• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

19th and 20th Century mod

There already is a mod about the 20th century. I recently updated it for BtS (a request on an other forum). If you want me to, I can give you a link to it. Maybe you would get some ideas. However, this mod was originally a vanilla civ4 mod, so don't await too much from the graphics (the leaderheads are still static for example). I also didn't find it to be a good idea to make two or three Germanys like the original maker did (don't know who that was). Although seperating the Third Reich from Germany would be okay. However, are you interested?
Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! Sorry! At first I totally forgot this and then I mixed up your request for the link with my magyar mod. I am so sorry!!

So, this is the correct link: download (please hurry with the download, seems like adrive has new limits that allow files to be public for a limited time only... sons of a b****, I really have to move to mediafire...)

Again, I am so sorry!
Unfortunately this mod isn't going to be out soon. Somehow Hollywood, broadway and Rock n Roll aren't working. The game crashes when you try to look them. ( Even though I haven't done anything to them.:( ) Civics aren't working either. I'm working on it but still it'll take a while.

(Oh no they're not working in original BTS. I'm in trouble. A LOT MORE work to do. :wallbash: :badcomp:)
If you would give more details of your problem some users may be able to help you solving them. I don't say I can (I don't have so much time right now), but there are a lot of other users.
If you mean zoom in on those buildings or looking at them in the civilopedia by saying "try look them" 'd start with the artdefines of those buldings. If they are also not working in original civ4, the best you could do is reinstall the game. I also had a weired problem some time ago (the units haven't been displayed anymore) and everything worked again after a reinstall.
Something weird happened. Now both the original BTS and my mod work perfectly. And the weird part is that actually I didn't do anything. Mayby I'll never know what happened...:hmm:
Still few things to fix but what a relief. Don't have to start from the begining.:woohoo:

(:badcomp:Don't be so weird!)
Hmm, Civs are great a long with everyone else, next situations...Maybe I'll make my own for the fun of it until yours comes out. XD

Whats is the amount of civs you can have on a map for this mod?
Thank you for your comments.:)

You might wanna have some pictures of leaderheads and the whole map and such, and you might want to put that on your download place.

Actually this mod doesn't have any maps or scenarios. It uses only those maps you already have. Adding scenarios to the next version.

Hmm, Civs are great a long with everyone else, next situations...Maybe I'll make my own for the fun of it until yours comes out. XD

Whats is the amount of civs you can have on a map for this mod?

You can have only 18 civs on one map. But I'm already adding a DLL component that allows you to have probably 24 or 36 haven't decided jet.


What they said, plus you might want to add some more info on your DL page.;)

You're right. I'll see what I can do. There aren't much to tell though...
Ok. I have added now that DLL component. In the new version you can have 40 civs.:D
But could someone help me with those popup screens. That city name screen (when you build a new city and it asks what name do you want it to be) and the technology screen (when you found a new technology). somehow they're not showing. I don't know how to fix it. They're not showing in the first version either.
I can't get those screens work. It would be nice if that Dawn of Man screen work too. I just don't know what is wrong with them. I have tried to solve it myself but I don't know enough about python.

But I added few other things:

-You can see the era name in the left corner.(See the first attachment)

-When volcano erupt event happens there should appear a volcano.(See the second attachment)

-And when a tornado event happens there should appear a tornado that goes away after few turns like the volcano.(See the third attachment)

Still if someone could help me with those screens I would be "pleased".:lol:
Hi, the mod look's great, downloading it soon. Here are my suggestions for Norway UU and UB:

Handelsflåte - replaces Transport (the one around the 1950-2000 era, if there are more of them)
+ 1 Movement point
+ 25% Chance of withdraw
Vannkraftverk - replaces Hydro Plant
+ 2 :health:
+ 1 :hammers:

Hope you like my idea of UU and UB for Norway
Nope, not needed at all, this was only a suggestion, nothing more :)
Okay, seems like the second version won't be out so soon as I thought. I was testing a scenario and there appeard a tornado just like I planned. (When the tornado event happens there should appear a tornado.) Only problem seems to be that it won't disappear.
After few turns I noticed that Civ told about many tornado events. Almost every turn. And I went to the world builder and saw a funny sight. The whole world was ful of tornados and mountains. :lol: I think they could be fixed and edited from python but It'll take a while because I'm not very familiar with it.
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