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  • I think it would be best to have the politicians choose civics.. with the politicians are Nobles in Monarchy, of course, and all those specifics.
    Totally right, totally right :).
    If there's something nice going on, then we want to know about it, sure :). But in this case I don't think it's *that* interesting for random visitors :/.
    Stickies are more for often asked questions, so that doesn't fit here, and an announcement for a single thread...no, not enough.
    But if we do again another CFC newsletter (not sure), then we'll probably consider mentioning it :).
    (else you're sure free to ask the other mods)
    good, because you do know what would happen if you cut me out completely... not pretty. Besides read my PM, we can come to some sort of arrangement
    victory is mine :p, Also why the hell did you make a constitution so early? At least in GaP we went through the motions of consensus once we had a sufficient number of politicans and dissenting voices.
    ey tam, scout first is better, monument takes ages and we don't really need it atm since we havent even developed any land.
    That would be a yes. You will be able to control the first settler and warrior. And you will get to choose the political structure of Athens.
    Hey Tambien, You have been given the joyous task of deciding what our workers shall do. Complete autonomy :p. Check the governing thread in the social group also to comment on the plan and hear my limited thoughts on the matter of worker works.
    I posted a discussion in the CAJ social group so we can figure out our plan for the direction of Japan if you'd be so inclined to go there :p
    I had a hard time keeping up with it as I couldn't see the pictures, and I think I would rather start near the beginning.
    excellent, now of course purchasing it is not likely to happen, but I suppose you can convince him to give you some copies in some manner, he is afterall just a lonely greek ultra-nationalists who really only wants to be loved :p :rolleyes:
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