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zm1285ghaaa's Realism Mod


Sep 22, 2002
Maryland, USA
This is a simple bic mod that I made for myself using the editor on v1.29. I made this to try to make the corruption more reasonable, and make the unit stats more realistic.

Here is a list of changes:

City Names: I expanded the city names for the regular civs using
Calgacus's city lists. No new civs have been added.


Spearman 1/3/1
Marine 12/10/1 hp bonus: 5
Paratrooper 10/12/1 hp bonus: 5
Archer 3/2/1
Pikmen 2/4/1 hp bonus: 2
Longbowman 4/2/1 hp bonus: 2
*now researched under feudalism and upgrades to musketman
Musketman 4/6/1 hp bonus: 3
Knight same hp bonus: 2
Rifleman 6/8/1 hp bonus: 4
Calvary 8/6/3 hp bonus: 3
*Calvay now upgrades to Marine
Infantry 8/10/1 hp bonus: 4
Tank same hp bonus: 5
Mech Infantry same hp bonus: 6
Modern Armor 24/12/3 hp bonus: 6
*all artillery have an extra 2 added to bombard strength

**all ships capable of bombard have a +2 increase to bombard strength**
Caravel 2/3/4 hp bonus: 1
Frigate 5/4/5 hp bonus: 3
*Frigate now upgrades to Ironclad
Galleon 3/4/5 hp bonus: 2
Ironclad 6/5/5 hp bonus: 4
*Ironclad now upgrades to Destroyer
Transport 0/6/6 hp bonus: 5
Carrier 4/10/5 hp bonus: 6
*Carrier now carries 8 planes instead of 4
Submarine 12/6/4 hp bonus: 5
Destroyer 14/10/6 hp bonus: 5
Battleship 20/14/5 hp bonus: 4
AEGIS Cruiser 18/16/6 hp bonus: 6
Nuclear Submarine 10/8/5 hp bonus: 6

**Any army now has an hp bonus of 4**

**All UUs have 1 hp bonus higher than the unit they replace**

Jaguar Warrior 2/1/2 hp bonus: 1
Bowman 3/3/2 hp bonus: 1
Hoplite 2/4/1 hp bonus: 1
*hoplite now upgrades to pikeman
Impi same hp bonus: 1
*Impi now upgrades to pikeman
Legionary same hp bonus: 1
Immortals same hp bonus: 1
War Chariot 2/2/2 hp bonus: 1
Rider same hp bonus: 3
*rider now upgrades to Calvary
Mounted Warrior same hp bonus: 1
Muskateer 6/6/1 hp bonus: 4
Samari same hp bonus: 3
*Samari now upgrades to Calvary
War Elephant same hp bonus: 3
Cossack 9/7/3 hp bonus: 4
Panzer same hp bonus: 6
Man-O-War 5/4/5 hp bonus: 4 bs: 5

City Improvements:

I added the corruption flag to religous and scientific buildings.

Small Wonders:

I added 2 small wonders that are both unique to Democracy

Supreme Court: Counts as another palace, reduces war wariness

State Capital: same

The Forbidden Palace, Pentagon, Military Academy, and Intelligence Agency now make the city more resistant to propoganda. The Pentagon also acts as another palace.

The file is further down.


When you download the file, make sure you save it as something other than attachment, which is why it wouldn't work before. Thanks to GIDustin for figuring this out. The file is a couple of posts down.
Ok. I realized that the mod wouldn't load because I didn't put a cvilopedia entry for the Supreme Court and the State Capital. That is now fixed and you can now download the new file. They both use the same entry as the Forbidden Palace because they all do the same thing. Except the Supreme Court now acts like a temple as well, and it still needs 10 courthouses to build.
I played v.1.00 and I found that the stats for the acient era units needed a little tweaking. So I just changed some of those to make it a little better.
I actually downloaded it myself and it didn't work for me. I thought that all you had to do was to make it a zip. file, and to attach it to the thread. That's how I did it, so unless I'm doing it wrong, then I'm not sure why it's not working...

If anyone has an idea why it isn't working and how to fix it I would love to hear it.
When you click to download it, and it asks for a name, and the default is "attachment", change the default name to "whetever.zip" it will then save as a zip file, and work.

BTW Could you please explain the mystery behind your name?!?

Ok. The file that I have up is a compressed file that I experimented around with to get this thing to work. If you download one of the above 2 files then follow these instructions as to how to get it to work:

-save it as anything you want
-go into my computer and the folder where you saved it
-right-click on the file and there should be an option to add it as a .zip file.
-after you save it as a .zip file, go into your .zip program (winzip, filzip, etc.) and extract to C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Scenarios

If you don't feel like doing that, then here is the actual .zip file. All you have to do is extract it to the folder listed above.
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