10 cool things in civ5 article - 17th Sept.

Maybe the rules should be changed so that units don't get XP for being on the receiving end of bombardment. I mean, it makes sense for a defender to get XP from actual combat, but getting XP just for sitting there while someone lobs projectiles at you from a distance is a bit nonsensical.

Not in the literal sense... it's still "experience"... just not a pleasant experience. :king:
Maybe the rules should be changed so that units don't get XP for being on the receiving end of bombardment. I mean, it makes sense for a defender to get XP from actual combat, but getting XP just for sitting there while someone lobs projectiles at you from a distance is a bit nonsensical.

I agree. I try to avoid too many real world logical arguments but I agree that simply being bombarded doesn't seem like much of a situation to hand out XP. When defending under any other circumstance and they're doing their thing, swinging swords, driving tanks, etc I can see giving them experience, being bombarded? Naw.
Maybe the rules should be changed so that units don't get XP for being on the receiving end of bombardment. I mean, it makes sense for a defender to get XP from actual combat, but getting XP just for sitting there while someone lobs projectiles at you from a distance is a bit nonsensical.
Just because some moistened bink lobs a scimitar at you doesn't make you King of England.
I agree. I try to avoid too many real world logical arguments but I agree that simply being bombarded doesn't seem like much of a situation to hand out XP. When defending under any other circumstance and they're doing their thing, swinging swords, driving tanks, etc I can see giving them experience, being bombarded? Naw.

I think it's fine in terms of balance because the target can't retaliate against their attacker. If there was no xp gained either, bombarding would be more harsh than it already is.
Every city has a good it wants. If you give it that good, the citizens will celebrate by, uh, having a lot of sex

:yumyum: :yumyum: :yumyum:
That's the truth behind "We love the King" day.
On the flip side, it opens up the opposite strategy in which you sell your strat resources to another civ and then cancel the deal after they've cranked out a bunch of soon-to-be useless units.

You can not cancel a deal like that with strategic resources. EVen if you go to war, they get the resource for however long the deal was. Thats what the game guide says.

Edit: Same thing goes with luxury resources.

So you can not make a deal, giving them x strategic/luxury resource, get a bunch of gold, and then cancel the deal, or then declare war to cancel the deal.
:yumyum: :yumyum: :yumyum:
That's the truth behind "We love the King" day.

emphasis on "love"... right?

You can not cancel a deal like that with strategic resources. EVen if you go to war, they get the resource for however long the deal was. Thats what the game guide says.

Edit: Same thing goes with luxury resources.

Simply Awesome.
I think it's fine in terms of balance because the target can't retaliate against their attacker. If there was no xp gained either, bombarding would be more harsh than it already is.

Except it is also potentially unbalancing due to the experience mining proposed in this thread.

IMO bombarding is pretty harsh ;). Like I noted earlier we could go on forever using real world examples but if you're under artillery fire or such typically your first priority is to get the heck out of there either by wiping out those bombarding you or retreating.
regarding the promotion farming by having a unit standing in bombard range of a city...

the way i see it, it only works against the AI because a human player will see whats going on and just not bombard unless he knows he can destroy the unit outright. so its out for MP games, in single player the simple solution is just "don't do it".

i don't see the problem, if you think its a game ruining exploit, then don't do it.

i do think its important for units to receive XP from anything resembling combat, otherwise units facing bombardment on the actual warfront will be at a dissadvantage, since the promotion from being bombarded can give you a quick heal, or promotion that allows you to finaly break through the line and take out his artillery. because you KNOW his artillery is going to be racking up promotions.
Maybe the rules should be changed so that units don't get XP for being on the receiving end of bombardment. I mean, it makes sense for a defender to get XP from actual combat, but getting XP just for sitting there while someone lobs projectiles at you from a distance is a bit nonsensical.

I do not agree. I realy see Xp as being a bit of combat skill and a lot of moral bonus. Having survived a few bombardment while holding a line should make you more combat hardened than a young soldier who has never seen a fight.

Plus, the Xp for range attack and range defense is smaller than the gain from melee wich make a lot of sense.
A couple of interesting things:
One of the screenshots shows the temple has production cost 120 and gold cost 430.

On the XP farming bit ... I seem to remember a recent podcast where Paul Murray (is that the correct name ?) said that Battleships can't get the medic promotion. (He seemed unsure at the time though.)

In any case, medic is much easier to get for a land units because most of the XP boosting buildings only upgrade land. I suppose you could embark some dude to heal your battleship fleet...
I really like the buying buildings with gold idea, which I had heard about already, but I hadn't been aware that it's not tied to rushing production anymore. Good to hear the notification system works well.
So one thing came to my mind:

What happens with buildings, if you lose the ressource they needed?
Or what happens to the trade deal if you pillage your own resource?
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