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[NFP] Community Monthly Challenge

I have a hunch this would interest a lot of people, but they might not know what's up. Is there a way to get the word out to the broader forum audience that would be appropriate?
I have a hunch this would interest a lot of people, but they might not know what's up. Is there a way to get the word out to the broader forum audience that would be appropriate?
With this month's challenge being less game-mechanics-focused that previous challenges, I've gotten to wondering if this thread really needs to be in the Strategy & Tips forum. Maybe we could ask a moderator about moving it to the Civ6 General Discussions subforum? That should get it more visibility, and should be a more fitting placement, I think.
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Aria, I think that is a great idea. PiR, would you be up for messaging a moderator? I could do it if you prefer, but think since its your month, you might want to?
I've got my idea for this month's challenge! I'll discuss it in the spoiler tag below. One clarifying question tho: Would turning off all victory types except for score victory count against one's scoring in the challenge? I'll probably do it anyways out of concern that otherwise the AI might win before I finish my strategy, I'd just like to know if I'll be docked points first.

Spoiler my plan :
I'm thinking I'll play as the Māori and trace the timeline of Polynesian migration, playing the Māori less like just the Māori and more like the Polynesian blob that existed in Civ V.

For the map, I might go with the official Huge TSL Earth map, but first I'll look thru the Steam Workshop to see if there's a better map for what I'm trying for. My concern isn't with having viable cities - for any of them to have much land to work without the islands being wildly misproportioned, the map would have to be absolutely massive. Instead I'm mostly concerned about having lots of islands to settle, as this will be where I'm going to get most of my points - settling the right islands in the right order at the right times with the right names. I'll try to see if I can find an Oceania map too, though I'd prefer if it included South America for historical reasons.
I might want to manually change the start location for the Māori in the World Builder so that they start near Fiji - unless they do already. Fiji is in Melanesia rather than Polynesia, but I'm still considering if I should settle there first, or if I should make do with having either Samoa colonize Tonga or Tonga colonize Samoa. Still need to do more research on this.
I'm going to exclude Rapa Nui and Auckland from the city state list so that I can found their territories myself - otherwise, I don't think any other city state will matter to my strategy.
I'll turn on Heroes & Legends mode just to get Maui, and try to consider where & when he should be claimed. I'll probably also be relying on his ability to create resources and the God of the Sea pantheon to get most of my production. Though with that mode on, I'd be torn on whether or not to try to take Sinbad to prevent the AI from getting it, or or not try since it would be ahistorical. I'd just hope I don't end up getting met by another civ it wouldn't make sense for me to have met.
not much else to my strategy that i can think of right now.
To be fair, considering how what I'm planning to do is very safe and relies very little on interacting with other civs, I don't see it getting much in the way of score. But it sounds like a fun way to approach the challenge, and I'm looking forward to trying it out. ^_^
Just for everyone to know, it was decided to keep the thread in this section, at least for now.
Thanks AriaLyric! That sounds (reads?) promising!!!
I don't see why turning off some victory types would harm anyone's scoring, so let's say no. :)
Since we need submissions, if it is okay, I will try as Egypt. I am no historian. My plan is to reroll until I get desert flood plains, build the pyramids and some sphinxes!
Since we need submissions, if it is okay, I will try as Egypt. I am no historian. My plan is to reroll until I get desert flood plains, build the pyramids and some sphinxes!
I see no reason why you shouldn't partake in a challenge you aren't hosting. Good luck on your rerolls! ^_^
Plan of attack:
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I'm pondering England for this challenge, on Huge Earth. If I make sure to include Auckland, Armagh, Cardiff, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, Scotland, India and the Zulu, I can be in charge of the majority of the British Empire during roughly the time of Victoria's reign. I'm not sure exactly how Oxford University would work out, since the general area of southwest England is a bit crowded already with London and Cardiff, and infamously, it is impossible to build Stonehenge in England. However, I could win back some historical accuracy by using Monarchy, recruiting British or Scottish Great People, and especially using Stamford Raffles to take over Singapore. I could also slot historically accurate policy cards like Raj.
Update on this: totally unfeasible on TSL. There's no space for Cardiff to even be founded, and I start losing Loyalty in London within 20 turns of starting thanks to Scotland and the Netherlands being so close by. I'm going to try it on a regular Huge Continents map; there shouldn't be too much of a difference.
Here is my submission! I'm playing as Egypt on deity. I stopped at turn 89, because the world was about to enter the Medieval era. I tried rolling something decent. Results were not satisfactory, so I switched to TSL Mediterranean. Wow, best start I've ever seen for the Lady of the Reeds and Marshes pantheon.

