• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
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  • Can you repost the the link for your 50 Civs Mod. I would love to play it, but the link in the 50 Civ thread does not work.
    glad to help with things naval in TTT. Aircraft and ships and some familiarity with artillery and heavy weapons. PM's work best, I'm not always on line or at home.
    ay dacubz can you just email me the Philippine civ u have for Travel through Time: MA? It works with BtS version 3.19 right? Is the Philippine Civ compatible in other modpacks? (Rise of Man: AND & Planetfall?) Thanks!

    oh great work btw and can't wait to see what else is in store for the future :D
    Make sure to credit me and DWOLF for the Georgia module and any other civs of ours you're using.
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