
  1. Mosile

    Mosile's Art Icon and Concepts threads

    Hello all, This here is mainly just a thread where i can share art i have made for Civ V on photoshop as well as ideas i had but never could do due to my lack of experience with modding. If anyone would like to use any of my art assists for any potential projects, make some of my concepts into...
  2. pineappledan

    Icon changes for VP

    With VP nearing its final stages, I think some of the Icons used in VP could use a facelift. I was looking through Pouakai's Enlightenment era mod, and was stunned by the high-quality icons made by Janboruta and Sukritact for the mod. I have not asked them for permission yet, but wanted to see...
  3. Baleur

    Unique monument art for all civilizations. Mod idea?

    This mod, Sukritact's Swahili: Al-Hasan ibn Sulaiman, really got me thinking about monument models.. I really LOVE the unique monument there. Honestly i think that should be a vanilla thing for ALL civs. It is a building that...
  4. TheOneHitPupper

    Main Menu BG+

    225+ backgrounds 2.0 Update I've since doubled the amount of backgrounds associated with this psuedo-DLC mod and gotten rid of some of the less appealing backgrounds from the first release. If you'd like to see as many as 225 new and different backgrounds for Civ5's main menu, go ahead and...
  5. yeehi

    Relious Art Assets

    There are already the default options and custom relgions (lion, snake, etc). Where can we find additional religious icons? How would they be installed? Who would be a good person to ask to make them? For example, if you wanted a new custom religion to be represented by a kangaroo, to whom...
  6. RFormica

    Leader Art + Icons aren't showing up in-game, no idea why. HELP

    I have no idea why, but my custom Leader Art/Icons aren't showing up in-game! I have tried many things. I have disassembled and reassembled many mods to get this to work. I have followed many tutorials. Civ6 has stopped giving me errors, so it is of no help. I have checked the logs, nothing...
  7. RFormica

    Artists/Coders Wanted or needed? This is the thread for that!

    Are you a good coder in need of an artist to do the leader art for your mod? Are you a good artist who needs help coding a mod? This is the thread for that!
  8. RFormica


    I am making a mod that adds King Edward IV as an alternate leader to England. I am a terrible artist, so I need help with the leader art. I would like someone who could mimic the art in Civ6 as closely as possible. (For instance, look at JFD's civilizations.) Here's what I would like him to...
  9. R

    My Art Doesn´t work

    First of all, sorry about my bad english, im spanish XD. well i´ve made a mod that adds a new civ to the game: Galicia. and when i test the mod in the game, all works, but my art doesn´t display, like the icons was replaced by other and i can´t understand it... here is a link to my project, is...
  10. kantorr

    Any artists out there?

    I am working on my City State pack and I am no good at digital art. I would really like someone to help design the City-State icons to give the mod a finished look.
  11. R

    Art Asset help

    I'm currently editing the Civ 6 Gamepedia and some art files are missing. So could some good soul somehow extract and upload the art files to some file sharing site because I don't know how.
  12. Matsuda123

    Creating New Citysets?

    Hello, I have long discussed creating new Citysets for CIV IV. This dream is now beginning to become a reality, however, I am unsure of where to go from here. I have begin modifying the Asian city into a new, Tibetan/Bhutanese/Nepalese inspired cityset, but mostly I created it to be used in an...
  13. R

    Wonder Tweaks - locations & slots v1.1

    ============================================ Updates now via STEAM Workshop ============================================ Mod adds more acceptable terrain for wonders to be built on, plus adds slots to many...
  14. Kyriakos

    Who is your favourite painter? :)

    A never before done thread ;) For a while now (several years) it has been Paul Klee. I seem to like virtually all of his works :) I also love De Chirico. Desolation and large empty public spaces :)
  15. Mosile

    Mosile's Half-fast Icons.

    Hello, I am Mosile and here are a bunch of icons I made n Photoshop. Feel free to use in any potential mods you will be making. They aren't masterpieces and are mostly just stuff i find on google photoshopped to look like Civ icons. Air Brigade Brig of War Flailman Tank Destoryer...
  16. Balthasar

    Art Nouveau Interface 2016-10-05

    This one was suggested by El Justo, who thinks this style might go well with a future version of AOI (stay tuned). In the meantime, I'm posting it here for your use and amusement. This is as plug-and-play as I could manage. Put it in your Conquests/Scenarios folder and let 'er rip. I...
  17. Uffizi


    Civ V Wonders: Concept Art
  18. International Space Station

    International Space Station

    Civ V Wonders: Concept Art
  19. Red Fort

    Red Fort

    Civ V Wonders: Concept Art
  20. Parthenon


    Civ V Wonders: Concept Art
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