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Religion Mod Part I 2016-10-05

Religion Mod: The First Testament

This mod comes in two parts. The first deals with the spread of religion in the game. The second deals with the effects of religion in the game.

There are now more factors that contribute to spreading a religion besides just having a shrine in the holy city. Religion spread factors now include whether the target city belongs to you, whether the religion being spread is the state religion, trade routes between the spreading city and target city, whether the spreading city's owner is in a Golden Age or in the midst of anarchy, the power differences between the spreading city's owner and the target city's owner, the era the spreading player is in, techs, specialists and buildings of each. I've tried to include GlobalDefines for each of the different factors so that people can tweak it to their needs.


BASE_MAX_RELIGIONS_PER_CITY - This defines how many religions can be allowed in one city. A value of 0 means no religions are allowed in a city. If a city has reached the limit, religions cannot spread automatically to the city and missionaries cannot spread religion to it manually. The only way a religion could spread beyond the max is if it was founded there. I didn't want a new religion being founded to be blocked from being in its holy city if the city had already hit the limit. This limit can be increased with techs [see below...]

BASE_MAX_RELIGIONS_SPREAD_PER_CITY - This number restricts whether a religion can spread automatically to a city if the number has been reached. So, for example, if the number is 3 religions, a new religion can spread if there were 2 religions already in the city, but it would be unable to spread there if there were already 3. A value of 0 means a religion can't spread to a city at all regardless of how many religions are already there. This maximum value can be increased with techs [see below...]

Note: Each new religion decreases the chance of a future religion spreading. The number is based on how many religions are in the game.

TRADE_ROUTE_RELIGION_SPREAD - As I said, trade routes will now help spread religion. If the two cities share a trade route with each other, this value is applied. Increasing the value increases the significance of a trade route existing between the spreading city and the target city. For this reason, choosing civics, building Wonders, and researching techs that increase trade routes will consequently increase the spread of your religions (and it will also increase the spread of religions into your lands as well). A value of 0 disables this feature.

GOLDEN_AGE_RELIGION_SPREAD - It seemed like a good idea that a civilization in the middle of a Golden Age should spread its religions more easily. It was fun starting a game with this value cranked way up and all other factors set to zero, and not see any religion spread at all... then burn two Great People and watch as my state religion spread to several cities a turn!

VASSAL_RELIGION_SPREAD - This factor increases the spread of a religion from master to vassal (but not vise versa).

ANARCHY_RELIGION_SPREAD_DIVISOR - This reduces the chance of a religion spread when the spreading civ is in the middle of Anarchy. This indirectly gives a bonus to Spiritual leaders who don't have Anarchy. A value of 2 cuts the chances of spreading a religion in half. DO NOT use a value of 0 if you want to disable this... instead use a value of 1.

PLAYER_INTERNAL_RELIGION_SPREAD - This increases the chance of a religion spreading to one's own cities. A value of 0 disables this.

STATE_RELIGION_MULTIPLIER - This only applies to the above value. A value of 2 doubles the internal religion spread value if the religion being spread is the player's State Religion.


<iStateReligionSpreadModifier> - This increases the player's ability to spread his State Religion.
<iMaxReligionsSpreadPerCityChange> - Increases the maximum number of religions a city can have for a new religion to spread there. Negative values can work, but they won't display properly.
<iMaxReligionsPerCityChange> - Increases the maximum number of religions a city can have. Negative values work, but they won't display properly.


<iStateReligionSpreadModifier> - This increases the player's ability to spread his State Religion. This is intended to make Great Prophets more powerful after shrines are built by increasing the player's total religion-spreading ability after settling in a city.


<iStateReligionSpreadModifier> - This increases the player's ability to spread his State Religion.
<iStateReligionInfluence> - This increases the influence of the player's State Religion regardless of what that might be. I've applied it in this demo to the Arab Madrassa and Hindu Mausoleum.
<BlockNonStateReligion> - This acts like a one-city Theocracy civic. A city with a building that has this tag will be immune from foreign religions spread either automatically or by missionaries. I've applied it in this demo to the Spanish Citadel.

CIV4GameSpeedInfo.xml, CIV4EraInfos.xml, CIV4WorldInfo.xml

<iReligionSpreadPercent> - I haven't tweaked these values, but each of these settings adjusts the chance for a religion spreading. This tag in the GameSpeed info modifies the "RELIGION_SPREAD_RAND" value in the GlobalDefines. So if that number is 1000, you have to roll greater than 1000 to spread the religion. A higher value increases the likelihood of failure.

The tag in the EraInfo modifies the total religion spread probability. Increasing this value will increase the spread of a religion in a particular Era (only applies to the spreading player!).

The WorldInfo might not be particularly necessary, but it modifies the distance divisor. Increasing that number will decrease the chance of successful religion spread based on the distance from the spreading city to the target city.
Dom Pedro II
First release
Last update
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