We have pyramids! We have sphinxes!

Because I love pretty yields:

Here is a macro view of the world. I'll spoiler tag it because of the size. I tried to choose opponents who made sense. I really wanted Nubia, but sadly for whatever reason they aren't an option on TSL Mediterranean. Cyrus surprise DOWed me. His rush came at the exact time I finished my first war chariot. Well, war chariots have carried the day so far. I captured one of his cities near the Dead Sea.
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Let me know if there is anything I forgot to answer. Was fun. Thanks to PiR for the neat idea!
Update on my strategy:
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I've got most of the place names and settlement timeframes marked out, but I'm getting a huge headache trying to figure out what to call my settlement on Vanuatu. The only native-language placename I can find is "Vanuatu", referring to the nation/ island chain, maening something like "standing land" as a reference to them winning independence - that's a name that doesn't make sense for them to have in the year 1300 BC. Besides, it isn't a city name, which goes against the naming convention I've got for the other cities - for instance, I'll have Hanga Roa rather than Rapa Nui and Hilo/Koa rather than Hawai'i/O'ahu. Might just bite the bullet and have it be the odd one out, or maybe I'll find some others that have the same issue and name all of my settlements after the island rather than the largest settlement there - after all, base game has a city-state named Rapa Nui, when Rapa Nui is the name of the island.
Haven't started the run yet because 1) I've been preparing for/enjoying a vacation and 2) I figure it won't take long, will mostly be skipping turns anyways.
Also, I'm gonna at most do 2 runs. The first without heroes&legends just to get something to submit, and then the second if I think I'll have enough spare production to acquire Maui and enough spare IRL time to figure out the most fitting place for him to start from.

edit: update 2
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Just started my first run. I don't see a single way to produce this many settlers this quickly with this little production. I'm just gonna say screw it and found a bunch of the early cities way too early, and then start caring about temporal accuracy like halfway thru
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So, PiR challenged us to "create a piece of art." Pieces of art generally have titles, so allow me to present my submission: "Sun Never Sets"

Civ6 is a game of empire, so, like Mr Salt, I aimed to take a shot at the largest empire the world has ever seen- the British empire, on which famously the sun never set. As our esteemed evaluator is a historian, I took as my starting point this schematic of the British empire at its historic zenith in 1921:


I have a bunch of images to show the extent of the re-creation, which I will unspool in several posts below so as not to overcrowd any single post. It was entertaining to figure out how to get to this point; hopefully you all will find it of interest!
First, the Americas. Canada is I think well- represented:

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Sun Never Sets- Western Canada.png

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Sun Never Sets- Eastern Canada.png

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There are no small islands in the Caribbean on the TSL Huge Earth map, so I took the liberty of situating Trinidad just to get some representation:

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Sun Never Sets- Caribbean.png

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And let's not forget the Falklands, the subject of a historically recent conflict!

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Sun Never Sets- Falklands.png

Hmm, still not really used to using spoiler tags, the last post seems to have become a Russian nesting doll of images, but hopefully they can still be seen.

Here's the homefront in Europe, showing the dominion over the lands of Great Britain, and also an outpost in Gibraltar. Note also Britain's "unsinkable aircraft carrier" : Malta (Valetta).

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Sun Never Sets- Europe.png

Moving to the Near East and Middle East. British Iraq is represented by Baghdad, British Oman by Muscat, and of course we have the famous British port of Aden in Yemen. No opportunity to place British Palestine, as Cairo swamped out the area.... Sadly, no way to build a dam in Aswan on the TSL Huge Earth map....

Spoiler :

Sun Never Sets- Middle East.png

The British holdings in Africa were extensive. Nigeria is represented (as best as possible, given the nearness of the Malian empire) by Lagos. Mogadishu represents British Somaliland. The other cities form a continuum of British dominion "from Cairo to the Coast."

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Sun Never Sets- Northern Africa.png

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Sun Never Sets- Southern Africa.png

Of course, the "Jewel in the Crown" was India, shown here, but also with Rangoon (for British Burma) and Kuala Lumpur (for continental British Malaysia). Here there is a bit of cultural resonance as well: note that the subcontinent is Hindu, and the Mahabodhi temple is located in Bodh Gaya:

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Sun Never Sets- India-Burma-Malaysia.png

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