• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
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  • Not a bet. Half my family are Methodists, we don't bet. I was just offering is all. I've never seen your pic is all. To lazy to dig them up. I'im still gonna swear off CFC proselytizing for a week if the Aints win...

    EDIT: Dachs... Get something to eat, man, you are way too thin!
    Hey, Dachs! If the Aints win Sunday, I'll go one week without posting Cimmunist propaganda in the non-Ask A Red threads. If the Cheatriots win, will you post a photo of yourself on the Members Photo thread?
    If this PC paradise wants to avoid a Roman-empire ending in the next 10 or 20 years, it'll be gladiators like Greg who bring us back.
    November 23. It'll be a big anniversary special, featuring John Hurt. Peter Capaldi will show up first in the Christmas special, probably at or near the very end.
    lol k

    the krakow one was a question though, can you come on #nes in the next 3 hours or so?
    huh, ive sent u multiple texts in the last couple days, have u not gotten any of them?
    My premise (which Crezth accepted) is that Louis-Philippe deciding to intervene in Spain lowers army sentiment to such a degree that Louis-Napoleon's attempted 1836 coup succeeds.
    Recommended reading on 1830's-1840's France would be useful. A good general political/diplomatic survey of Europe during the period would also be appreciated, though I know I can always rely on Hobsbawm for general stuff.

    And a good biography of Louis-Napoleon would also be nice. I want to make him a little less...scattershot than he was in OTL, perhaps as a consequence of spending less time in prison.
    Yeah okay or don't answer.

    Dupuy does the same thing at the end of Chapter 11 of Numbers, Predictions, & War.
    We only learn later on that all conflict in the Avatar Universe consists of one of the Four Nations losing their sh*t every couple centuries in a cyclical pattern. :p
    "ah yes, the myth of the qualitatively superior Wehrmacht/ we have dismissed that claim"

    Curious about this. Dupuy (QJM guy) in Understanding War: "My early efforts to quantify combat were at first frustrated by an unexpected phenomenon. The results of the initial analysis of World War II data showed that the Germans were consistently better in that war than the Americans and the British, whether they were attacking or defending, whether they were winning or losing. [...] It was not long before analysis of data from World War I battles demonstrated that the phenomenon of German combat effectiveness superiority in ground combat in World War II had been matched by a comparable superiority in that earlier war."

    Goes on to quantify, asserts only US 88th Infantry was above German average, notes Germans classified them in particular as "shock troops."
    Haha, truth! I approve of any use of Aubrey Plaza. The first two episodes appeared a lot more focused, and a lot less aimless than last season. Hopefully they keep on that trend. I was a little disappointed that they appeared to scale Korra's character development back. I would have preferred her not to have full control of the avatar state considering that's supposed to come with total spiritual connection and understanding, at least if the Roku tale from inter-Book 2/3 is anything to go by. They also seem to be playing up the enhanced power when in the state, when my understanding was that the thing that makes the state so powerful is that the avatar is imbued with the wisdom of all her past lives. So that's whatever. Fraternity is definitely going to be a big theme for this season.

    You're welcome for the word vomit on your profile page, btw.
    I'm sure the critical thinking skills that you get via your history degree will give you a decisive edge over your opponents.
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