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Name that ship and Does this look french?


Jul 14, 2001
Okay, in the spirit of all my other Super-battleships, I decided to put together a French monster.

Design is final. The question is... Do the colors look "French" to anyone. Yes its a strange question but I need some input.

The other thing is what would be a good name for the class of ship. It could be a famous person, region or a soufle. But it must be French, and not used by another ship.

my personal favorite sofar is D'Artangion

another one is Napolean Bonaparte or General Koenig
It shouldn't be General Koenig, but Pierre Koening. He was a general, but French ship only have the name, not the function (ie Richelieu, not Cardinal Richelieu).

Correct spelling would be D'Artagnan. Although your concept of a BB class named after the 4 mousquetaires could seem nice, I find it strange, as only D'Artagnan was an historical character, but a relatively minor one.
Would you create a BB class for the US and call it the Tom Sawyer and the Hunckleberry Finn?

I have two another suggestion. Charlemagne or Charles Martel are already used.

So why not:
- Bertrand Du Guesclin, French Marshal during the hundred year wars
- Pierre Bayard, French knight of the beginning of the 16th century.

I don't think these names were used for ships, they are relatively famous, and typically French.
A capital ship like this should have the name of a great french political character or a great french admiral or sailor (like Jean Bart).

But I think it could be nice if a capital ship like this could be named as "Liberté"
It could be a 3 sister ships class : Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité
Mackel-Loos said:
A capital ship like this should have the name of a great french political character or a great french admiral or sailor (like Jean Bart).

But I think it could be nice if a capital ship like this could be named as "Liberté"
It could be a 3 sister ships class : Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité

Unfortunately, a good part of the political character, admiral or sailor have already been used at some time.

Your idea is interesting... But calling a warship Fraternité is perhaps a bit out of place
Steph said:
Unfortunately, a good part of the political character, admiral or sailor have already been used at some time.

Your idea is interesting... But calling a warship Fraternité is perhaps a bit out of place

For the political character, admiral and sailor, I know.
You can go to this site : http://www.netmarine.net/
Several lists of ships (in service or out of commission) are available.

A list of the french navy battleships at the beginning of the WWI is available here : http://www.grande-guerre.org/Essentiel/marine.htm

I known that "Fraternité" is not very "happy" for a warship... but I'm not sure that never a french ship was named like this...
No French ship are named from an historical character with the title, only first name and name.
Charles de Gaulle, not General de Gaulle
Richelieu, not Cardinal Richelieu

So it shoudn't be l'Empereur Napoleon, but Napoleon Bonaparte
First, it would be Le France, as ships are male in France. Second, it has already been used for a civilian cruise ship.

We had for sure a Saint-Louis and a Henri IV battleship, I don't know for a Louis XIV.

"Sun king = Roi Soleil".
I thought the "Roi Soliel" was a First Rate Ship of the Line of considerable size built in the 17th century, but I could be wrong.
I don't think that "Roi Soleil" or "Empereur" could be a name for a french warship.
But we have had a "République", a "Patrie", a "Justice" and a "Démocratie" pre-dreadnought.

I think that "Liberté" could be a good name for this class.
It's also the first word of the french republic device... for the most powerfull french battleship.
thestonesfan said:
I thought the "Roi Soliel" was a First Rate Ship of the Line of considerable size built in the 17th century, but I could be wrong.
No, the flagship was called "Soleil Royal"

And yes, Liberté is not so bad, especially in the context of Free France during WWII
Lots of ideas for names, hardly anything said about the appearance.
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