Recent content by Mackel-Loos

  1. Mackel-Loos

    Unit pack: WWII paratroopers, 15 Jan 2005

    Russians were the first to create paratroops. French officialy create their own "Groupe d'Infanterie de l'Air" (or paratroops) the 01 february 1936. Unfortunately, I've only very bad looking photographs of those troops...
  2. Mackel-Loos

    Battlefield Asia Unit Expansion: The Golden Triangle

    Very nice units ! @ ShiroKobbure : I've some Osprey book about ancient Chinese and Japanese, I can scan some plates and post them here. Osprey Men-at-Arms n°218 : Ancient Chinese Armies 1500-200 BC Osprey Men-at-Arms n°284 : Imperial Chinese Armies (1) 200 BC - AD 589 Osprey Men-at-Arms...
  3. Mackel-Loos

    Unit request: Ethiopian rifleman

    The first picture is a corporal of the 6th Eritrean bn The second picture come from Osprey Men-at-Arms n°349 : The italian Army - Africa 1940-1943
  4. Mackel-Loos

    Preview: Chinese/Mongolian Ironclad

    Agloo, do you have preview to create some other older Far East Asian ship ? (like those from Osprey books I've posted).
  5. Mackel-Loos

    Map: New Earth Map PTW & C3C 362x362. (Latest Map - Jan. 2004)

    Celts. I have limited myself to put Entremont in a site approximated to the real one. Here there is a pretty page on the opiddum of Entremont. Aix-de-Provence, France. I have visited the oppidum of Entremont and I...
  6. Mackel-Loos

    Name that ship and Does this look french?

    So... what is the decision ? This super-battleship name will be "Liberté" or "France" or what else ?
  7. Mackel-Loos

    Name that ship and Does this look french?

    I don't think that "Roi Soleil" or "Empereur" could be a name for a french warship. But we have had a "République", a "Patrie", a "Justice" and a "Démocratie" pre-dreadnought. I think that "Liberté" could be a good name for this class. It's also the first word of the french republic...
  8. Mackel-Loos

    Name that ship and Does this look french?

    For the political character, admiral and sailor, I know. You can go to this site : Several lists of ships (in service or out of commission) are available. A list of the french navy battleships at the beginning of the WWI is available here ...
  9. Mackel-Loos

    I need models and your help. Only French need apply

    Plenty of ships, and not only french. Do you have reply to yours e-mails ?
  10. Mackel-Loos

    Name that ship and Does this look french?

    A capital ship like this should have the name of a great french political character or a great french admiral or sailor (like Jean Bart). But I think it could be nice if a capital ship like this could be named as "Liberté" It could be a 3 sister ships class : Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité
  11. Mackel-Loos

    Lancer and Western Native American Rifleman (September 4, 2004)

    Here are some pictures of Prussian light cavalry (Uhlans = Lancers) You can see a lot of other plates on this site : - Uniformes
  12. Mackel-Loos

    Unit Previews: Pikemen

    Dease, can you send me à model of your Pikeman with his skeletton ? i've problem with my Macedonian Foot Companion. Moreover, I don't no how to do the anim...
  13. Mackel-Loos

    Landmark Terrain

    It could be a way to add some new type of terrain...
  14. Mackel-Loos

    Landmark Terrain

    A stupid question but... What is the difference between LM Terrain and normal Terrain ?
  15. Mackel-Loos

    French Battleship WIP, I need pictures!!!!

    Great website ! THE FRENCH NAVY 1888 - 1946 This one is interesting too (some sample of plan): Navyplan website
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