1.52 Undocumented Patch Changes

The domestic advisor has a little bug. Instead of showing the gold a city generates, it shows the commerce. Why do I call it a bug and not a dev decision? Because of this line in the CvDomesticAdvisor:

# Gold Column
screen.setTableColumnHeader( "CityListBackground", 12, "<font=2>" + (u"%c" % gc.getYieldInfo(YieldTypes.YIELD_COMMERCE).getChar()) + "</font>", 40 )

It is called Gold Column, BUT it shows YIELD_COMMERCE. I&#180;ll try to fix it myself...
TripleGemini said:
Has anyone noticed yet if the forests still provide the +.5 health benefit once it is being worked by a lumbermill?

Forests have always provided health even when worked by a lumbermill, even in previous patch versions. I personally have never clear cut and only chopped if really needed for farmland/cottage or to hurry something I just can't live without. Otherwise I work the rest of the land, road the forests and start building lumbermills like crazy once available. I don't think forest chop was always a "no brainer" but it was one of those things that many players used as a crutch so it's good to nerf it somewhat (hopefully).
The production overflow has been fixed to get rid of all the known exploits regarding production bonuses.
1) New graphs -- they are simple line graphs instead of percentage of the whole. MUCH more informative.

2) In a regular, single-player game...the AI asked me for a Defensive Pact!!!
Reignking said:
1) New graphs -- they are simple line graphs instead of percentage of the whole. MUCH more informative.

2) In a regular, single-player game...the AI asked me for a Defensive Pact!!!

2) Hmm, I've never seen that.
I think this been mentioned before, but on the Foreign Advisor screen, if you look in tecnlogy, you can see how much gold the computer countries have on them at the moment (under their techs avaiable). And on the resources screen it shows gold per turn.
Reignking said:
So, my first Defensive Pact, and it gets canceled the first second that someone attacks me. That's BS.
It cancels... however your defensive partner also goes to war and recieves a permanent +2ish "Our defensive pact proves we are close friends", in addition to +2 "Our mutual military struggle brings us closer together." This makes it very easy to form the pact again after the war(s) are over, and allows you to freely declare war on allies of your enemies if necessary until then.
I noticed the increased upkeep costs also in my marathon game. had 18 cities on Settler and had to run 10% science for a time. Didnt hurt my research though since I already had joined 10 Greart Scientists to my capital.

Costs for some other units, notably warriors, workers, and settlers were increased by 20%.

Seems to be more barbarians too (no, I was not playing raging barbs).
Denniz said:
Reload your 4000 BC save and then regenerate. Not the best but still faster than going thru the setup again. ;)

As a followup to ny earlier comment, I've found that the regeneration is not a very useful tool, at least to the extent of using it for easy restarts. It keeps throwing out the same 2 or 3 maps. In a way, that does have a sort of purpose. Surely it's good for either one or two restarts, but if one does it habitually, it could almost get to be sort of a game within the game. What I mean by that, is that you would deliberately regen. just after starting a game, one or two times, and then pick the one you like best, then just regen. until it comes back again.

I am disappointed though that it's use for continuous restarts is severely limited.
Jimbo30 said:
I've been asked for a defensive pact a few times, even before the new patch.

Yes, not too surprising I guess, but on my account, I almost always have only one or two friends at best, so my chance at such a pact is about nil.
dragontail said:
Civilopedia now shows small icons + text instead of big, textless icons.
Thank god they did that.
I think (if not mentioned already) they added links to the civilopedia on various screens.
But I think there's a bug with the Spy now. It keeps interrupting while I order her to walk to a resource.
If you have health bars turned on you now dont know the outcome of battles until one unit is killed. Whereas before the health bar showed who won before the battle animation was even over.
I do see maintenance and upkeep has increased in my current. The only thing I don`t like is the AIs are still able to keep expanding like crazy while having tons of unit where else I barely keep up with them :mad: :mad: . Not to mention they easily out-research and happily exchange their techs. This is on prince :sad: !

Since we don`t have editor, we no longer knows what exactly the bonus the AI has though the cost is similar civ 3.
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