COVID - A light on the horizon?

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This is reductive to the point where cartoon villains have more depth of character and plausible motivations.

Bill Gates has been the main force, individually, pushing what is indeed a genocidal ideology. And you try to dismiss it with talk of "cartoon villains". His motivations are very clear: money and power.

It's because of people like you, as much as the recall villains like Gates, that the world is so screwed up. But keep pretending you're saving it by not eating meat, while lending political support to people like Gates. You can pat yourself in the back as very virtuous and not an "extremist" at all. Everything is all right with monopolies and rent-seekers denying access to basic human needs to billions because they ant to make more money and would more power. I'm sure that in private he can easily rationalize the deaths he causes by saying he's saving the world from overpopulation. And I have to wonder if you agree, I mean it's millions of meat eaters dying, right?

You, and everyone who goes along with this "intellectual property" crap made up in very recent decades, are enablers. You swallowed the propaganda to accept it, and turn a blind eye to the damage it does. Even to yourselves. This cannot be sustained if people simply scoff at those laws, at the notion that "intellectual property" exists at all, and disobey the rules the rent-seekers produced.
And of course the governments of poor countries should be doing it. But also of course the US and other countries are known to topple governments that dare do it. I recall an EU diplomat openly talking about how his job in one of those trade meetings convention was figuring up ways to use it to screw up the other countries. It's always treated as a zero sum game, the press releases are lies.
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Oh, I’m pretty radical in my views of how IP should be dismantled.

Seriously? All right I apologize then, you do see problems with it.

But what is being done with pharma goes far beyond the monopolization of movies or songs or whatever. It is thoroughly, consciously and deliberately evil :mad:

This sounds ... too much to me. if it's real, then this is pretty bad.

I mean, as the article point out, anxiety and depression basically account for a third of those diagnosis. These are massively spiking *in general* right now, and from numbers I've seen lately I wouldn't even be wholly surprised if they're actually just that common or close to that common in the population at large - just not getting diagnosed because we have nowhere near the infrastructure to diagnose that many people with mental health issues.

Moreover, since getting COVID is precisely in the category of high-mental strain situations that are associated with triggering Depression and Anxiety episodes in the first place, there's no reason to assume that they're the direct product of the virus, or something special about Coronoa (pneumonia, for that matter, is already known to correlate with higher rates of depression - and I can add anecdotal evidence to that pile).

The same logic apply to a number of other psychological-psychiatric disorders that probably add to the total - PTSD, substance abuse, potentially OCD, etc), all of which as far as I know correlate with various forms of high mental strain situations (and ALL of which are probably getting a boost in the general population right now from general covid reaction).

The 7% of strokes is where it gets more attention-grabbing, and I'd definitely want to know more about this. Though even then, don't risk factors for stroke and serious forms of covid overlap to a fair degree? That's something I would like to see details about.
I mean, as the article point out, anxiety and depression basically account for a third of those diagnosis. These are massively spiking *in general* right now, and from numbers I've seen lately I wouldn't even be wholly surprised if they're actually just that common or close to that common in the population at large - just not getting diagnosed because we have nowhere near the infrastructure to diagnose that many people with mental health issues.

I had seen those news and dismissed it as sensationalism for the reason you pointed out. It's not a direct link.
I mean it's bad, but it's mode because of how we're dealing with covid than because of covid itself.
I mean, it may be worse in the people-with covid group than people-without-covid group (there is, after all, a correlation between pneumonia and depression, and if nothing else, graver covid cases often involve pneumonia).

But yes, I'd suspect a lot of the diagnosis are due to the situation, not the virus directly.
Seriously? All right I apologize then, you do see problems with it.

But what is being done with pharma goes far beyond the monopolization of movies or songs or whatever. It is thoroughly, consciously and deliberately evil :mad:
Pharma and scientific publishing, it is the taxpayer doing almost all the work, and picking up all the bills, but gives the little profitable bit in the middle to the private sector. Absolute madness as well as evil.
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Edit: over three and a half hours after the speech, localised street protests are still going on.
Protests ebbed out sometime after midnight and resumed today.
These are massively spiking *in general* right now

I think a lot of it comes down to expectations.

Going into this, over a year ago, I had a two-year over-under on serious disruptions due to covid, and the entire time, have declined to take measures that I didn’t feel would be sustainable for two full years - so at this point, I’m feeling pretty good about everything.
A new study on the blood clots: you are 10 times as likely to get the nasty ones (Cerebral venous thrombosis) from the covid than from the vaccine:

Using an electronic health records network we estimated the absolute incidence of cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) in the two weeks following COVID-19 diagnosis(N=513,284),or influenza (N=172,742),or receipt of the BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccines(N=489,871).The incidence of portal vein thrombosis (PVT) was also assessed in these groups, as well as the baseline CVT incidence over a two-week period. The incidence of CVT after COVID-19 diagnosis was 39.0 per million people (95% CI, 25.2–60.2). This was higher than the CVT incidence after influenza (0.0 per million people, 95% CI 0.0–22.2, adjusted RR=6.73, P=.003) or after receiving BNT162b2 or mRNA-1273 vaccine (4.1 per million people, 95% CI 1.1–14.9, adjusted RR=6.36, P<.001).​
Nice info @Samson. You'll be rich and famous if you unravel the mechanism behind the clotting.
I do not know. I would put money on the co-antigen theory. My understanding, from some decades old immunology, is that in that in a few of the few billion b cell lineages there is cross reactivity between an epitope on the covid particle and an epitope of platelets. Since everyone has a few thousand of the potential few billion potential b cell lineages a few in a million people suffer blood clots from this cross reactivity. They compare it to influensa to show this is specific to covid, rather than a more general reaction to viral infections.

The problem is likely to be that the only way to find out who will react is to expose them to the antigen, AKA vaccination.
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