus/Caspain sea area
- Russia (you might want to cut it into several pieces :D)
- Anatolia
- Greece
- Balkans
- Eastern Europe (from Baltics down to the Black Sea)
- Maghreb

About Russia and Maghreb: Probably not the best "starting projects". We need to think of how to deal propperly with the huge waste areas (if you make a name tile spread its name in a range of 4 for example, you will be able to found a lot of citites with the same name in that area...)

Also, the manual might help you with some details, especially about how to decide which names should be placed.

So, from the former lists, let us know which part you are most interessted in.
I agree, it will be better to complete one map rather than start another.

I'll go for Greece, because there are less naming disputes (such as what to do about Egypt, which has both Cleopatra's Ancient/Ptolemaic Egypt and Saladin's Arabic Egypt starting there :crazyeye:).

Since Greece's leaders are both from the classical era I'll go for classical Greek city names rather than modern ones - e.g. "Knossos" instead of "Heraklion". Also will use their English name rather than romanized Greek, so "Corinth", not "Korinthos", in keeping with Firaxis' naming logic (or in some cases apparent lack of :lol:).

The area I'll be working on is Greece and Aegean islands up to and including Y=32 latitude.
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