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1000 Clues youve been playing Civilization 3 too much

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Well, it's for the demogame. :p
676- You want to take a college course on a civilzation because you "play as them"
677 - You argue that history actually began at 4000 B.C. and will end in 2050 A.D. if someone doesn't win.
678 - Because each square supposedly represents 100x100 miles, you beieve each one is worthy of its own name and hold a name dedication ceremony for each tile as it enters your cultural borders.

DONT give me any ideas, ITS hard enough to get through a Regent game on a huge map as it is :aargh: :cringe: :wallbash:

Because each square supposedly represents 100x100 miles, you beieve each one is worthy of its own name and hold a name dedication ceremony for each tile as it enters your cultural borders.
679 - At breakfast you see a Banana and think: "That could be a luxury in CIV4"

680 - At school you think "Schools could be build to increase our research and culture borders in CIV4"

681 - At lunch you think "in CIV4 some citizens should eat just 1 and others 3 food per turn"

682 - You see an indian and you think "he could eat just 1 food per turn, for example"

683 - At afternoon you play CIV and think "Civ game should be a luxury in CIV4. Or maybe Civ conception a great wonder that brings more hapiness".

684 - You don't dinner and you think "My mom would give a good pic for a citizen in CIV4"

685 - You dream about CIV3 and CIV4.

686 - You think this post comes from a normal person.
687 - An archaeologist discovers you 1000 years from now and they find you died of starvation sitting in front of a strange box with a disk in it that was engraved with CIVILIZATION III.
688 - You read 687 and actually get a flashback and miss the defeat ending in civ2.
689 - You look at a wooden something and think "That's a good strategic resource to CIV4"

690 - You call your cats Sid, Mike and other Firaxis names, and turn on them when your tanks looses against spearman :)

691 - You start a Spearman cult in your yard.

692 - In Earth's Huge map, you know the name of each tile.

693 - You are working on your's personal mod V_675.78 (V for version!)

694 - You have 2 computers to play CIV, playing one when the other is on AI turn

695 - You use the night to design strategies for your games in a milimetrical paper, assuming that they will react as YOU KNOW they will.

696 - You think Abe is the president of US.

697 - You have already read all the history encyclopedias there is on all the libraries you know.

698 - Your SOTDs are waiting in a row in CFC till 2004.

699 - You don't understand why your hard drive has +3GB. You only need Win and CIVs.

700 - None of your friends understand your's "awsome" jokes :D
701- You feel bad for Bush because you think he must get over a hundred phone calls a day from leaders of other nations saying "remove you forces from our territory or declare WAR!"
(when it is only about 3 countries saying this)...
702) You think American forces are stationed in Kabul to prevent it culture-flipping to Pakistan.

703) After your game, you actually wait until every leader has commented about your game at least once, before continuing to the next screen.

704) When at war, you go to the AI leader and offer peace only if he will give you everything he has. Even though you know he won't accept it, you keep asking him 10-15 times, just to really piss him off.
Originally posted by billindenver
702) You think American forces are stationed in Kabul to prevent it culture-flipping to Pakistan.

Don't look too close....that's not too far from the truth.

Originally posted by SirJethro

Don't look too close....that's not too far from the truth.
Yeah, I know:).

706) You think Ghana must have won, because Kofi Annan is Secretary-General of the UN. (must've been all those MPP's they had, or something).

707) You would like to automate your children, but are afraid they might destroy existing improvements, such as replacing your sprinkler system with a mine.

708) You hope uranium appears in your backyard.

709) You HATE your own country (damned Americans. Lincoln sucks).:).
  1. 710 Your moving to a new house and your computer is packed up for 5 days. By the third day you are going through withdrawl symptoms and have the shakes.
  2. 711 You are in your Networking class and instead of doing you assignment, your posting #710.
712 - Autumn makes you nervous, because it is more difficult to determine which forests are polluted.
713 - You speak more to "uncle Abe" than to your mother.

714 - In history you make ridiculous emendas to the teatchers lecture and your fellow colleages don't even bother with them.

715 - You have adopted SID's keyboard, calling road to R, irrigation to I, build to B,...

716 - You actually "updated" your keyboard to SID's version.

717 - You only abandon CIV to visit CFC

718 - You divide your life in turns

719 - You prove aliens don't exist because they are not a CIV

720 - You call New Berlin 8 to your kid's LEGOs.
713 - You regularly fall asleep at your keyboard because you can't stop playing.
When you're at work (you're a worker) you can imagine the icons under your feet while walking in the side walk, in the ground and in the grass.
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