Colonialist Legacies: Histories of the New World | Colonial + Pre-Colonial civs

Alright, herewith...

Are you sure you're using the patched file found Here? Your issue looks to be the UnitType error in the trigger, which I fixed after Pyroflare's issue.
Are you sure you're using the patched file found Here? Your issue looks to be the UnitType error in the trigger, which I fixed after Pyroflare's issue.

You're right. With this patch there's no longer the issue with civs not showing on selection screen. With a few times installing of a newer CP and cleaning of mod folder the patch obviously was forgotten. Thanks!

Is it possible to include this fix standard in the Malaysia mod? Otherwise with newer CP versions it's quite cumbersome to apply separate patches...

I could've sworn the mod was updated with the patch :/

Eh, ngl you may as well switch from Workshop to Direct Download - since you're evidently an active member here you'll be able to cut down on redownloads from cache clearing.
Thanks for the advice; might indeed be more efficient in the long run... :)

Have 2 comments related to South Africa:
- The CS Saratov is still called Cape Town when going to CS screen or when there's a notification on a quest etc.
- First noticed after loading South Africa mod: any other civilization is able to build a courthouse in any regular city (assume related to UA). Also, in tech tree, courthouse shows as 2 separate buildings (and, as I'm playing with CiD, one doesn't have 'development' on it). Attached the log after having completed tech and started building them in several cities.



    102.5 KB · Views: 234
Hello. I found some errors regarding to some of the civs, and I'm not completely sure how to make them work for me, and I'd need some assistance on that. But neverminding my problems I also thought I'd share the lua log errors I found in case they are of any help for any of you.

Spoiler :


[1144.953] Syntax Error: C:\Users\Olritoim\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\[BNW] Colonialist Legacies - Kulin (v 1)\ModSupport\KulinDecisions.lua:38: unexpected symbol near 'end'
[1144.953] Runtime Error: Error loading C:\Users\Olritoim\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\[BNW] Colonialist Legacies - Kulin (v 1)\ModSupport\KulinDecisions.lua.

There was a comma after false. I don't know much about coding, but a quick eye around showed that most instances where this "false end" was typed, it involved no commas. Hence, I thought maybe the comma is the problem, which could also cause the error loading?

EDIT: After removing the comma, the following error comes up next:

[6726.656] Syntax Error: C:\Users\Olritoim\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\[BNW] Colonialist Legacies - Kulin (v 1)\ModSupport\KulinDecisions.lua:40: function arguments expected near '>='
[6726.656] Runtime Error: Error loading C:\Users\Olritoim\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\[BNW] Colonialist Legacies - Kulin (v 1)\ModSupport\KulinDecisions.lua.

The line 40 is as follows:

if (pPlayer:GetGold >= (iTanderrumGoldCost * iMod) and pPlayer:GetNumResourceAvailable(iMagistrate, false) >= iTanderrumMagistrateCost and pPlayer:GetJONSCulture() >= (iTanderrumCultureCost * iMod)) then

I couldn't figure out what was wrong with this exactly, but I think it's formatted weirdly. Couldn't it have been formatted with a similiar format as e.g the philippines civ has? Like this:

        if (pPlayer:GetGold >= (iTanderrumGoldCost * iMod))  then return true, false end
        if (pPlayer:GetNumResourceAvailable(iMagistrate, false) >= iTanderrumMagistrateCost) then return true, false end
        if (pPlayer:GetJONSCulture() >= (iTanderrumCultureCost * iMod)) then    return true, false end
        return true, true

Again, I don't know much about coding at all, but I went through many of custom civs decision lua files and most of them had it formatted like this, so I figured if it's working, then maybe that's the fix. Do you think it would work if I did it like this? That's probably not even right as it is, but something similiar?

The Chimu:

[1145.031] Syntax Error: C:\Users\Olritoim\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\[BNW] Colonialist Legacies - The Chimu (v 1)\Lua/TPangsExpendToPromotion.lua:30: function arguments expected near '=='
[1145.031] Runtime Error: Error loading C:\Users\Olritoim\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\[BNW] Colonialist Legacies - The Chimu (v 1)\Lua/TPangsExpendToPromotion.lua.

