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1000 Clues youve been playing Civilization 3 too much

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Originally posted by billindenver
567) You have ever opened your Inbox and seen at least one entire page full of nothing but mail from 'Civilization Fanatics Forum', especially if it's your Inbox at work:).

I once had 97 new CFC replies waiting :blush:
624 - You see that some morons don't know anything about history

625 - You find that there are more morons that don't know how to write XERXES... and write XERES or XEXES...
626) You complete the Manhatten Project wonder, switch the almost but not quite complete Longevity project to an ICBM, and after its completed the next turn you gleefully change your AutoSignature in Outlook to "My Words are Backed with Nuclear Weapons!"

627) You can't understand why Juarez (crossborder city to El Paso) has't culture flipped to the American Civ. (With apologies to our Mexican members! :) )
628 - You know the whole history of each wonder so well that you scoff at the limited history/description under

629 - When you teacher announces something, you start to imitate the sound when a Wonder is completed

630 - You try to edit your own life by putting in some colonies of guys and girls to get some fantastic results

631 - You burn a copy of the Civ3 CD and put it in your drive, and sleep with the real one at night

632 - You have a huge 15X16 poster of Joan D' Arc in your room

633 - You e-mail Thunderfall frequently SOTDs in hopes that he will put it on the front page

634 - You create thousands of Civ2 and CIv3 scenarios and send them to Thunderfall for GOTMs

635 - You edit games to make SOTDs (i.e. make a battleship land-based so you can make it seem that battleships can sail through the wonderous land)

636 - You call up the NAS (National Science Association) and ask them what Future Tech they are reseraching

637 - You ask the navy why they use Marines when they've became obselete against Mechanized Infantry and Modern Armored Units

638 - You are suprised to find F-15s in Isreal because you thought that only the Americans can build them

639 - You install a patch to fix your life because it's been ruined

640 - You call for Queen Elizabeth in England and ask her whether she's taking a milk bath

641 - You ask the ruler of China if Mao ever wasted the country's budget on a game of fan tan

642 - You go nuts when a guy finishes a project before you, and try to go back in time to sabotage it

643 - You too often go over the limit while typing messages (very sad indeed)

644 - You have multiple accounts at CFC because you love all the differnt forum styles

645 - You have downloaded a spreadsheet-simulation program at work so if your boss suddenly comes in you hit the panic button and make like you're working
646 - You don't realize that the technology to build the SDI defense doesn't exist yet.
647) You don't believe that #646 is true because you JUST FINISHED SDI and you KNOW its NOT a Future Tech!
648 - You laugh at President Regan who was all talk about SDI and that you have SDI and are protected by almost all incoming nukes

649 - Your best friend, who has watched you played Civ3 for hours, now speaks to you in advisor quotes

650 - When you're getting beaten by bullies, your best friend says, "Compared to these guys, our army is weak!"
651 - You order a T3 line and browse CFC with 5 monitors and 10 browser windows each just to catch all the latest information

652 - You order the same T3 line in wait for PTW

653 - You setup a network for PTW hotseat games

654 - You wait for PTW so you can play against yourself

655 - You copy the unit pics and create scenes in Photoshop/PSP

656 - You edit screenshots to trick newbies

657 - You tell your bank that you want the 1.29f patch so you can generate more income (commerce).

658 - You start a petition to bring Zouave back because you know he won't whine with the "Turn off culture flipping" option. :D

659 - You've been permbanned from the major Civ3 fansites because you spammed too much about getting PTW in November.

660 - You have as many units as clues.

661 - You want the local marine barracks in your yard so your neighbor won't think you're weak.

662 - You wonder why the frigates in your city's harbor haven't been upgraded yet.

663 - You try to identify every major improvement in your city.

664 - You start counting the days until PTW.

665 - You post #665 to see who the next unlucky poster is. ;)
667 - You talk a lot so that people will address you as Chieftian, Warlord, etc.
668- You see some scientists in a labratory and you angrily shout out "You wasteful fools! Go work in the fields!"
669- You join the libertarian party in hopes of an anarchy so you don't have to pay your taxes because you collect no taxes in anarchy.
670- You wonder why we didn't cut down all the trees in the ancient age because the shield bonus would be more useful.
671 - While hiking in the forest you come upon a fellow hiker and offer him your two workers(kids) for his word map

672 - You protest the school system when it says the Great Wall was made by the Chinese insisting that the Germans made it and it only affected cities that had city wall

673 - You legally change your name to Sid Meier, have 16 children and name them teh Leaders of the different civs in Civ 3
675 - You spend time making an animated gif of your civ's history. (taking a snapshot of one area every turn)
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