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  • would you mind sharing your copy of Christos' books across the whole coalition. It will be a laugh to read I'm sure, but on a more serious not it can help in understanding his insanity and countering any stupidity he might initiate.
    I've thought of re-joining one a few times. Some seem overly complicated and I dislike using Civ5, doesn't seem to lend itself well to immersion role-playing, more army tactics. Plus I've had my hands full with games on the Realms Beyond Forum.
    Any games in particular that looks good at the moment? I haven't glanced round since I tried to join a Divine Intervention and found out the player had an old version of Rhyse and didn't want to upgrade. (Thus I had to not play.)
    Nope, none. Oh, and I can't delete any group, a message appears telling me I'm not allowed to do that.
    I do have an interest in these fields, when I visited the US in 2008 I visited the Cape Canaveral facilities, and loved Tarantinos' Inglorious Basterds
    Hey, the S:WW SG has been getting a major overhaul, want to go ahead and give your opinion?
    You can pay for your children's education, increasing the odds of them becoming politicians. Family visitations also help, since I spoiled child has low chances of becoming a politician. Try enrolling your children in the many schools of the empire ;)
    Hey! Tambien, i formally invite you to join the Isolationist Party of Japan in Star of the Shogun:RP
    do you have the save for the Diplogame? if not could you say so in the thread? :)
    I may have come up with a new type of Civ(V, in this case) RP (reader reliability not required), have any interest in participating?
    Sorry for not writing back sooner, but I would be able to do at least some work on a reasonable backstory for that IOT you were considering. You still want help with it?
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