[] Multiplayer: Suzerain doesn't grant vision


Jun 25, 2018
In online multiplayer (which I play exclusively, so I dont know if it happens outside of this mode) I have the following bug: When I gain Suzerain of city states, about 50% of the time they do not grant vision. If I purchase their units, I gain vision on their units, but if they die I still have 0 vision on the citystate itself. I've had it happen in many different games since one of the last few major patches, though I cannot remember exactly when it began (it wasnt this way at launch).

It happens as multiple civs, against multiple civs, and with multiple city states. It happens for my friends as well as myself. We typically play 3 vs 5ish bots (sometimes solo bots, sometimes teamed)
There is a setting where you can choose to have visibility with allies or not. The default is visibility, I think
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That doesnt exactly explain why the vision gained from Suzerain is at complete random whether or not it is granted though. Theres 0 consistency.
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