Why are workers all left-handed?


Dec 16, 2001
Why are all the workers left-handed?

When they use their hammers or malettes, they always use their left-hand.
I think it is some kind of privilege for left-handed people in CiV world. You work hard for many turn and then rest in the city until your leader need work again which after most of landmass is settled and improvement is built, You gain either eternal residence in city or retirement. You also gain privilege as International Law stated that "Left-handed man shall not being attack with club, sword, pike, musket, rifle and any firearm or melee weapon. If military regiment marching through left-handed people that belong to enemy country. Left-handed shall be granted citizenship of soldier's country"

I am left-handed too
i suppose it is a conciously made choice of the developers to offend left handed people. they want to say: "you left handers better build that road and that mine over there because you serve nothing else, just the dirty work." while the right handers are all sitting in warm specialist place in a city or having fun with their newly aquired rifle in enemy territory, the left handers have to just hammer those rocks for the rest of the history of mankind.
They're actually right-handed, and we're looking at them in a mirror. Civ holds a mirror to real life.

We don't notice any REAL left-handed workers because of course all lefthanders are vampires.
Because they can't all be presidents, you know...
All the right handers unionized.
They're not. They're all right-handed. They use their left hand in protest of unsafe labor conditions (you're really going to force me to work when I can see that barb five tiles away! Fine, but I won't use my dominant hand!)
They're not. They're all right-handed. They use their left hand in protest of unsafe labor conditions (you're really going to force me to work when I can see that barb five tiles away! Fine, but I won't use my dominant hand!)

So that's why it takes them so long to get anything done...

Takes them several turns to chop down a forest, but a great artist can do it in one turn!
They're not. They're all right-handed. They use their left hand in protest of unsafe labor conditions (you're really going to force me to work when I can see that barb five tiles away! Fine, but I won't use my dominant hand!)

Could be somewhat humorous/offensive if once you got either the liberty policy/pyramids or both the workers would work right handed.
President Garfield could write Latin in his right hand and Greek in his left hand simultaneously. Also it may be historical with the left-handers. In ancient times (especially Rome) left handed people were considered defected or below right-handers. It was illegal for a left-handed person to enter the emperors presence (or even the palace grounds)
Some studies have shown that because of the way your brain works with your hand (if your left handed it uses one side of the brain more than the other and the opposite side if your right handed) right handed people are more down to earth and level-headed whereas left handed people are more creative and often are intellectuals (if this is the case why are the city specialists not left-handed?)
Of course the studies above are only generalities; you have left handed down to earth people and right handed intellectuals/artists as well.
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