Now I'm not completely sure what is required here, since I don't know anything about coding, but here's what line 30 (+29 and 31) look like in the lua file it refers to:

                    local plotUnit = loopPlot:GetUnit(i);
                    if (plotUnit ~= nil and plotUnit:GetUnitCombatType == -1) then
                        if (not plotUnit:IsHasPromotion(promoID)) then

Could it be that it only requires one = symbol? I don't know, just wondering around.

The Inuit:

[1146.609] Runtime Error: C:\Users\Olritoim\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\[bnw] colonialist legacies - the inuit (v 3)\XML\Mod Support\CLInuitDecisions.lua:150: attempt to call method 'Decisions_AddCivilisationSpecific' (a table value)

Line 150 it at the very end of that lua file, and contains this:

Decisions_AddCivilisationSpecific(GameInfoTypes["CIVILIZATION_CLINUIT"], "Decisions_CLInuitTrainEliteSnipers", Decisions_CLInuitTrainEliteSnipers)

I have no idea what could be wrong with this to cause a runtime error. Could this be a mod conflict on my behalf? It doesn't sound like one, but what do I know.

EDIT: I checked how this was done in other civs, and found out that the ones that actually had event support in a seperate file, had it written like this:

Decisions_AddCivilisationSpecific(GameInfoTypes.CIVILIZATION_CLINUIT, "Decisions_CLInuitTrainEliteSnipers", Decisions_CLInuitTrainEliteSnipers)

Not sure if that's just a different way to do the same thing, but thought that maybe this would be a fix? I'm too scared to apply this as is, since I fear breaking the whole thing if I do modify it like this. Hopefully someone can assist me with this.


[1146.750] Syntax Error: C:\Users\Olritoim\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\[BNW] Colonialist Legacies - Nigeria (v 3)\Support\NigeriaEvents.lua:9: unexpected symbol near '['

Again, I have absolutely no idea what could be wrong with this one, but here's line 9:

local TextScamDesc[0] = 'Dear Beloved Friend, [NEWLINE]I know this message will come to you as surpised but permit me of my desire to go into business with you. [NEWLINE]I am daughter to late Al-badari Surugaba of Nigeria whom was murdered. Before his death my late father was a strong supporter of Government.[NEWLINE]--Before his death, my Father came to republic with $4 200,000.00 which he deposited for safe keeping. I will offer you 20% of total sum if you help me transfer the sum so I can move to your country for to continue my education.'

EDIT: One I missed:

Spoiler :

The Mexican Republic
[1138.031] Runtime Error: C:\Users\Olritoim\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\[BNW] Colonialist Legacies - Mexican Republic (v 1)\Lua\CultureOverview.lua:560: attempt to index field 'ColumnImageControl' (a nil value)
[1138.031] Runtime Error: Error loading C:\Users\Olritoim\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\[BNW] Colonialist Legacies - Mexican Republic (v 1)\Lua\CultureOverview.lua.

Inspecting the line 560, it shows this (with context (line 560 is the one starting with data.ColumnImageControl):

        local entry = {
            BuildingID = building.ID,
            BuildingClassID = buildingClass.ID,
            GreatWorkSlotType = building.GreatWorkSlotType,
            GreatWorkSlotIcons = greatWorkSlotIcons[building.GreatWorkSlotType],
            GreatWorkSlotCount = building.GreatWorkCount,
            ThemeBonusControlName = data.ThemeBonusControlName,
            GreatWorkIconControlNames = data.IconControlNames,
            GreatWorkHighlightIconControlNames = data.HighlightIconControlNames,
            GreatWorkGhostIconControlNames = data.GhostIconControlNames,
            BuildingSortColumn = data.BuildingSortColumn,
            ShowGhost = buildingClass.MaxPlayerInstances == -1,
        IconHookup(building.PortraitIndex, g_IconSize, building.IconAtlas, data.ColumnImageControl);
        return entry;

I guess this too could just be a mod conflict? I can't see any other reason this is an error. In general, should I just take all the "nil value" errors as mod conflicts?

