1. Ari -> 3 or 6
I want to kill the lion for an easy fifth XP-point -> woodmanII and faster healing. Further the injured lion means another team has been here!
2. Pyt heals- > ok
but moving (2 or 3) would be good as well... looks like good lands down there.
3. Ana (1,7/2) -> 3
I think 3 is best -> forest/hill. We can heal there, but as long as we stick to forests/jungle I woundn't heal.
4. Archi mines hillmine is 1 better than rice -> ok
Hmm, I was hoping for a food-ressource on the tiles, that Ana. revealed...
Hopefully there is one the next tiles that Ana. uncovers.
Further I really don't like the fact that only one fish and one pig are have a better food-yield than 4 in the early game. That's definately a malus considering the other teams have at least one in their capital's FC.
We really have to plan our settlements carefully to utilize their potential fast and best as possible... this will be a tough one...
(...but we seem to have lots of green hills... which is usually great, if you have enough food...)
Thanks, for the screenshots with tile-yields.