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You cannot have multiple GP births anymore!

Mar 31, 2012
So freaking sad! I was really happy that my wives Sukhothai, Lampang and Muang Saluang were going to birth 1 GE and 2 GS at the same time. Turns out 3 turns later, only the capital birthed, then the other city then the 3rd. Siamese twins don't exist anymore or does this apply to everyone? Any observations?

If this is true for everyone then it's good in a way too.
It is same as vanilla, you can't spawn many GPs at once with different city.
However you can have multiple GP spawn in a same city.
Yeah, been like that for a while... first city that births a GP ups value for all other during the event cycle before they add their GP amounts (so if you time one city right it was possible to birth several GPs in the same city but not in multiples even pre-G&K).
Spawning multiple GPs in one city does indeed work. My brother managed to pull it off in a recent coop-MP game by accident. :D
It's fairly easy to coordinate if you don't have multiple wonders in the city, since you can control the rate of GP point accumulation by toggling specialists - takes a wee bit of micromanaging and computation.
And surely counts as an exploit/cheating?
And surely counts as an exploit/cheating?

Without a doubt. I know how to pull it off, but never use it (apart from the first time accidentally and a few other times to figure out how it occurred for bug report purposes); however, some people enjoy doing it (just as some people enjoy using cheats in FPS games - it does feel good to invincible once in a while but I find it so much more rewarding to achieve the same results with skill - while I may suck at RTS, I'm fairly good at FPS and almost always play them on Hard or higher) so to each their own.
While I think it's a bug that should be fixed, I'm not sure I'd necessarily go so far as to call it an exploit. To get it to trigger, you have to do a fair amount of micro, and you're having to sacrifice working tiles for food/hammers/gold, so you can't just pull it off at will. Plus, as mentioned, it's considerably harder to do if you have several wonders in the city.

The only thing I can't remember off the top of my head is if doing it advances the cost for your next GP by 100 or by 100 per person generated. If it's the former, then I'd probably come down on the side of exploit. If the latter, then it's an advanced tactic, and fair game.
The reason it hasn't been fixed and probably won't ever be fixed is because each of the GP's generated increase the counter. So if you manage to pop all 4 types at once it'll increase 4 times instead of 1 time.

Now that G&K also increases the counter when you obtain the free GPs from Liberty finisher, various wonders, Mayan UA and the Patronage policy, timing a multi-pop can be even more harmful to your counter than in vanilla. Especially if you're going for a specific victory type and need a lot of one type of GP.
Why would it? It's a skill-intensive micromanagement strategy. Civ might have less micromanagement than many other strategy games but it's still there.

Hrm, point. I could argue that using it vs AI is an exploit/cheat because the AI is not programmed to make advantage of it, but the same could be said for other tactics/strategies... and the fact that varying difficulty can give either you or the AI advantages the other lacks... how about "handicap equalizer"? :p
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