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  • Hey Rhye,

    Could you upload the map you're going to use for RFC Civ V?

    I want a good 18 Civ Map, but all the others are just poor conversions. :(
    I found the file:

    I looked at the code and it just looks like "-1" "-1" "-1"
    I don't understand it at all. :(
    Hey Rhye, how would you make a trait that gives 25% more influence for gold gifts?
    I am making an East Indies/Colonization scenario and need this for a trait
    Assigning city names is quite easy. You can see the code in the python file CvCityNamesManager or something like that.
    Hey Rhye,

    How did you assign specific city names to each tile???
    Or could you upload the original Earth Map without unique spawn dates???
    Either would be appreciated. :D
    DCM is Dale's combat mod (EX: Archer Bombard, Naval Bombard, Revolutions like in RFC, etc.)
    I always use the enlarged europe version of Earth (yours :D )
    I was just hoping for something like a map where you can choose your civs with historical city names when you found them. also with the Unique Powers for each civ.
    I am not good with modding and scripting, so I have to make requests for this stuff
    What is DCM? However, it's gonna be hard to reuse some RFC stuff in other mods. For instance, city names are necessarily working together with the specific map.
    I could make some new ones, but they would be quite similar to the older ones...
    your location should be "Land of the Rhyesing Sun". anyways, is there any way to use your localized city names (AKA historically placed cities) and your custom Civ Traits with DCM? those are my two favorite mods, and I would love to find some middle ground. :D
    Any updates on the masterpiece that will be Rhyes and Fall for Civilization 5? I miss watching civilizations collapse, though the plague is still :sad:
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