This is just a set of random maps some based on reality some made up 
included are:
England: based on the British Ilse also used in my Invasion of Britain 53 AD.
Mediterranean: This is the original game map with the terrain features added. As in some versions of the game they don't seem to be there just the outline.
Wastelands: this is a hypothetical map the terrain is harsh and hard to play on makes for an interesting battle.
Islands: this is an archipelago it features many islands with smaller ones in between the civilizations are well space.
Badlands: this is based on Afghanistan style terrain i was going to and maybe still will build a scenario based on this map. Its tough terrain making for a hard life
any ideas comments or suggestions feel free to email me

included are:
England: based on the British Ilse also used in my Invasion of Britain 53 AD.
Mediterranean: This is the original game map with the terrain features added. As in some versions of the game they don't seem to be there just the outline.
Wastelands: this is a hypothetical map the terrain is harsh and hard to play on makes for an interesting battle.

Islands: this is an archipelago it features many islands with smaller ones in between the civilizations are well space.
Badlands: this is based on Afghanistan style terrain i was going to and maybe still will build a scenario based on this map. Its tough terrain making for a hard life


any ideas comments or suggestions feel free to email me