civ 4

  1. CanusAlbinus

    PolyCast 434: Zip! Give It To Me!

    The four-hundred-and-thirty-fourth episode of PolyCast, “Zip! Give It To Me!“ is now available for streaming on the PolyCast YouTube Channel. This episode features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus, Stephanie “Makahlua”, Phil "TheMeInTeam", and Jason "MegaBearsFan". Topics for this episode include...
  2. tangjinfeng

    Coronelía de la Guarda del Rey 2024-07-15
  3. tangjinfeng

    Ottoman Sekban Corps 2024-04-15

    This "ugly" unit may have been a widely recruited peasant mercenary sekban (osprey illustrations suggest that he was an officer or corps) widely recruited by the Ottoman Empire in the 16th-17th centuries. In the late 17th century, they became the leading musketeers in the Ottoman army. I found...
  4. tangjinfeng

    Polish hajduk infantry 2024-03-23

    More historical Polish musketman, using musketman animations
  5. CGQ

    [BTS] Completely puzzled by this map. I have tried multiple strategies and can't figure it out

    So I've been playing this immortal map for a while now and I'm just puzzled. I can't seem to break out no matter what I try and after rage-quitting several times, I realized I need some professional help here lol. I have both attached the current file and the 4000 BC one for anyone who wants...
  6. CGQ

    [BTS] How the heck do I approach this start? Coastal but no fishing start (Shaka Immortal Game)

    I just rolled an immortal start with Shaka and it's...well interesting. So we got a leader with no fishing, only has a AGRI, but at least there's a grassland piggy. No fishing to take advantage of seafood. My first instinct is to move my scout 1SE to see if there's any more land food: My...
  7. CGQ

    [BTS] I challenge all of you to try to beat this Immortal map

    I took inspiration from AcaMetis' Noble's club and made a map that I believe will be a nightmare to anyone who tries to beat it. I'm actually very interested in seeing how you approach it. [/SPOILER] I only have it for immortal, I don't know how to make it in world edit so you can change the...
  8. T_80_Tank

    Map of the World - 900 AD

    Hello there! :religion: I'd like to show you some more screens from my game. :hammers: It's my own Civ 4 mod based on RFC DoC by Leoreth and Additional AI for CiV 4 with my significant changes. It's include 164 civs on the gigantic Earth Map. Kinda historic role play. Unfortunately it's...
  9. CGQ

    [BTS] How do I get out of an economic situation like this? (Immortal Isolated game)

    So I started playing an old game from two years ago (continents, no huts/events). The leader is Bismark and I had this nice double corn start. I met my very close neighbor Pacal II and when I found I had copper I did a nice Axe rush and with only 8 axes was able to take all his 3 cities filled...
  10. T_80_Tank

    Map of the World - 800 AD

    Hello there! :religion: I'd like to show you some screens from my game. :hammers: It's my own Civ 4 mod based on RFC DoC by Leoreth and Additional AI for CiV 4 with my significant changes. It's include 164 civs on the gigantic Earth Map. Kinda historic role play. Unfortunately it's unplayable...
  11. MrBungler

    [BTS] Shadow Game: Monarch w/ Charlemagne

    Hi fanatics! Finally ready to improve at this wonderful game, and looking forward to learning from you. First shadow game, so let me know if I'm doing things wrong. I've been hooked on Civ since I first played the original with my cousin back in '92. Played all of them over the years, but keep...
  12. CGQ

    [BTS] How in the world does Pacal II tech so fast?!

    I've played this game for years and one thing that baffles me like crazy is every time Pacal II is an AI, if I don't kill him early in the game, he will tech so fast it's insane. How is that possible? What does he do differently (as an AI) that the others don't? Can someone who's more...
  13. Piquito2223

    How do I stop being a perfectionist?

    Every time I play, I always seek to achieve the perfect game with no mistakes. Fail to complete a wonder? I quit and start a new game. My army fails to beat the enemy and have to waste another 10 turns to raise a new army, failing behind in technology? Start a new game. Build the Pyramids and...
  14. Inverted.

    Can you mod in era based soundtracks?

    I used to like the civ 5 soundtrack until I started playing civ 4. Not that the soundtrack of civ 5 is bad, but I found the soundtrack of civ 4 better and more fitting for a civilization game. Is there any way to mod era based music to civ 5? Or is it impossible? I found something in the...
  15. CGQ

    [BTS] New Shadow Game...But with several twists!

    Instead of the usual settings, I've been winning a lot of Immortal domination games lately so I decided to try a Terra map this time :D
  16. CGQ

    [BTS] How often do you re-load? I do it all the time and I want to know if I'm the only one

    I've played this game for the last 3 years and I can't tell you how many times I've raged/reloaded! I usually try to avoid re-loading. When I gamble for instance, fine. But... Lose a super-promoted great general in a 80-90% odds battle? Reload. Lose a settler to a bear? Reload. Mis-click...
  17. CanusAlbinus

    PolyCast Update

    Hello everyone. It's been a while since we've said anything publicly, but I felt like i should say something. I probably should have earlier. First, although there has not been a published episode since last year, our show has not been canceled. We have four episodes already recorded for...
  18. Matsuda123

    United Forces Battleship 2022-03-31

    The United Forces Battleship from The Legend of Korra. While I dislike the show compared to Avatar, this design was really great, and so I thought it would make for a useful Asian battleship flavor unit. Thanks to MightyToad for rigging, skinning, and animating. I made the model and prettied up...
  19. CGQ

    [BTS] [Immortal Game] What to do from this point? Mansa Musa is killing me here

    While I do my shadow game, I've been currently playing a side-game as Ghandi on immortal so far. The settings are standard with normal settings and no huts/events.
  20. CGQ

    [BTS] Just another typical Isolated immortal shadow game with Wang Kon

    All this real world war and conflict got my civilization juices flowing again! :) I just rolled a Fractal map with random settings. No huts/events.
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