EDIT: Actually, not sure if this relevant, but the way Leugi had set up his cuban civ's cultureoverviwe.lua, it had the ColumnImageControl lines set up not like
            ColumnImageControl = Controls.AmphitheaterImage,
but like this (his system seemed to just handle the whole thing with this single line, instead of adding them one-by-one, but the point is the [ and ] tags around the AmphitheaterImage for example):
            ColumnImageControl = Controls[columnName .. "Image"],

Could the problem be as simple as this? Again, I'm too afraid to actually change it until someone more knowledgeable jumps in to tell me I'm not ruining the whole game system for myself, lol.

EDIT2: Now that I think, I guess these would be pretty obvious ones that you already know, but just in case.. Sorry if I'm just taking space in the thread.

EDIT3: I can't really go all trial-and-error with these, since the only reason I started to worry with the errors in the first place was the inability to play the game due to some sort of error or conflict somewhere. So I'm just posting these around hoping someone would jump in and help me to fix this mess I'm in.

EDIT4: Oops, missed yet another one:

Spoiler :

[6728.468] Syntax Error: C:\Users\Olritoim\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\[BNW] Colonialist Legacies - Australia (John Curtin) (v 1)\ModSupport\WWIIAusDecisions.lua:36: unexpected symbol near ''s Australia[NEWLINE][ICON_BULLET]Must be at War with...........+15% Production when building Naval Units.''

I'm actually starting to think this and the Nigeria one are in reality inconsequential syntax errors. I guess these don't have anything to do with actual gameplay, since these both seem to be somekind of description bits. Maybe the process that tries to make this happen thinks it's still some sort of script? What do I know.

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GetGold and GetUnitCombatType both need brackets on the end of them, since they're functions; Inuit and Curtin both have patches waiting in the wings, so I wouldn't worry too much about them; Nigeria has just a completely wrong table definition; it should be either

local tTable = {}
tTable[0] = 'String'


local tTable = {[0] = 'String'}

not a mixture of the two.

Mexico... is Mexico trying to rewrite the Great Works screen? Guys, y'know there's a utility for that...
GetGold and GetUnitCombatType both need brackets on the end of them, since they're functions; Inuit and Curtin both have patches waiting in the wings, so I wouldn't worry too much about them; Nigeria has just a completely wrong table definition; it should be either

local tTable = {}
tTable[0] = 'String'


local tTable = {[0] = 'String'}

not a mixture of the two.

Mexico... is Mexico trying to rewrite the Great Works screen? Guys, y'know there's a utility for that...

Well look at that, I'm learning a bunch every day! Thanks yet again for quick and extensive help!

I'll just leave inuit and australia as is and wait for the patches then. I'm still a little bit unsure as to what to do with mexico, but surely the [ ] tags won't fix it :D God I feel so stupid talking about these stuffs with zero knowledge. But I guess I'm learning, at least trying to.

Anyway, just simply adding the brackets did the trick for Chimu and Kulin. Chimu is now completely errorless! :cool: Unfortunately, Kulin reported a brand new error in the stead of the already fixed two. Same with Nigeria; Removing the local definitions did actually work perfectly, but it just spawned another error. I'll attach both the error lines from the lua log file below, but I'll try to work it out myself the same as the previous problems, and hopefully you or someone else who has the know-how will come again and correct me to the right path.

Spoiler :


[1969.687] Runtime Error: C:\Users\Olritoim\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\[BNW] Colonialist Legacies - Nigeria (v 3)\Support\NigeriaEvents.lua:51: attempt to call field 'CanFunc' (a nil value)

Here's the line 51 (with context (line 51 seperated with a linebreak):

-Outcome one: say yes!
--Button name: Yes, I will help -- for a price.
--Button Description: gain 8400 Gold
Event_CLNigerianScammers.Outcomes[1] = {}
Event_CLNigerianScammers.Outcomes[1].Name = "Help - for a price"
Event_CLNigerianScammers.Outcomes[1].Description = "Gain 4000 [ICON_GOLD] Gold"

Event_CLNigerianScammers.Outcomes[1].CanFunc (
        return true

EDIT: I think I actually figured this out. Eyeing some other mods and how they implemented their civ specific events, they've used "=" after CanFunc in every occasion I found them. Also every DoFunc and such has the "=" symbol after it, so I guess this could actually be as easy as a missing symbol?

