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"The Battle of Australia" by Nick Dowling converted for ToT & TOTPP 2024-05-25

"Whatever destruction the Japanese wreak, there will still be Australians fighting on Australian soil until the turning point is reached, and we will advance over blackened ruins, through blasted and fire swept cities, across scorched plains, until we drive the enemy into the sea".
-Prime Minister John Curtin, 14th of March 1942

Following the Japanese victories in the battles of the Coral Sea and Midway, Australia is the only potential threat to the Japanese Empire. In order to secure their southern flank and gain access to Australia's agricultural and mineral wealth, the Japanese decide to invade.

The original scenario can be found on the CivFanatics Download section here.


The scenario has been made compatible to run on Test of Time and TheNamelessOne’s ToTPP (which includes the following features NoStackKills, CityPopulationLossAttack, CityPopulationLossCapture, TerrainDefenseForAir).

The unit, terrain and many of the icons graphics have been updated.

The events that automatically replaced the "Japanese Army" and "G4M Betty" units killed in combat was substituted for a number of replacements per turn mechanism instead (the final numbers based on play testing both the original and modified events). This was an important modification to make, otherwise, it was literally impossible to win a war of attrition for no matter how many of these units you killed they would each always immediately respawn.

A few other minor adjustments were also made to some unit spawning locations and events text, etc.

Otherwise, the scenario plays and remains the same as the original.

Thank You Note:

I would like to extend a very special note of gratitude to Tanelorn for designing the graphics for the Australian air (CAC & Woomera) and AC Sentinel tank units!


Civilization 2: Test of Time 1.1
ToTPP v0.184 (or higher) which can be found here.


Extract the archive into your main Test of Time folder
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