Moore's Colonization of an Ancient World 3K Scenario (MGE)

Moore's Colonization of an Ancient World 3K Scenario (MGE) 1.0

A year 3K apocalypse new world scenario from the 1999 SDC set on a large world map by Chris Wilkinson.

Mod files rescued from DSquared's Zandanian League backups and repacked in 7zip by Blake. Successfully tested in Civ2 MGE. Also there was no Title.gif so Blake added one for fun.

File added to this area as part of Blake's lost scenario/mod files restoration & cataloging project which can be found here:

Browse other Civilization 2 scenarios & mods in the collection here:

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Original Description/Intro:
^The date is now Year 3 (about the Year 2994 in the pre-collapse calendar.) In as been three summ-
ers since the two civilisations (The Carolingians in the north and the Haloglanders in the south)
where united under the rule of King Athelstan. The new look army, who once fought against each
other, now fight as one, well, they would if they knew of anybody to attack. The Caroglanders are
a fighting nation, they always have been, since the beginning of time (Time 're-started' after
the Great Collapse.) Now, armed with what ever they can lay their hands on, usually weaponry made
'before time began', the Caroglanders are starting to realise that they may not be alone. Part
of King Athelstan's navy has begun 3 different journeys in 3 different directions and according
to a map drawn 'before time began', they are in-between two giant land masses. Two fleets of Sco-
ut Ships headed Ost (east) to what is to be know as Mikligard, named after one of Athelstan's
sons, and a single fleet headed Vester (west) to Knougard, named after his other son. As the
ships arrive at the coasts of these new worlds, it soon becomes apparent that they are not alone.
^OBJECT: Try and discover as many other races as possible,
Capture the objective city.
^On the Caroglanders are meant for play.


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