EDIT2: Actually, that did the trick! It worked, it seems, but another error has spawned!

[2574.062] Runtime Error: C:\Users\Olritoim\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\[BNW] Colonialist Legacies - Nigeria (v 3)\Support\NigeriaEvents.lua:103: attempt to index global 'tEvents' (a nil value)

Seems like the events file is pretty broken. Anyway, the line 103 with context:

tEvents.Event_CLNigerianScammers = Event_CLNigerianScammers

This is the very last line of the file, so assumably this is the last error this file will ever give (for me at least). For now, can't figure that out, but seeing as it is the last line with no further things going on, I'm assuming it's something quite simple that I just don't know about.


[1967.765] Runtime Error: C:\Users\Olritoim\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\[BNW] Colonialist Legacies - Kulin (v 1)\ModSupport\KulinDecisions.lua:15: attempt to call global 'HookDecisionCivilizationIcon' (a nil value)
[1967.765] Runtime Error: Error loading C:\Users\Olritoim\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\[BNW] Colonialist Legacies - Kulin (v 1)\ModSupport\KulinDecisions.lua.

Yet another nil value error. I'm still unaware what the cause is with mexico, so can't really draw any conclusion from there, but here's the line it's referring to (with context):

local Decisions_CLKulinEstablishTanderrum = {}
        Decisions_CLKulinEstablishTanderrum.Name = "TXT_KEY_DECISIONS_CLKULINESTABLISHTANDERRUM"
        HookDecisionCivilizationIcon(Decisions_CLKulinEstablishTanderrum, "CIVILIZATION_CL_KULIN")
        Decisions_CLKulinEstablishTanderrum.CanFunc = (

The line 15 is the one starting with "HookDecisionCivilizationIcon". There's actually one civ that isn't iirc from this civ collection, but gives the exact same error in the lua log file. I guess I might be able to kill to birds with the same stone if I'm able to get this, or if someone points me in the right direction.

EDIT: Unfortunately, none of this fixed the actual problem I'm having, so I can't really go in-game and test if the civs work nevermind the errors. I wasn't expecting it would, though, so I'll just keep trying to fix all the errors one-by-one and maybe I'll have a working game in my hands.
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Ftr I did some Chimu fixes a while back that you might wanna search for, since there's presumably still gonna be stuff wrong.

CanFunc is a table, and so it should have an = {} bit. Will look at the rest another time.
I am new to this site but not so new to the wonderful custom art and civs you all create. I just started using custom add-ons as I have no interest in Civ 6 at all and want to keep Civ 5 interesting. I wanted to ask the creators of The Anishinaabe - Pontiac why this wonderful civ doesn't show up on the big earth map? I have been trying the 60 civ map and have enjoyed it a lot I want to have nothing but natives in north america as it was the other first nations work fantastic with the exception of this one. Please help
I made this tweak to the Chimu so the great kancha can get specialists that JFD has added. Drop the contents of the zip in the folder and replace.


  • Chimu JFDLC
    6.3 KB · Views: 250
Hi! something about Greenland: decisions is not appearig for me, i try to download manually and subscribe on the workshop but... nothing, i know they have support cause is on the description and i see the folder "decisions" on the mod folder.... any idea??.
Thanks in advance, and nice civ!
Hi! something about Greenland: decisions is not appearig for me, i try to download manually and subscribe on the workshop but... nothing, i know they have support cause is on the description and i see the folder "decisions" on the mod folder.... any idea??.
Thanks in advance, and nice civ!
I had a similar issue. I had HR, Community Patch (Core), RtP, E&D, and CulDiv on but they didn't appear.
South Africa is crashing the game whenever the it tries to unpackage the CIV5MOD file - I have tried it in DX9, 11, and Win8 modes. I have no other mods installed. Any idea what could be causing this?
Have you tried unpacking it in advance with 7zip?
South Africa is crashing the game whenever the it tries to unpackage the CIV5MOD file - I have tried it in DX9, 11, and Win8 modes. I have no other mods installed. Any idea what could be causing this?

I had the same issue with South Africa and a handful of other civs on the workshop; when this happens, try unsubscribing and manually unpacking the .civ5mod with 7zip.
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