Also just because the Devs haven't fixed it yet doesn't make it any less of an exploit. Developers make mistakes and loopholes in the game, they're not perfect and just because they don't fix something doesn't mean it is intended. It just means they have more pressing issues at hand.
Can you explain to me why they have something in the game for more than 6 Versions of Civ?
Perhaps your point is correct when you are talking about one version of Civ.
However, they put the same exact thing in each new version of the game.
That can not be a mistake... that is intended.
Not only did they make chops more OP in Civ VI but they go and implement Harvesting resources.
Try to tell me they didn't intend for players to go on chopping/harvesting sprees?
So they make chops better but that isn't enough!
They decide to make a Governor to give you 100% more production.
They make other Cards to boost production by 50% or 100%.
Even when they see they made a mistake do they take Magnus out of the game??
No they just cut his power by 50%!
Clearly they are intending these things that you consider or call exploits.
You don't keep putting the same thing in the game for 20 years and not intend them.
When you realize how much of a mistake it is you get rid of the mistake you don't nerf it slightly.
Obviously they intend these things in the game.
Overflow has always been a thing in Civ.
Queuing up builds to one turn and switching has been a thing for a very long time.
Many of these things are intended... they aren't even getting rid of chopping.
They are just going to introduce a new mechanic to give choppers some problems.
In my experience in Civ this new mechanic will not slow anyone down.
As always players just find something else to exploit but Exploit is part of a 4X game.
No Dev is fixing Warmongering so it does not matter.
Some players consider Warmongering a Cheat or Exploit but it clearly is intended in the world of Civ.
The Devs have never fixed Trade with the AI completely.
In Civ VI they make it even more lucrative.
Trading Resources for 22GPT is obviously intended if you play Friendly with the AI.
Most players would consider Trading with the AI an exploit but it can't be.
Not the way they keep implementing it into the game and when you only compare Trade from Civ V to Civ VI you see how clear it is intended.
Everyone knows Trading with the AI has always been an issue or broken.
Just the way it is. 20 years of people playing this game and they keep making more versions or expansions.
I hardly doubt anything some players consider exploits or cheating is slowing this Franchise down.
When the Devs made the Harvest Pantheon did they realize how it changes the game?
Obviously they intended Harvest to work the way it does.
Is it my fault that once you secure the Harvest Pantheon the game is over.
Did they intend for you to be able to buy 360 Faith Knights all game long and upgrade them to Tanks with ease?
Faith Buying could easily be considered a Cheat.
The game is littered with them... how could one avoid them baffles me.
Rush Buying anything could be considered a Cheat as well.
Building a bunch of archers and upgrading to Xbows with 50% discount card... Cheater!
I'd like to see the player who plays without any exploits or cheats.
That game is going to have to have 100 rules that were never intended from development.
Should a player be able to use Liang, Pyramids and the Builder Card to get 7 charges?
Should a player be able to faith buy 10 of those?
Why does Faith Buying Builders and Settlers increase cost but Knights stay the same?
Did the Devs realize that you can double your Science or Culture Output with Collective Activism or International Space Agency Policy Cards.
They know their game is completely flawed but they know it is highly addictive with the next turn concept.
If anyone is Exploiting anything it is the Devs Exploiting us little people constantly spoon feeding us incomplete/flawed games.
Don't worry though because we keep buying what they are selling.
No matter how you play the game it is hard to refute that the game is Fun.