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Unit Previews: Pikemen


Be Original
Mar 10, 2004
Eastern Canada
OpenFX's skeleton system is able to reproduce the same actions for different models as long as the skeleton structure is the same.
So, Since my african pikeman is the only unit I'm truly happy with, I've decided I'm going to make a whole bunch of pikemen! :D The only problem is, I don't have enough ideas for different types of pikemen :eek:.
Therefore, I need requests.
Basically if you want a pikeman, as long as you're fine with it having the same movements as the african pikeman, post a pic and it'll get done eventually (movements can be tweaked but not totally changed)
Finally, it doesn't have to be a pikeman but should have the same movements as a pikeman, for example, if you wanted a futuristic robot to have its weapon to be a little stick (pokes the enemy :lol: ) then that could be done ;)

Note: I'm not trying to be the only person to make pikemen, I'm just offering to anyone interested. :)

Find all the completed pikemen here
The list of current requests in the order of when it was requested, I'll probably follow the order a bit, but if I think it's needed more than others, then I may give i a higher priority :)
  1. African pikeman COMPLETE
  2. Egyptian Pikeman COMPLETE
  3. Koori Pikeman COMPLETE
  4. Tupi Pikeman COMPLETE
  5. Anglo-Saxon Pikeman
  6. Spanish Pikeman (low priority)
  7. Dwarf Pikeman
  8. English Pikeman - Civil war
  9. Burmecian Dragon Knight
  10. Celtic Pikeman
  11. Haleberdier
  12. Indian Pikeman
fairlly good, btu I have a few comments;

A)he looks like he is wearing clown shoes; his feet need ot be trimmed up a bit

B)Egyptians werent black, not on average at least; Ramases the great seems to be cauacaian, and the majority of the population would more or less of the same skin tone as the population in the region today
Overall not bad at all - I'd second the opinion that he looks really dark skinned in the preview even though the large pic shows he's not, and he looks a little blocky/puffy around his behind.

I don't know if you want to consider moving this way any but I really liked how Dom Pedro's medieval Knight of Anubis had relatively lighter armor. It seems more appropriate for Egypt (hot desert) with the white colors, etc. than the heavier grey iron color you've given this pikeman. This one seems (with a little different helmet perhaps) almost more (southeast?) Asian in flavor.
I would be very grateful if you were to make this chap. He's an Anglo-Saxon spearman with a very long spear.


  • Warrior2.JPEG
    5.7 KB · Views: 711
Dease, can you send me à model of your Pikeman with his skeletton ?
i've problem with my Macedonian Foot Companion.
Moreover, I don't no how to do the anim...
Hey this is a kool looking Pikeman Dease.
@ Strac - I could do a tupi pikeman but CivArmy may have had plans to make one...I'll wait and see if he's doing one before I start modeling :)

@ TopGun - I love it! :D that'll be my next unit.

@ Plotinus - I could do that eventually, but I'd have to redo all the animations (he has a shield)

@ Mackel-Loos - If you need help post in the OpenFX tutorial thread :), If you need an example of skeletons in OpenFX check out muffins skeleton tutorial

Thanks for the feedback everyone :D
(don't worry recon, I haven't forgotten 'bout the tanks ;) )

I've fixed the feet, and adjusted a bunch of colours, attached is the fixed version, one has "rough" armor and one has "smooth" armor, tell me what you think :)
Since many want him to have less armor, I'm wondering, what should I get rid of? and what should go in its place?
the only armor i would suggest take off would be from the arms. other then that i like the rough pattern.
@kevincompton - I could make that, but I'd need a clearer picture, I can't make out a lot of the detail ;)

I'm still very undecided on the armor so I'll just start work on the koori guy untill I get some more opinions :)

@plotinus - this guy is an English pikeman by embryodead, no shield but quite similar.
Quite similar in that it's English... doesn't look anything like the first one though. ;)

But if it's from the same time period, it should work fine. If not... I guess you've got another unit on your to-do list... :p

very good job so far, witrh a little more refinment, it should coem out to be one opf the finer units onthe web site

A)the smooth armor looks GREAT,much better then th eold type

B)I dont think any armour needs to be taken off persay, but what is alreayd there refined a bit; smaller, and a tighter fit on the body in general; righ tnow, they look too loose and wide, IMO

C)expanding off B, the hip armour is what really set sit off; IMP, they shoudl be trimmed up a bit
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