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Civ 5 Design Challenge II - Mechanics

Here's my attempt:

World War I France

Leader: Georges Clemenceau

UA: All Quiet on the Western Front: While at war, :c5production: Production automatically contributes towards Defensive Buildings, and Defensive Buildings generate :c5culture: Culture. Gain a boost to :c5culture: Culture and :c5greatperson: Great Person generation during Peace Treaties depending on the length of the war.

UI: Trench: Unlocked at Engineering. Trenches can be built by Melee and Gun units in enemy territory and are built faster during war. 50% :c5strength: Defensive Bonus for units defending on a Trench. Units that end their turn on a Trench gain +2 XP. Trenches provide +1 :c5culture: Culture to your nearest city for every adjacent Trench, even if they are outside workable limits.

UU: Poilou: Cheaper replacement for the Great War Infantry. +1 :c5moves: Movement in enemy territory. Upon dying, gain :c5culture: Culture from this unit's total XP.

Automatically building defensive stuff during war sounds kind of like a trench warfare thing so a World War I civ made sense.

The second half of the UA represents the reaction to the war and all of the great works made about it, like All Quiet on the Western Front. I choose length of war rather than number of units killed because I think it would be easier to program it that way. You're encouraged to build Trenches out on your borders or even inside of enemy territory through their bonuses so they'll be way more useful than forts, which I've never used. The Poilou were known for their bravery as they would run across No Man's Land. Of course, almost everyone would ran across No Man's Land died which is where the culture comes from.
By the way, you are allowed to split the mechanics into two different parts and you may use them anywhere, including units, buildings, improvements and abilities.
People's Republic of Idaho
leader: some guy named Doug

U.A:Insert Crappy Quote Here
Every 10 production in the empire contributes to +1 city defense in the capital.

U.U Dougernut: Unlike the Riffleman it replaces, the dougernut can create +1 production while stationed in a city.

U.B Rusty fence(wall replacement) ; somehow generates +2 Culture along with the walls normal abilities. has a slot for a great work of art.

yes, this design is fictional and rather crappy :p
So... Voting time?
The votes will start today, just give me time to write a proper one.
Sorry, haven't had the time to do a proper vote post. So just go ahead and vote for what you want.
Welcome to the Forums, Someone1214!!! enjoy your stay! :goodjob:
I vote to Caesar as well... The others look OP\ Too situational for me.
I personaly am fond of Hoop_Thrower's, its a well rounded civ that can give you a little more freedom IMO. Its also a fair civ to play as if you often get bullied by the a.i, such as myself. :\
I vote for Caesar, even though I have a soft spot for Hoop's designs simplicity and elegance.
My vote goes to Caesar as well, the design just works so well for a WW1 France. Looking forward to what gets cooked up for the next challenge.

I think we can unanimously agree Caesar won, I personally dont think this was even a contest at all to begin with as when it comes to just using mechanics I just completely fail, due to fact making up the mechanics yourself doesn't force you into a creative chamber :p.
"Restriction breeds creativity"

I think it was mostly because there weren't that many designs to choose from. Even more so given that we added ours, instantly taking an option out. For me at least it was less that I saw Uighur's as brilliant as it was that the rest didn't feel much better.
Natan doesn't have an entry? :confused:

Normans. Poland. Scotland. And more civs that could fit that mechanic. Not enough, you say....

Also, for the record, I like Hoop's and Howard's designs perhaps even more then Uighur's, but they seemed a bit OP to me(@Howard: what do you mean produce great works 15% faster?)... I also liked the Russia design, didn't expect any of those really.

Glad I chose that mechanic!!! :)
(No Normans though. Shame. :()
It was a typo, It was meant to be "May Produce an additional Great Work during War" but I didnt have time to edit it.
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