Technology Exploit


Aug 7, 2012
I discovered this exploit today while fooling around. It is pretty lame, but, as I haven't found anyone here talking about it, I figured I would share it.
Hopefully the devs will fix it.

1. Get to the renaissance. If you have policy saving on then you may want to consider saving some of it if possible. Normally I fill out the tradition tree and save the rest until renaissance.
2. Fill out the rationalism tree. Just fill it up and use the two techs on whatever is expensive.
3. Get enough for one more policy. You have just pretty much won the game.
4. Open up the piety tree. Piety and rationalism are opposed so this will put you into anarchy for one turn. During anarchy you will not get money, science, or production so make sure you are finished any projects. Importantly, during anarchy your population will continue to grow and you will still get points toward golden ages as well as culture. End the turn.
5. The following turn you will have the piety tree open and the rationalism tree closed. You can reopen the rationalism tree right away. This will once again put you back into anarchy.
6. When you reopen the rationalism tree it will break the policy bonus you get for having filled out the entire rationalism tree. You will immediately get two bonus technologies. These are in addition to the two technologies you got the first time you filled out the tree. End the turn after you pick them.
7. The following turn you can restart the entire process. Once again you will be able to switch to piety and deal with anarchy. Once again you will then be able to switch back to rationalism and collect your two technologies.

Using this trick you will be learning two technologies every other turn (i.e. one technology per turn) regardless of your actual science income.
Good work soldat. Make sure you crosspost with the bug forum so someone who is responsible for fixing the broken bits knows this exists.
Great, another reason we cannot play MP until this is fixed...

Games are very often over before this. And you lose a lot of turns to buy/build other things.

And for sp mode personnally if i fill the rationalism tree then it's for my last techs for victory. No incentive to go into anarchy here too but i may be wrong since i never tried it.

Exploit? Yes. Gamebreaking? Nope. At least. Need to be fixed though. Good catch guys.
I don't know. Today I played a game on immortal difficulty level, one-city challenge, with all warmonger-type leaders, and this crazy map setup I have been playing. I normally choose a small (6 player ) pangea plus and add extra civilizations until I max out (21 I think is the max).

As you can imagine, this setup can be really difficult early on because the warmongers WILL try something eventually. On the flip side, I find it also makes the game easier mid-game because often the civilizations won't have room to expand and won't be willing/able to conquer their neighbors. Late game it is technically really difficult because by the time you get to the last civilizations they will be advanced. Unfortunately, the computer is stupid so the late game only really requires using the right units the right way.

I may have won the game on my own (science ftw), but I decided to play with the exploit. Now it is 1720 and I have future tech... Even the top civilizations in this game are just getting artillery while I am sporting mobile infantry and stealth bombers.

I am about to start conquering civilizations with my army of 4 infantry and 2 artillery. The defensive value of the cities around me are still averaging only 40-80 so my artillery (+60 exp from buildings) can destroy the city in 3 shots.

This is immortal we are talking about, and I am already bored. I am praying that one of the other civilizations will catch up enough to give me a challenge, but i doubt it...
Exploit? Yes. Gamebreaking? Nope. At least. Need to be fixed though. Good catch guys.

Please tell me this is a joke. How is this not gamebreaking? Two techs per 2 turns is like 500x better than the old GS/RA slingshots. Come on.
Please tell me this is a joke. How is this not gamebreaking? Two techs per 2 turns is like 500x better than the old GS/RA slingshots. Come on.

It needs to be fixed, but it's not gamebreaking because - in single player - don't use the exploit. If you found a button in the game that gave you all the techs in the game would you click it over and over?

For multiplayer it's probably not gamebreaking because most multiplayer games are decided before the Rationalism tree can be completed.
Please tell me this is a joke. How is this not gamebreaking? Two techs per 2 turns is like 500x better than the old GS/RA slingshots. Come on.

My point is that the game is already won by that time. With proper decisions you can make your way through the tech tree and get all necessary techs(or very close from if going for science) before completing the rationalism tree. RA bug is way more exploitative.
Multiplayer FFA Games generaly never end before Information Age, so its possible. It is also not detectable in multiplayer, since the opening Tech in a Policy tree does not count as 1 but as 0 and is not shown (full tree is shown as 5 not 6).

I posted this bug 3 weeks ago already btw.

Its also possible to settle a graet person and use his special ability at the same time getting both if you are in a game that has slight lag. what kind of multiplayer coding is that?
Multiplayer FFA Games generaly never end before Information Age, so its possible. It is also not detectable in multiplayer, since the opening Tech in a Policy tree does not count as 1 but as 0 and is not shown (full tree is shown as 5 not 6).

Same for singleplayer.

I agree that in mp games this bug is more powerful since it's harder to tech fast. Maybe you can see this bug through demographic or simply global politics(if the ''rationalism 5'' disappear from the screen). But this should be reported and banned in competitive games.

In sp games you can check the log section and see when the player has entered anarchy multiple times.
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