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  • It's been long since I was there, but it's quite a typical French town. It has a very nice church which is called Notre Dame, if I remember correctly. :lol:
    Ohey, France, neh? Poitiers is a nice town, I tell ye. If you ever want to come down the border, ye'd be welcome!
    Hey Civleader! I hope you've had a great time, but I wanted to ask, do you have any idea when you might start GaP III?
    I request you delay the tickover in GaP II until after I deal with everything going on. Thankyou :D

    ~ Jehoshua
    PS: on the salary settings. please note that 4gpt shall be paid to LordNwah's character as an emissary to the Egyptians.
    Yes I do haha. I was trying opening it in new windows haha. Perhaps I'll try a different browser...
    Sorry to be a problem, but now I can't view my stats page. Just wanted to see if it was on your end or mine.
    Just informing you that I will be giving character orders once I have set a few things in order (namely finances and wages). Ergo no out-of-the-blue update please :p
    Sorry, its seems you missed my main character's age (not my sons though) and my money (I don't think I got income from the last ten turns).
    Its okay, the Chief didn't interact with the crowd so it didn't change much. :) I think it still reads okay.
    yeah, but if they kill their popularity its not like im losing anything :p anyways I know its annoying, thats why I directed it elsewhere.
    Just a query, but has the second turn begun already, or will you notify us when that happens?
    I apologise for the last message being all in quotes, I accidentally sent it to Magnive first and just forwarded it ot you post-fact. Just a heads up, the title does not fit the actual intent, which is in the last quote.
    I'd suggest starting a new one. It'll give you and all of us a fresh clean slate, and allow you to organize it however you wish. On a side note you should get Jehoshua to open the old group up for everyone to view. I for one unjoined and unsubscribed shortly after GaP ended, and don't have the pleasure of accessing the old discussions and such.
    Really great ruleset. If you need help with anything (but that will still allow me to play for Jehoshua and Filli are at the top much to often) I'd be happy to do it. I'd also be willing to help with a beginners guide to GaP II after it has begun. God knows it needs it, and even more so than IR. The Tips section of the guide could easily be just transplanted into GaP II with little effort. (I certainly don't mind if you do)
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