1 resource = limited units


May 7, 2006
Hi, first sorry my english, i just want to say an idea that i have, i dont know if anybody said it before (i read the forum but i dont see this idea)

I have 4 cities in my road network, in a city i have a horse resource, in this game you can construct 4 horses units (one in each city).

My idea is that you can only build a horse unit only in 2 cities (or another number).

Then i MUST to conquest/colonize another territory with 1 horse resource to use it in my 4 cities.

With that "problem" i have a new excuse to a war.

Just i simple idea.

do you mean just two units can be built for the whole game with that resource, or two units can be built at a time with that resource?

if its the secound one it sounds interesting but i think there should be techs, wonders, and such that would increase the number of units you can produce at a time with a single resource plot
Could be interesting, but war does not need this kind of excuse actually. The main point to do war is to grab territory, not to be able to do war more. The fact is that in Civ4, once you have secured your continent, the victory is nearly acquired... Plus, it would limit your tactics about units diversity and about production. Finally, as you could always product other kind of units, your army would be more diversified, or mainly composed of units that does not need specific ressources. The fact is that with an appropriate production, you could not reach back your oponent if he has more key units than you, what would end up the game sooner.
maybe not such a good idea with horses as they in theory could be bred to create more, would maybe work better with iron or something.
I think I see what is being asked here, and I do agree in principle. I have always had a problem with the whole 'Binary Resource System' of Civ3 and Civ4, but also feel that a totally quantitative system would add too much MM to the game. So what I have always proposed previously is that 1 unit of a resource will allow you to support X cities without any problems. However, above this your maintainance costs for units and cities begins to climb.
Secondly, if you build too many resource-dependant units off too small a resource base, then your build times for additional units of this type gets slower and slower. So 1 source of iron might allow you to build 4 swordsmen without problems, but each additional one is built 20% slower than the last-until they get to the point of taking 3 times as long as normal.

i think there would be to much resource tiles if you could only build two units per resource. Especially at the end of the game where every unit needs uranium or oil
I go to war against a civilization that have 3 oil resources, like real life they have a advantage, then my first objective is not to take 1 city but i MusT to take or destroy at least 1 oil resource, then my enemy should defend the three resources and i should be smart to know what resource to take or destroy.

With that you have a new strategy point in the game and not just to attack a city, we can have a resource war far from the cities.

Another idea is that each resource give to me xx quantity of shields each turn.

1 tank = 100 shields, 50% = normal shields , 50% oil shields.

I need 50 "normal" shields and 50 oil shields to build it, my unique oil resource give me 30 shields per turn, then i can build without problems that tank, but what happend if i have 5 cities building a tank??

Maybe it's a little complicated, but im sure that we can find a solution. ;)

And i think that we should have again the colonies concept like civ 3.

The main idea is to add a new challenge to the war, then we should think twice before declare war and to think each movement because we know that we NEED the oil or uranium before capture a enemy city.
I thought about using a "token" system, i.e. every resource give one (or possibly more) "token" when a city build something that need that resource it grab a Token that it would not be availlable to other cities until the construction is complete, the exception would be the city where the resource is located that could always use it. So if you have a iron mine you could build i.e. ironclads only in two cities at the same time (as long as one of those cities is the one with the mine). The only problem is that I can't think a way to apply a similiar system to happy/health resources.
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