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  • "Sorry, doggy - I can't work the can opener, either!"

    Aww, that is one of the cutest cat/dog pictures I've ever seen! :love:
    World of Warcrack? No, thank you. A friend in Calgary said I should get involved in that, but I reminded her that I couldn't afford to (either monetarily or time-wise).

    Why doesn't everybody else just become Chloe (my cat)? Would make for some really odd posts if the reader wasn't paying attention ("Valka posted WHAT???!!!").
    The other idea was possibly really funny, though. All right, I'll make the decision in a day or two and switch.
    Unfortunately, it's not sonic, nor even electric. It takes physical power to use. But it is colorful.

    I just found out that I have to go through this crap AGAIN, on April 12. They do two sprayings to make sure. And if I'm unlucky enough to have the little 6-legged bastards invading, a third spraying. So the building manager said there's no point in replacing anything I've moved (ie. nearly all my furniture, which is crammed into the middle of each room). I've just replaced the essential electrical outlet covers and have to trust that Maddy won't literally poke her whiskers anywhere else.

    What's "The Guild" about?
    Well, now I do have a set of screwdrivers. Pliers is next on the list.

    Apparently the guys who did the spraying did find it impossible to plug in the phone correctly. Funny thing is, the tech I talked to (in India, btw), was much more worried that I didn't have my TV working either. I told him that if I missed anything important, that's what YouTube is for.

    BTW, I just signed up for Netflix. Anything good on there of a science fictional nature from the years 2007 to 2012 (the years when I did not own a working TV)?
    No, the cats do not play Fishdom. They barely know what fish are for unless they come out of a can.

    So when I came back... I had to go shopping. I'd forgotten about having to replace all the electrical outlet covers so I had to go buy a screwdriver. There's nobody around on the weekend to borrow from. Then I discovered that my internet wasn't working... and spent 45 minutes on the phone with a tech, only to discover that the twits who sprayed had unplugged my phone and modem and replaced them in the wrong jacks. So the phone still worked, but the wireless internet and TV were screwed.

    But all was not totally frustrating today. I discovered a color laser printer/copier/scanner that is also wireless, so I'm buying it next week.
    You were banned??? I wondered where you'd gone!

    Well, the Hotel turned out to be a Motel, but at least there's a Chinese restaurant downstairs and free wireless internet in the rooms. I made sure to take along my laptop, even if only for playing Fishdom (very addictive).

    Yes, pest control is a Big Deal here. It's more evidence of climate change, depending on which 6-legged creatures show up (ie. pine beetles). But actually, I think this company makes a bigger fuss than many do, since the building is huge and the floor I live on is a "family floor" (they allow human children). Nothing like having kids pass insects around at school...
    Not yet. Dunno if you've been keeping up with the IALS gossip, but I spent February packing, then moving, recovering from packing and moving, and now my neighbors have been kind enough to get afflicted with bedbugs. Since my unit is within a certain radius of theirs, I have to submit to the pest control people traipsing through here while my cats and I stay at a hotel. Thank goodness I haven't had time to unpack much yet, since everything has to be vacuumed, washed, and moved away from the walls. They're even making me remove the electrical outlet covers.
    What sweet babies... how sad that they died like that. It's just not fair that cats are afflicted with illnesses (I've had to have several of my pets put down due to cancer and other diseases). Nyan Cat (aka Pop Tart Kitteh) was a very popular collectible when ICHC was running that promotion.
    At least we don't play Brockian Ultra-Cricket here on earth. We probably would fail around the first rule: grow three extra legs.
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